Welcome To "Sexy Words Just For You"!

If your here it is because I invited you to call and speak with me.

Most likely you're wondering what this is all about. Well let me explain. It's simple really, I want your feedback. I want to speak with you on the phone about anything your heart desires, and I do mean anything.

Here's the deal, send me your email address. It can be any address that you have access to. Then wait for me to email mail you back. The email is going to link you to a website called "www.keen.com" where you sign up for free. Enclosed in the email I will send you free time to speak with me and Keen will give you a free $10.00 to start off your account. Now for the hard part, I'm listed under the ADULTS ONLY section. That's because you may feel free to discuss your "hard part"!

Are you still asking what's in it for me? Well by earning good feedback from you my rating goes up, and when my rating goes up more people will call me and I will get paid for those calls!


email me here wicked_beauty@yahoo.com