Thank you for visiting my webpage, my name is Sandra.  I am 5ft7, 104 lbs.  My hair is light brown with red highlights when it is natural.  I have a degree in business and work in a bank in my hometown.

~~My measurements are: ?? ?? ??~~
(get to know me....I might tell ya =)

I LOVE the great outdoors.  I jog everyday and like to take long walks.  I can sit on the beach for hours and get lost in its beauty.  I go to the gym about 4 times a week...I enjoy working out.  I would have to say the thing I love the most would be watching the sunrise/sunset.
I have 3 sisters, Cathy who is 25 yrs old, she is married and has two sweet little girls.... then there is Elizabeth (we call her Zooie)  she is 17.....Marcella (we call her Cell) she is 12, then I also have a half sister Audrey who is 8 yrs old.

I have a few bad habits, like I smoke about 7 cigarettes a day, and I LOVE to flirt!  I mean REALLY love to sometimes gets me into trouble, but like I always say "GO FOR THE GUSTO!"

Some would say I have a big mouth, I really just speak my mind, that gets me in trouble sometimes too =)  I believe in myself, I take care of my body and am proud of who I am,  I just believe you should be honest about how you feel and who you are....and not pretend to like someone or something when you really dont, or pretend to be who you aren' is too short not to live it as who you want to be!
I am proud of my legs....running daily helps me keep them this way =)
This is a favorite picture of a few of my friends....who know my heart and how sweet I can be if you take the chance to get to know me  =)
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