A Wiccan Circle of Friends
The Wiccan Path
The term "Wicca" or "Wiccan" is derived from the Saxon word, "wicce" (pronounced wee-chee) meaning "wise". Sometimes referred to as witchcraft or (the craft of the wise), wiccans may follow a variety of different traditions, often mixing traditions and beliefs from various cultures and origins. Modern day  usage of the terms "wicca" and "wiccan" refers to a broad range of nature-based religious beliefs and practices, which hold in common an observance of the cycles of nature, a belief in both male and female Diety or Dieties, and a strict adherance to a moral code, known as the "Wiccan Rede", which firmly states at its conclusion,  
"....and ye harm none, do as ye will".

Because of our deep respect for each individual's right to choose their own spiritual path, we here in "A Wiccan Circle of Friends" do not wish to narrowly interpret how anyone's particular spiritual path should be defined. On this site, all who embrace the "harm none" rede are welcome.

Blessed be!

The Wiccan Rede
The Witch's Pyramid
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