<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/wiccancircleoffriends/epona.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
A Wiccan Circle of Friends
Scheduled Chat Times
for the Sacred Grove Chatroom
Weekly Chat Times
8 EST/ 7 CEN/ 6 MNT/ 5 PAC, PM, USA Mainland
(consult time comparrisons for all other time zones)
People can arrive at any time they want and the chat will go on as late as people wish.
The Sacred Grove is a chatroom at Paltalk.  The Sacred Grove Paltalk chatroom is only open when a staff member has opened the chatroom. If the room does not appear on the list at Paltalk it is because the room is not open.  To use Paltalk you will have to download Paltalk (go to www.paltalk.com) and you will need speakers on your computer. It is best also if you have a microphone, although you can just listen to the audio and write in your words in text form if you don't have a mic. We urge you to download MSN's instant messenger and add the staff members and anyone else you have connected with here,to your buddies list. On chat nights, login to the MSN IM to know when others are on line. Leave a post at The Gathering Place message board to let people know you have arrived and are on-line lookng to chat. Don't be afraid to come in late on scheduled chat nights as people live in different time zones and overlap their arrivals and departure times. You can coordinate chats at other times in addition to the Sunday night, and Tuesday daytime chats. You will just have to have one staff person to open the chatroom. Another way for you to chat with site members is through the MSN IM. If you have a weekly chat time organized for an on-going schedule with at least 2 other people that you wish to have posted here just let me know! Happy chatting!
Blessed Be!
Main Menu
1 PM EST/ 12 noon CEN/ 11 AM MNT/ 10 AM PAC,
USA Mainland
(consult time comparrisons for all other time zones)
People can arrive at any time they want and the chat will go on as long as people wish.