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IRD  Reboot
Unlooper FAQ
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General FAQ

General Q&A

Question:  1 - Why can't I get the channels in the 900's (locals)?
Answer:  You probably have one of the newer (DTV PLUS) receivers, and they get only the local for the zip code you entered, and they appear below channel 100. BACK TO TOP
Question:  2 - How do I get a password from a card when my parents locked it (locks/limits)?
Answer:  There are several scripts available that will allow you to do this such as PassWordFinder.xvb which can be found on the standard download sites. This file only allow you to view the "Locks and Limits" password, and will not allow you to view backdoor passwords that were entered when a script was applied. BACK TO TOP
Question:  3 - My card says 'reset failed' and I don't know what to do. Can you help?
Answer:  You have not provided enough information with your question. Most likely the error is the result of a communication problem between your card and your programmer. Check all of your cables and ensure that you card is inserted correctly (some programmers want the contacts facing up, most want them facing down). BACK TO TOP
Question:  4 - I need a card programmed- can someone in the US help me?
Answer:  Since this activity is illegal in the US, you will most likely only get smart ass replies to something like this on a public news group. It is recommended that you get a programmer (~$70) and do it yourself.. If you must have someone else do it, find a way to make contact using email or some other off line method, and make sure you know who you are dealing with. BACK TO TOP
Question:  5 - Are the generic cards easy to program?
Answer:  Sure, just not for receiving satellite signals. They lack an important piece of internal hardware called an ASIC. They WILL NOT WORK. "GENERIC" SMART CARDS OR CARDS NOT INTENDED FOR DIRECTV RECEIVERS CAN NOT BE USED FOR RECEIVING A SATELLITE TV SIGNALS! BACK TO TOP
Question:  6 - Is the HU hack ready?
Answer:  NO. If it were ready and available, you would find it at the standard download sites and see a lot of posts about it in alt.dss.hack. If you have to ask, then it isn't here! BACK TO TOP
Question:  7 - Why doesn't Basic H run on my Wildthing 2?
Answer:  Because Basic H was designed for a smart card programmer, NOT AN UNLOOPER. The Wildthing (and the Wildthing clones) are unloopers. Also, your Wildthing software will NOT run on a programmer. BACK TO TOP
Question:  8 - When will the H cards go dead?
Answer:  Do you honestly think that the satellite provider is going to tell us? 
If they did, do you think that it would be the truth? 
If you want to hear rumors, just read some of the posts in alt.dss.hack and pick the date you like. BACK TO TOP
Question:  9 - My channels went out, is anyone else having this problem? There are to many posts for me to read! 
Answer:  If there are too many posts for you to read, why do you think that adding one more post will help the problem of too many posts? If the problem is in the data stream, you will see MANY posts about it since it will also be affecting everyone else, if not, be more specific so someone can help you. BACK TO TOP
Question:  10 - Why can't we just bypass the card altogether?
Answer:  Because the card is actually a part of the circuit that is needed in order for the IRD to descramble the signal, and without it you could not receive anything. And NO we do not know enough about some of it's internal circuitry to replace it with something else. BACK TO TOP
Question:  11- What is the "call ext. 745" error I keep getting? I installed Summit Stealth/Omen and it isn't working! 
Answer:  the ext. 745 message indicates that the card is not reporting what the IRD thinks it should be reporting, or that the card is specifically black-listed. Summit Stealth, Omen and others like it will enable all channels, but they DO NOT (currently) lie to the IRD when it asks for identification, they assume that you are using a subscribed card. If you are not then you should be using a spoofing script such as Thrower or SpooFeR to spoof a valid H card BIN. [NOTE: CURRENTLY THE F CARD SPOOFING SCRIPTS AREN'T WORKING DUE TO THE FACT THAT DTV HAS SEEMINGLY TARGETED SOME OF THE F CARD BINS/CAM ID'S] ALSO MAKE SURE TO REBOOT YOUR RECEIVER EVERY TIME YOU CHANGE THE SCRIPT TO GET RID OF THE "CALL EXT. 745" NAG!BACK TO TOP
Question:  12- How do I open the E3 hole?
Answer:  If entering expert mode in Basic H 2.7 and clicking open hole doesn't help and you are sure that any script that you had on the card has been removed, then you need to get it cleaned with an unlooper.. BACK TO TOP
Question:  13- Do I need a programmer or an unlooper? can an unlooper program?
Answer:  You need 1) a printed copy of the FAQ's, 2) a programmer, 3) the latest software 4) the latest scripts. Please read the FAQ's and understand exactly what you are doing PRIOR to doing it. That will save you a LOT of grief later... Although an unlooper can place an image that had been previously programmed onto your card, I personally believe that using a programmer is a LOT less dangerous for beginners. Programmers were DESIGNED to install the programming, and unloopers were DESIGNED to unloop.. Making a mistake with a programmer can usually be fixed with an unlooper. Making a mistake with an unlooper can easily render the card totally inoperable and possibly destroy it completely. BACK TO TOP
Question:  14- How do I get Omen 2.5b7r9? (or any other "new" [unreleased] software) 
Answer:  Watch for it to appear on the standard download sites (see below), when the Author wants to release it they will, and constantly begging for a "NEW SCRIPT" that isn't even released won't get you much. BACK TO TOP
Question:  15- Can you wipe PPV's from an H card? an HU card?
Answer:  You can wipe PPV's from an H card using Basic H 2.7. You can NOT currently wipe PPV's on an HU card. NOTE: WHEN playing with ANY VALID SUB, CHECK ALL SETTINGS AND PROGRAMS BEFORE you do ANYTHING to the card. Make sure that you are using the NEWEST (or BEST) versions of whatever programming or unlooping software you are using. You SHOULD NOT risk ruining a subbed card by making mistakes! Make sure you know what you are doing at all times. Check to make sure that everything is correct before you even put the card in the programmer or unlooper! One wrong move and it can be worthless as a subbed image if a mistake is made! To wipe the Pay-Per-View tier DO NOT CLEAN/ONE STEP CLEAN THE SUBBED CARD! IF you do a clean or do a one step clean you will wipe away the subscription information. If you DO wipe the sub info you will need to let the card sit in the original receiver until it comes back onto the card naturally. If you are lucky it will reset the tier info, and it may take a day or two for it to do so. If not, it's going to take a phone call to DTV. If you call DTV you are taking a chance they may say that they "need to send you a new HU card to replace that bad and outdated" H card!"BACK TO TOP
Question:  16- How do I get the HU PPV authorization script and how does it work?
Answer:  you can get it from the standard download sites. All it does is enable PPV's that were previously disabled. It does NOT wipe PPV's or extend the number of available PPV slots. Read the comments from the author at the beginning of the script. BACK TO TOP
Question:  17- Can I use my F card to get any channels? How do I unloop an F card?
Answer:  you can use you F card to receive audio channels (usually music) by using the tornado script. You can use the CAM ID and ZKT information from an F card by using cyclone to dump the card. This information is useful for putting on H cards that have been blacklisted. [NOTE: CURRENTLY THE F CARD SPOOFING CARD SCRIPTS AND BINS AREN'T WORKING DUE TO THE FACT THAT DTV HAS SEEMINGLY TARGETED THE F CARD BINS/CAM ID'S] Also, in order to unloop an F card you need a special F card unlooper, you can't use your H card unlooper. It probably isn't worth worrying about if your F card is looped, since it would cost more to unloop the card than the card is worth. BACK TO TOP
Question:  18- My friend has an H card that is subbed. What should I do with it?
Answer:  1) make sure that they KEEP it subbed! 
2) use Basic H to read the card and save the ".BIN" file in a safe place. Either clone the BIN to your H card or use it to spoof the CAM ID and ZKT table when running a script such as Thrower or SpooFeR. BACK TO TOP
Question:  19- How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Roll pop?
Answer:  three (ask Mr. Owl) BACK TO TOP
Question:  20- Which Script/Programmer/Unlooper is best?
Answer:  They ALL work pretty good or they wouldn't survive long enough to be asked about. Just make sure your programmer is ISO7816 compatible and that it connects to the serial port (not parallel or laptop card port). BACK TO TOP
Question:  21- How do I reboot (insert brand here) receiver?
Answer:  http://www.tbaytel.net/lbougie/ has specific reset procedures using the remote or front panel buttons as well as the "hidden menu" for most systems, but all IRD's/receivers should reboot by unplugging them for a few minutes with the card removed. Then plug the IRD/receiver back in and wait for the "please insert card..." message, and then put the card back in. BACK TO TOP
Question:  22- Is there a hack for the Dish/C-Band network?
Answer:  There are many hacks for many things. But THIS group only deals in hacking DirecTV hardware/software/cards/data stream. Sorry, but don't expect much of an answer here. If you are interested in checking out the commercial Echostar (DISH) hack go to http://www.koinvizion.com/index.html (note: the authors have not personally seen a Koinvizion card in operation, but supposedly they work). BACK TO TOP
Question:  23- Can I use my Dish network box to get DirecTV? (& vice versa)?
Answer:  No, you can use the dish and LNB, but the IRD is too different. BACK TO TOP
Question:  24- Who's "Dave"?
Answer:  "Dave" is the nickname that is commonly used when referring to DirecTV. BACK TO TOP
Question:  25- Can I set My USW to something like 250 and avoid all of these updates?
Answer:  That won't help. DirecTV is currently NOT using the USW number itself when hashing channels. They are using the actual bytes that they updated. BACK TO TOP
Question:  26- Can I unloop my card with a programmer?
Answer:  No. unlooping requires special hardware and software that the programmer just does not have. BACK TO TOP
Question:  27- Is there some software that will allow me to use my programmer as an unlooper?
Answer:  No. See question #26 BACK TO TOP
Question:  28- Can I copy the BIN from an HU card onto an H card?
Answer:  No. first of all there is currently no software available to get the BIN from the HU second, even if there were software, the HU has a second ASIC and I think that when the H got to the point where it calls it there would be some problems. No. first of all there is currently no software available to get the BIN from the HU second, even if there were software, the HU has a second ASIC and I think that when the H got to the point where it calls it there would be some problems. BACK TO TOP
Question:  29- What does time-out at 2a and 58 command mean?
Answer:  It means that the script or program sent something to the card via the programmer that it expects a reply to, and it did not receive one within the specified time. Check your cables and power to the programmer and pray that you card is functioning. Get all of the specific information regarding the error (scripts using, proof that programmer is working, programs used, versions, etc.), then repost you problem in a more complete and understandable way. BACK TO TOP
Question:  30- Why is Zima the best all around drink?
Answer:  Because when drinking, the most important thing is the company you are drinking with, and Zima seems to attract some very pleasant company. BACK TO TOP
Question:  31- Are there any DTV hacking Chat rooms? How about IRC?
Answer:  Yes. Several (check #dss, #dssware, #dss4nubz, #dsstech, #dss/tech, #ECM, #HU/p3, #satellite #swap and many others on any IRC network such as NoverNet or AndromedaNet. A few popular spots are irc.sat-tech.net (port 6667), satellite.ultratech-is.com, irc.c-plusnet.com and irc.intmain.com BACK TO TOP
Question:  32- How do I write scripts?
Answer:  That is too involved to adequately explain here. Please see the FAQ's. Since the H card is so expensive, I would recommend that you practice on a standard white smart card available for approx. $3 at many places (do a search), or Sun Cable can supply you with as many as you want for $265 (just a joke, he is a scam artist). From Super Dave: 1) Learn Visual Basic, 2) Read the FAQ's at http://8052.com/ to learn the specifics of the processors located on the smart cards, 3) Read the HTML file that comes with Win Explorer 4) Read and modify the current scripts, 5) Learn the H card specific jump points, 6) Write your own. BACK TO TOP
Question:  33- How do we start a secret news group that DTV can't find?
Answer:  Only way would be to setup some sort of private email lists. If you can find it so can DTV. BACK TO TOP
Question:  34- Can I get any channels without a card?
Answer:  No, see question #10. BACK TO TOP
Question:  35- How do I find the 110 or 119 satellite?
Answer:  Just point your dish at those angles and carefully adjust until you see a signal. An excellent page with info on the 110 and 119 satellites is "Zap's New Page of Satellite Hardware Hacking": Also check the DirecTV page (a href="http://www.directv.com:80/yoursystem/yoursystempages/1,1082,90,00.html ">http://www.directv.com:80/yoursystem/yoursystempages/1,1082,90,00.html) for help with pointing your satellite dish. BACK TO TOP
Question:  36- Where (insert name here)? I haven't seen them post in quite a while! 
Answer:  They are around, but probably very busy at the moment. You are not the only person they email or post for. It is even rumored that one of them actually has a life outside this news group. BACK TO TOP
Question:  37- Does DTV read this news group?
Answer:  We have seen several posts from people claiming to be from DTV. However, we have no proof that they do. It would be a serious business decision to NOT read it., therefore we must assume they do (better to err on the side of caution). It is best to assume that anyone that claims to be from DirecTV probably is NOT. BACK TO TOP
Question:  38- Where can I get a valid BIN from a subscribed H card?
Answer:  If someone wants to share a BIN publicly they will do so without being asked, and it doesn't help to post any "I NEED A BIN" posts. Be patient and keep your eyes open, and one may come along. Don't ask someone to send you one because the odds are very much against someone being stupid enough to place their own private working BIN in a worldwide public forum. ANY SUBBED BIN YOU CAN BUY OR DOWNLOAD DTV CAN BUY OR DOWNLOAD AS WELL, AND IT WILL BE TARGETED VERY SOON!! YOU ARE THROWING $$$ AWAY IF YOU BUY ANY SUBBED BINS. IF YOU HAVE TO SPEND $$$ BECAUSE YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT TV SUBSCRIBE WITH AN HU CARD, AND/OR WAIT FOR A FIX TO COME ALONG! IT WILL BE MORE OF A SURE THING TO GIVE DTV YOUR $$$ THAN IT WILL TO SEND $$$ OFF TO ANYONE STUPID OR OPPORTUNISTIC ENOUGH TO SELL A BINBACK TO TOP
Question:  39- Is (insert a name here) a scam?
Answer:  Go to http://www.dssuniversity.com/ and check the scammer list. BACK TO TOP
Question:  40- Can someone please post the crack for (software title)???
Answer:  Wrong news group. Might get answered, but most likely with smart ass replies. BACK TO TOP
Question:  41- How can I see what script is on my card?
Answer:  If it's a stealth, you probably can't. The best way is to ask whoever put it there. You also should try running the uninstall options for the most popular scripts, but be aware that might damage your card if the card doesn't have that script installed. The best option is to use an unlooper to unloop it and install a new one- that way you will KNOW what is on it. Remember to write down any passwords the script gives you. BACK TO TOP
Question:  42- How do I make stealth script accept updates? Can I get a non stealth script that is auto updating?
Answer:  Accepting updates defeats the purpose of stealth scripts. If you have to ask this question, you probably shouldn't attempt to modify a stealth script. There are a few non-stealth scripts that auto update (look into Lucent or new3mv6) but be careful- allowing DTV to update your card may permanently damage it! BACK TO TOP
Question:  43- Can I still subscribe using an H card?
Answer:  Most likely not. If you are resubscribing an account that has been deactivated they MAY resubscribe your H card if you are the original subscriber (and as long as your card hasn't made it to the 745 kill list). Otherwise the odds are against you getting an H card subscribed (in other words- DON'T COUNT ON IT). Overall it is a dangerous move to call DTV if for some reason your H card isn't currently getting any "Call ext. 745 messages." BACK TO TOP
Question:  44- Can I marry or unmarry an HU card?
Answer:  No. The scripts for that have not been written yet. BACK TO TOP
Question:  45- What is the best way to advertise my H card programming business? How much should I charge?
Answer:  Advertising something that is illegal in the US should not be done here and will attract only smart ass replies, but if you *must* do so: charge whatever you want and prepare to be arrested!! BACK TO TOP
Question:  46- Is it safe to put my hacked H card in to my receiver that also has a subbed HU card in it if I unplug the phone line when using my H card?
Answer:  Nobody is sure *exactly* what information your IRD retains or what it does with it when calling in to DirecTV, but several people are doing that with no bad side effects (so far). Should work just fine, just remember to unplug the phone line and remove the HU card before inserting your H card. Also, always reboot your receiver each time you change between H and HU cards. BACK TO TOP
Question:  47- Can I put a subbed HU card in another receiver?
Answer:  You can put it in another receiver, but it will do no good. The HU was married to the first IRD when it was subscribed, and there are currently no scripts available that allow you to marry or unmarry an HU card. BACK TO TOP
Question:  48- Can I program cards with a Macintosh computer? How about if I use one of the PC emulation programs for the Mac such as VirtualPC or RealPC?
Answer:  No. The software to programmer connection requires a REAL com port on a real PC, and it will NOT work on a Macintosh, and no DSS hacking software has been written for the Macintosh. BACK TO TOP
Question:  49- What is a good escrow service to use, and how can I get in touch with them?
Answer:  Biker's DSS-ESCROW (http://dss-escrow.com/) is the BEST choice, and is the ONLY escrow service that is fully endorsed by the members of alt.dss.hack! BACK TO TOP
Question:  50- Is it possible to use a larger dish with my LNB, such as a Primestar dish?
Answer:  Yes, you have to retrofit the LNB to the correct focal point. This will increase your signal and reduce rain fade. A page with good info on exactly how to modify a Primestar dish to accept a DirecTV type LNB is at http://echostar.swiki.net/70BACK TO TOP
Question:  51- I cloned a subbed card on to my card...is there a way to restore my card's original CAM ID without the original BIN or image file?
Answer:  No. you must have the original BIN. You might try looking for the BIN that Basic H created if you have ever read your EEPROM before you cloned it. That file would contain the CAM ID as part of the file name. However if you have read the card in Basic H *since* you cloned it, odds are it would have been overwritten. BACK TO TOP
Question:  52- I just bought an Unlooper and/or programmer- what type of power supply should I get?
Answer:  Contact the person you bought it from directly, read any instructions that might have come with it (also be sure to read the unlooper FAQ's). Get a universal power supply from Radio Shack that has all the connector ends, reversible polarity, variable voltages, etc. and look for a voltage regulator on the card that indicates the voltage (i.e.. 7805 for 5v). Most use between 6vdc and 12vdc, 300ma minimum, and are center-pin positive.BACK TO TOP
Question:  53- How can I tell if my card is an H card/How can I tell if the box on the shelf has an H card in it?
Answer:  If the picture on the front is of a satellite against a blue background AND the CAM ID number on the back begins with an H it is most likely an H card (The F card had the exact same picture on the front and the HU has a sports figure on the front). 
F cards CAM ID = 0000 3999 9999 and below
H cards CAM ID = 0000 4000 0000 to 0001 6999 9999
HU cards CAM ID = 0001 7000 0000 and above  BACK TO TOP
Question:  54- Is it really worth the investment of getting my own programmer and/or unlooper?
Answer:  Owning your own programmer and unlooper is the BEST option. You should always program your own card. The cost of the programmer and unlooper is well worth the security and peace of mind that you get from knowing exactly what script is on your card, and how it was installed. BACK TO TOP
Question:  55- I just reprogrammed my card with a subbed BIN so why am I still getting the call ext. 745 message?
Answer:  Are sure that the subbed BIN is still active? Also remember to reboot the IRD each time you change the script on the card. For specific reboot instructions for various brands go to http://www.tcup.f2s.com/faqs.html#reboot
Question:  56- What do you mean by "VALID" CARD or "VALID BIN"??
Answer:  A valid card or BIN is one that does not get the invalid card or call ext. 745 error messages when placed in a receiver. The only cards that will not get those messages are generally cards that are still currently being subscribed (subbed) to DTV. Once a card is no longer being subbed (subscription is canceled) it's CAM ID becomes invalid and will get added to DTV's database making it a prime target for the 745.  If you are currently getting the Invalid Access Card or Call Ext. 745 messages then there is NOTHING that you can really do outside of either cloning that card with the saved EEPROM file (called a BIN) of a known valid H card or running a special script such as SpooFeR or X2000 or Thrower. It is assumed that once a CAM ID is added to this invalid card list it becomes a target for the 745 nag. BACK TO TOP
Question:  57- will an F cardBIN work with SpooFeR and Thrower, or have all F cards gone down?
Answer:  Not all F cards have been hit yet, since apparently people have been having *some* luck with assorted F cards, but it seems that all of the F card CAM id's that were included in popular freeware software was targeted, as well as a good number of other F cards. Nobody is exactly sure why some F cards are still working. The best bet is to try whatever bins you have available to you, and see if any of them work. BE CAREFUL AND HAVE AN UNLOOPER HANDY WHEN TRYING OUT NEW BINS!BACK TO TOP
Question:  58- Can a programmer load an IMG file?
Answer:  No- an IMG file is specifically for the unlooper, and it also can't be converted in to a BIN that a programmer can use, without applying it to a card first. BACK TO TOP
Question:  59- What is a transponder?
Answer:  A transponder is simply a repeater, and is the part of the satellite that broadcasts the signal to your dish. The default that your IRD is set to tune to is transponder 2 because it is physically closest to the center of the satellite, and that is where you want to aim your dish. BACK TO TOP
Question:  60- can you clone a BIN from an HU card?
Answer:  No- there is no known way to save the BIN from an HU card, yet. BACK TO TOP
Question:  61- I cloned my card, but I forgot to save my H card's original BIN. Is it gone for good?
Answer:  Yes- as of now there is no known way to restore the original CAM ID to a card that has been cloned, without having a copy of the original BIN file. BACK TO TOP
Question:  62- Can Basic H and Win Explorer be used on an unlooper?
Answer:  No- those files are for a programmer only. For an Unlooper you will need Unlooper software such as BasicU and various WildThing software. BACK TO TOP
Question:  63- Where can I get a replacement remote?
Answer:  Replacement remotes are available at Wal-Mart, K-Mart, and most stores that sell DirecTV equipment, and average between $10 and $25 depending on make/model/multi-remote features. Also you can check online at http://www.replacementremotes.com/
Question:  64- Can I preprogram script on my card ahead of time in anticipation of the next update? 
Answer:  No- If/When the next update comes, there is no way to know in advance what memory addresses) will be affected and what values will be changed at those addresses. BACK TO TOP
Question:  65- How do I mod the EEPROM on my IRD?
Answer:  It is not recommended anymore. Many people have found that certain Atmel EPROM's don't allow you to fully protect the entire memory space in the EEPROM. In some IRD's, (like the Sony B50), this doesn't seem to matter - the mod still works. However, in many of the others, it DOES matter, such as all of the Hughes models and most of the rest of the Sony lineup. If you must check it out go to http://members.xoom.com/duplicator/irds.htm BUT BE CAREFUL!!! BACK TO TOP
Question:  66- How do I get Win Explorer to run? I keep getting an error message!
Answer:  Most likely it is because your Operating System is missing the Microsoft Scripting control that is needed to make Win Explorer run. Download and install these items before trying Win Explorer: 
http://www.microsoft.com/com/dcom/dcom1_2/download.aspBACK TO TOP
Question:  67- How do I remove the old script from my card if I don't have any idea what it is? What if it's a script w/ a backdoor code?
Answer:  With Win Explorer, try each of the available freeware scripts and select the uninstall option on them and eventually you should find it. If not- use an unlooper, and clean the card to it's original state (remember to save the original image first). BACK TO TOP
Question:  68- If I call and order a subscription, will they know that I have an H card?
Answer:  Yes- in order to validate your card you will need to have the phone line plugged in, and once you hook up to DTV via the modem in your IRD they can read the data off of your card. Also, when they ask you the card ID # the H card you have will show up as being "invalid" and they will offer to send you a new HU card. BACK TO TOP
Question:  69- How do I make a clone? How do I clone a valid BIN file to my card?
Answer:  First remember that the term "valid card" means a card that does not get the invalid card or call ext. 745 error messages when placed in a receiver. The only cards that will not get those messages are generally cards that are still currently being subscribed (subbed) to DTV. Once a card is no longer being subbed (the subscription is canceled) it becomes invalid and will get added to DTV's database making it a prime target for the 745 message. 

The primary purpose for cloning is to clone a card with a valid H card BIN file so that the programmed card will be accepted as having a legitimate CAM ID and ZKT table. Unless you have a BIN of a valid card there is no real advantage to cloning a card since simply cleaning and changing the script on the card will NOT stop you from getting the "Invalid Card" or "Call Ext. 745" nag messages no matter how many times you clean and reprogram the card.

If your card has been programmed with a script then you will first need to remove the script since the newer scripts close the E3 hole making it impossible for you to read the EEPROM image off the card with a programmer (note: with an unlooper it is possible to save an image of the card without removing the script. For information on cloning with an unlooper check out http://www.megsinet.net/~kayo/myWT2clone.htm).

Once the script has been removed you can continue the process, and save it as a BIN file. Open Basic H 2.7 and insert the card into the programmer and read the EEPROM image from card (magnifying glass icon). When finished remove the card from the programmer. Then select the pull down menu to the right of the ambulance icon and clean the EEPROM back to whatever update that you want. Do the cleaning process at least twice or until you see no differences (Total Bytes Different = 0). Then save the EEPROM as a BIN file by selecting the file menu and choosing "save EEPROM file." Name the file whatever you like and select "save." It is recommended that you save this BIN file to another place other than on your hard drive, possibly a floppy or zip disk or CD-R, to insure that your BIN files will be safe from harm or corruption (in case of hard drive crash). 

You also need to to clean the card you want to clone the saved subbed BIN file to. Open Basic H 2.7 and insert the card you want to clone into the programmer and clean the card twice or until there are no file differences (NOTE: during the cleaning process make sure that you SAVE the EEPROM BIN of this card so that if ever you want to return the card to it's original state with it's original Cam ID you will be able to do so). After you complete the cleaning process, go to the file menu and choose "open EEPROM file" and select the valid BIN file that you want to clone on to the card. Even though this file may have already have been cleaned it is still best to clean the EEPROM image again by selecting the pull down menu to the right of the ambulance icon and clean the card back to the 26 Updates. Again, do the cleaning process at least twice or until you see no differences (Total Bytes Different = 0). Then write the EEPROM in memory to the card by selecting the lightning bolt icon. When finished the card will be cloned with a valid BIN, which you can verify by reading the card info with Win Explorer 4.4 (magnifying glass icon) and checking the CAM ID. You still need to program the card with the script of your choice. Also keep in mind that as an alternative to cloning it is possible to spoof the CAM ID and ZKT table from a valid BIN using a SpooFeR type script (such as Thrower) as well.

For an excellent (yet slightly older set of instructions using Basic H 2.3) check out http://www.megsinet.net/~kayo/myprgclone.htm
For information on cloning with an unlooper check out http://www.megsinet.net/~kayo/myWT2clone.htm

Question:  70- How do I get the ethnic channels?
Answer:  An excellent page with information on tuning in the ethnic channels is at http://www.dishplex.com/directv/dssethnicsetup.shtml and http://www.dishplex.com/directv/dssethnic2.shtml
Question:  71- I am having problems pointing the dish- how do I find the satellite?
Answer:  Satellites are a very long distance away, and operate on battery power, so the signals received at the dish are very weak and will not travel through any solid material except perhaps a pane of glass or thin plastic sheet. The dish must have a clear shot at the satellite with no trees or other obstructions in the way. If you are unsure, call a local satellite dealer who will do it for a small fee or as part of the installation cost. 

The satellites are located in a geo-stationary orbit which is 22,753 miles above the equator in the Clarke (named for Arthur C. Clarke) belt. Therefore, for North America the satellites are toward the south. The DSS satellites are located at 101 degrees west longitude, which is south of Texas.

When actually setting up a dish, aiming must be precise. More than around three degrees off in either azimuth or elevation angle and there will be no signal at all. One or two degrees off may still produce a picture, but the signal may be easily lost during heavy wind or rain. DBS systems have built-in meter devices to assist in aiming the dish. The usual onscreen signal meters are accurate but difficult to use if, for example, the TV is in the house and the dish is on the roof. Setting up a portable TV set at the dish site is a big help. Professional installers use a portable signal meter to accurately set the dish. Also be sure to adjust your settings by taking into account the variation from the "true north." For a good page that helps you adjust your dish to the proper azimuth and elevation go to http://members.xoom.com/_XMCM/jastat/:http://www.dbsdish.com/azel.html"