Consequences for Rule Violations
A rule violation is an opportunity for learning. Since the student breaking the rule has not learned how the appropriately follow the rule or the reason for it, additional Rule-Training sessions might be required.

1st Rule Violation will be recorded in the RV Book.  This should serve as a reminder to the student of the expectations.

2nd Rule Violation in 1 week will result in a 15 minute Rule-Training Session, RTS.  This session will either be after school, before school, or during a lunch period.  During this RTS, the student will be given additional instructions on appropriate behavior related to the violated rule or rules.

3rd Rule Violation in 1 week will result in a 30 minute Rule-Training Session and a parent conference. This detention will either be after school, before school, or during lunch period.  During this RTS, the student will be given additional instructions on appropriate behavior related to the violated rule or rules.

4th Violation in 1 week will result in a 30 minute Rule-Training Session, a parent conference, and referral to the Assistant Principal
There are only 2 rules.
1.  Be on time to class.   2.  Show respect to all other people at all times.
The second rule applies to many different situations.
I've attempted to outline some of them below.
1. Be on time to class. Being on time to class is defined as being in the room, at your seat, with your materials ready.  Materials ready is defined as: your notebook is opened to the correct page, your appropriate book is opened to the correct page, your pencils are out and sharpened.  *Tardy students must enter the room quietly and have a pass from a teacher or from the office.*Tardy students entering the room in a manner which draws attention to themselves are in  violation of this rule, even if the proper pass is presented.
*Students who stand around in the hallway waiting to enter the classroom at the last second
  will be in violation of this rule if materials are not ready at the class beginning time.
2Show respect to all other people at all times.
a.  Show respect to your teachers, your administrators, your cafeteria servers, your bus drivers, and your custodians by addressing each one by his or her proper title:
Mr. Wilkinson, Mr. Kish, Mrs. Kitchen, Mrs. Gettinger, Mr. Heyder, etc.
b. Show respect to your teachers in class by sitting upright, facing forward, listening attentively,  following instructions, and by writing down notes and homework assignments.
c. Show respect to your teachers and fellow students in class by raising your hand or waiting your turn to speak and by listening to your fellow students as they speak at appropriate times.
d. Show respect to your teachers and fellow students in class by staying on the appropriate topic when it is your turn to speak. 
e. Show respect to your teachers and fellow students in class by remaining seated during a lesson. Do not get up in the middle of a lesson to sharpen your pencil or throw away paper.  To aviod the necessity of getting up at inappropriate times, bring necessary materials to class: paper, book, sharpened pencils, kleenex, etc.  Be early to the classroom to get your materials ready and sharpen your pencils before class begins.  Bring more than 1 or 2 sharpened pencils.
f. Show respect to your fellow students during class by bringing your proper materials to class so that you will not have to borrow materials from other students.
g. Show respect to your fellow students, cafeteria workers, and custodians, during lunch time by eating your own food with appropriate table manners and by cleaning up after yourself.
h. Show respect to your fellow students at recess by politely returning stray playground balls to the appropriate group.
i. Show respect to your fellow students by going directly from one class to another while in the hallway.  Do Not stand around in the hallway talking.  This blocks the hallway, preventing other students from arriving to their classes on time.
j. Show respect to yourself,  fellow students,  teachers, administrators, parents, custodians, cafeteria workers, custodians, office workers, by reading and following the building and district rules and procedures printed in the Student Handbook.
(The student handbook link will take you the the Weaver M.S. pages,
                         Click on the [Other Weaver Info] button to access the Student handbook.)
Follow this link for other helpful rules of life that you won't learn in school..
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