The Word "Wolf"
in Native American Languages




Very few of these languages have a regular spelling system, and those that do, often use unique letters, so the words are written here according to pronunciation: vowels being generally as in German and consonants as in English. Capital 'N' is like French 'N' in bon, 'E' is like French unaccented e, and capital 'G' is a 'g' pronounced far back in the throat.

Abenaki - moNlsEm
Biloxi - ayihiN
Catawba - taNsisurie
Cherokee - wahya
Chipewyan - nunie
Choctaw - nashoba
Cree - mahiikan
Dakota (Sioux) - shungmanitu
Delaware - tEme
Eskimo - amaruq
Hare - bele
Kickapoo - mahweea
Menominee - mahweew
Mesquakie (= Fox) - mahweewa
Mohawk - okwaho
Muskogee (Creek) - yaaha
Navaho - ma'iitso
Ojibwa - ma'iinkan
Osage - shonge
Seneca - t'haayooNnih
Shoshone - toopi
Tlingit - Guch
Tuscarora - thkwariineN


In grateful appreciation to Ruth & Paul Voorhis for this information.


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