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Only through war can they find peace.
Only through alliances can they find solitude.
In a time where they are hunted and killed
In an era where they are few and scattered.
A desperate race must challenge the might of humans in the vain hope of peace.
Only through death can the Elven people find life.

  In the deep woods of the Yew forest the clan of the Wildwood Elves strive to live their lives by the teaching's of their goddess, Vala'Vanya'Amil. Forced to undergo a sleep lasting 900 years to avoid a deadly plague, the new leaders of the clan must guide their people in a new life. But the forests they once knew have changed. Humans have invaded the lands. Trees have been uprooted to provide their luxurious buildings. They have let the forest be over run by evil creatures. And some even proclaim open warfare with the Elven people, killing and torturing them. Their home, their lives have been invaded and there is only one resolution for them. The lines are been drawn for battle, but not visibly to the human eye. Through stealth, deception, espionage and betrayal the elves will reclaim their home and rid it of the invading creatures.

"The Wildwood Elves of Yew are a proud people, with many rich traditions dating back to when elves first walked the world.  Ostensibly a peaceful people, they live in harmony with the forest, and nature itself, however when riled, they are almost equal to Orcs in their merciless savagery"

The goals of the Wildwood Elves are to rebuild their once great tribe and to reclaim their home. Since they have awoken they have discovered the lands of Yew to be in chaos as rival factions fight each other and monsters run loose. Through any means they see fit the will try to take back their home. With such few numbers they must use less direct means of fighting, such as diplomacy and guerilla warfare.

"Whatever the truth may be, the Wildwood elves are an enigmatic people who hide their secrets well from the outside world.  Who knows what forgotten lore is held in their songs and stories?  Few have made it into Wildwood Elven territory, and come back unchanged by the experience, or in some cases, alive."

Although the elves may appear to be distant a ruthless to outsiders, there is a strong culture of uncommon love at their centre. On the inside they are a joyful people. Each elf is treated as a close friend and each life is treated as sacred. Crime is almost unheard of and hatred is non-existent.  They are the perfect society put into the middle of a world that wants them dead.