Wildlife Video Bar t'at
Email us with useful information,
for details of the Yorkshire Wildlife Video group
or just for a chat about the hobby!
Because wildlife video takes a mega amount of patience, and a good bit or organisation and planning, those who indulge are a pretty select few. 

Within that committed few however, you’ll find a broad band of enthusiasts from record shot collectors across to amateur documentary makers, with a wide range of folk in between. 

This site is intended to cater for every type of amateur enthusiast and for every level of expertise from beginner to seasoned photographer. 

Gadgetry is probably the biggest area of difference and we endeavor to represent all users, in terms of both filming and editing equipment.

We hope to point you in the right direction for access to folks with expertise and knowledge in the form of clubs, societies and organisations.

Showcasing our films is important to lots of us.  So watch this space for details of competitions and festivals coming up throughout the country and abroad (even maybe as far as Manchester!!!)

Yorkshire is a big place, with lots of amateur videographers within it, so we are relying on users of the site to let us know about their equipment, what their interests are within the hobby, any skills or tips that might be useful to others, interesting places to visit, useful contacts and links............ and so on.....................

Yorkshire itself covers a massive width of photo opportunities with a huge variety of different habitats and terrain including coastal, peaks, dales, woodland, marsh & wetland, farmland, industrial, not to mention our own backyards.  Neighbouring areas like Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Lancashire, Cheshire and Lincolnshire extend our photography opportunities even further.  So it’s a great place to live for the wildlife videographer.  Let us know how you use it.........
Yorkshire Wildlife Video

The images marked P&JT are the property of Pip & John Townley and can be reproduced
amateur and educational purposes free of charge.
Commercial users please contact us for terms.
The copyright on all other images is not owned by this site - please contact us for their owners' terms of use.

The articles indicated as being written by
Pip or John Townley can be used free of charge for amateur and educational purposes.  Commercial users please contact us for terms.
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The information provided on this site is believed to be accurate at the time of publishing.  Please contact us to correct any mistakes.
Wildlife Video Bar t'at
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competitions, festivals & showcases    funding & grants    links   equipment & resources      
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