Here are some shots in and around our Apparto building - that is, where we live. The name of the appartment block is yamakisangyobiru. So, just another twee 'home sweet home' cottage name, then.
Yes, that's right. The afformentioned 'yamakisang...' ah. whatever. Took this on my way to Night classes, where some fool had put me in charge of the corruptable Japanese youth.
This is the view over the road, at night.
This is our appartment block.
Sawada English Academy Juku. Just a cheeky shot of the place I work, when in Okinawa. View from the balcony: Left.
View from the balcony: Right.
View from the balcony: Straight ahead.
We've cooked some fine food in here. But sadly there's no oven - so baking is a microwave-only proposition.
This is where the computer is. We both spend too much time on the computer.
The Kitchen
The Study/Lounge/Bedroom room.