Customer reviews of White Dove Releases at funerals have mentioned an incredible feeling of a heavy weight being lifted. They say it brings closure that starts the grieving and healing process.

We offer for release:

1 White Dove: 1 White Dove will be released by a family member.

4 White Doves: will be released in the following manner:

3 White Doves released for the Holy Trinity together. 1 White Dove released by a family member.

3 White Doves released singly for the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. 1 White Dove released by a family member.

12 White Doves: 11 will be released at the end of the ceremony, with 1 released a few seconds later by a family member to join the flock.

21 White Doves: 20 will be released at the end of the ceremony, with 1 released a few seconds later by a family member to join the flock.
    The single white bird joining the flock symbolizes the soul of the departed joining the souls of those gone before.