Contact Info:
Made in Texas
Wilde Frauen Farm natural skin care products are made with all natural herbs, essential and vegetable based oils, bees-wax, and other vegetable sourced products.  They are free from petroleum by-products and artificial preservatives.

We create, bottle, label, package and ship your order entirely by hand and use fresh, natural ingredients to prepare them in small batches for optimal freshness.

Our mission is simple:  to provide the best natural products and service to our customers at the lowest prices possible.  We take great pride in our company, our commitment to customer service, and in the products we sell.  Our online store is designed to provide you with a safe and secure environment to browse our product catalog and order your favorite products.

Visit us at:
Wilde Frauen Spa Gift Baskets
         Who / What are Wilde Frauen?

Wilde Frauen (vil duh frowen) literally translated, are "Wild Women".  They are woodland sprites of German and Scandinavian forests who may be persuaded to help raise energies for positive endeavors, especially ecological ones.  They are the "wild women" of the forests...

Wilde Frauen Farm is located in the heart of Texas, between San Antonio and Austin.  That area of Texas was established, in part, by German pioneers.  Wilde Frauen farm is in the middle of an old growth black jack oak woodland and is owned by descendants of German pioneers.  At dusk, when all is quiet, you can occasionally catch a glimpse of the Wilde Frauen, checking on our gardens and us.
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