"Panthergirls are arrogant. They live by themselves in the northern forest, by hunting, and slaving and outlawry. They have little respect for anyone, or anything, saving themselves and, undeniably the beasts they hunt, the tawny forest panther, the swift, sinuous sleen." - Hunters of Gor

"Men," said Sheera, "make delightful slaves." "Panthergirls," said Rim, "do not make bad slaves either." Sheeras eyes flashed. She jabbed the knife into the sand, to the hilt. "Panthergirls," she hissed, "do not make slaves!"
-Hunters of gor

-We at WildWoods would like to thank a few people for allowing us to use their information and design apon this page. Thanks to Sheera for the use some of the information from the Silver Moons site. A hearty thanks also goes to Segulah for Her info and design of a few pages. Thank You to na'tali for her intial start and development of these pages she did awesome work. To Calista for helping Raeka with html so she could continue the fine work tali started. Karlos for His fine map pages and updates there of and last but not least in any way Tigress for Her hard work and dedication to Wildwoods. Tigress put a huge amount of work into the original information and graphics contained on the pages We are all so proud of. Thank You Everybody!!