R. I. P.____________________________________
By: Jenna
The day was warm and the sun was out, shining its beautiful golden rays down on us. It was a couple minutes after our curfew… but no one minded that fact. Sona and I, ran along the meadows for hours, just laughing and
enjoying life. But it was this day, that all our happiness would slowly drain out from us and leave us dry.

“Sona, Sona!” Ann called, racing after her friend. Sona glanced behind her as she ran and laughed.

“Hurry up Annie! You’re too slow!” she commented in a cheery manner.

Ann pouted to herself, but then laughed and tried to run faster.

Sona and Ann were the best of friends. They lived in the small town of ‘Riverbell’. Riverbell was on a beautiful island. Most people hated living there, because of the ocean’s inconvenience. But Ann and Sona loved it. Sona
was a year older that Ann. Ann always looked up to Sona.. And, of course, Sona knew, as being a role model, she always had to act responsible… and she always did.

Ann was 15. She seemed a bit short for her age… but that didn’t matter much to her. Her skin was very fair. A bit more than most people she knew. She had long red hair that reached down to her knees and her eyes were a
greenish-blue color. Many people think of an as a cute little girl. She was a shy girl. The only person she really confided in was Sona. She loved Sona like a sister and she knew Sona loved her also.

Sona was a different kind of girl… different than most girls. Her skin wasn’t much darker than Ann. Her hair was a beautiful chestnut gold and her eyes were brown, with beautiful tints and shades mixed in. She was a
beautiful girl… but she seemed to have a lot of secrets... she never really talked to many people, except for Ann. Sona adored Ann. She loved teasing her and playing with her in the meadows. Sona believed that Ann was probably, the only person that understood her.

The clouds began to darken and rain began to sprinkle softly. Ann was still trying to catch up to Sona. “Sona!” Ann yelled out, sounded a bit whiny.

Sona, finally, slowed down and let Ann catch up to her. Sona smiled at Ann.
“Little Annie! You’re so funny” she commented.

Ann smiled back and said, “Do you always have to treat me like a little kid,
Sona? I am only one year younger than you.”

Sona smirked and looked ahead of her, as both of them walked in the tall grass, letting the rain fall on them. “Annie, Annie, Annie…” she repeated and then sighed. “I’m now 16… and you, being one year younger… as you said…
are 15.”

Ann shifted her eyes to the side and thought about it a bit. “Well… yeah… so?” Ann replied.

Sona chuckled. “As, I, I am 16 years-old… I have certain responsibilities! Like… taking care of the weak… and innocent… Like You!”

Ann narrowed her eyes. “16 can’t be that much different that 15, Sona” Ann said.

Sona just laughed. “Well… you’ll see, Annie… Now c’mon… we don’t want your parents to die of a heart-attack because you didn’t come home in time, now do we?”

Ann realized she was late. Her eyes widened “Aye, Aye! We’ve gotta hurry!” She hollered.

Sona smiled and just before both of them were about to race off to Ann’s house, Sona sensed a stranger’s presence. Ann glanced at Sona. “C’mon Sona… we have to hurry” Ann commented, ready to run.

Sona stood silently. She looked around cautiously. Ann began to feel a bit uneasy. “Sona… You’re beginning to scare me…” Ann spoke quietly.

Sona looked at Ann. “Shh…” she whispered.

There was a small silence. A gust of wind passed by, as the rain began to fall harder. Sona knew someone was following them... but she couldn’t sense where they were. Ann began to get cold.

I knew something was wrong, when Sona started to act weird. I always felt a bit uneasy, whenever Sona felt something… or sensed something. Sona always had some kind of weird senses like that. I always thought she was very gifted… Sometimes she would even predict things. Nothing too serious… just small things, but… for some reason… This time… I was more afraid than normal…

“Hello… Ladies…” a deep voice spoke.

Ann and Sona both jumped and held each other. Sona looked around to see this mystery person, but she couldn’t see him. There was a soft chuckling that could be heard. “Silly Girls… You shouldn’t be out in the rain…” the man’s voice commented.

Suddenly, as his words reached our ears, all our surroundings turned black. Well… it seemed black anyway. Then we realized we were inside. There was no more rain… The walls were cold stone and the floor was wooden.

Ann and Sona held each other tighter… terrified of what might happen to them.

“You seem… scared” the voice spoke.
Chap 2
Chap 3
Chap 4
Chapter 1