Homebrew PMR446 Antennas (Aerials)

Some of my DIY antennas that I have built (purely for receiving of course).

1/4 wave ground plane

Simple quarter wave ground plane antenna for 446Mhz, all elements measure 15.8cm.


Slim Jim

Slim Jim - As invented by Fred Judd G2BCX


4 Element Collinear

Four element coax collinear


When I get a chance, I will detail construction plans for the bottom two antennas.
For the moment (and so I don't forget), here are some measurements for the antennas:

PMR446 Slim Jim

Total length of the Antenna - 459mm
1/2 wave top length - 304mm
1/4 wave bottom length - 153mm
Air gap - 2mm
Gap between the vertical elements - 12mm
Feedpoint (gained from tests) - 31mm from bottom

PMR446 Coaxial Collinear

Top 1/4 wave element - 168mm
1/4 wave coax tuning section - 119mm
1/2 wave coax sections - 222mm
1/2 wave coax sections plus bit more for trimmed ends - 230mm (My antenna had 4 of these)
1/4 wave below bottom coax section for decoupling point - 168mm
Ground radials (2 x 1/4 wave if used) - 355mm
Decoupling tube (if used) - 159mm (?)