Metropole 2132
Role Play Now
The 3 Human divisions
The Vampires
The Elves
The Seraphims
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Metropolitan News
Technology 1 2
Welcome to Metropole 2132, a Role Play chat room.  Create a character, limited by only your imagination, then role play with other people. In Metropole, law has very little power over gangs and criminals. The city never sleeps and there is always action around every bend. Technology has reached a new zenith since the the millenia  started and new humanoid races now lived aside from humans. Please read the history, rules, and about the race you plan on playing (all located on the left column.) In Metropole you choose your destiny.

The city is divided into suburban, urban, downtown, and the business district. Slade's Tavern lays in the downtown area along with the police station, hospital, and apartment complexes. Houses lay in the urban and suburban districts, along with the grocery stores. Occupying the business district is the United Nations complex, V-tech arms, factory/managment buildings, and various other businesses and factories.