Make Your Dollars Count !
Don't Spend Them
There is an epidemic in this country.
It's called Greed and Excess.
Our government is Greedy, Corporate America is Greedy.  The Entertainment Industry is Greedy.
Retailers, Wholesalers, Franchises.......Greedy.

It seems that we have no say anymore in how our country is managed or viewed.  We have trusted our Government blindly for so long, we can hardly recognize it as our own anymore.
Our votes count for nothing today.  The current administration has proven they can indeed steal the Election.  What can we do to stop the atrocities that our Government is commiting against ourselves and the world?  One thing we can do is simply stop buying anything new.....Anything that can be bought second hand, should be...if possible from an individual.  If you can't buy it used, try bartering for it.

They seem to think they have us over a barrell.  We seem to have forgotton, that we have a voice and a choice....they have done thier damnest to make us feel this way.  Fight back where it hurts!!!!  Not with violence but with our dollars....these are the new American votes....Use them.  Hit them where it really hurts thier wallets.   I doubt seriously if anyone in residence at the White House is having to rethink college for the kids to buy fuel to get to work so they can pay thier taxes and bills.  But we are.

Seriously America, just say no to the barrage of advertising that demands your hard earned dollars.  It may be a bit inconvienient to begin with, but not compared to how it will be if we do nothing.
Try it for a month or a week or even a day.  It actually feels good to not spend, once you get used to it