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The Book of Will

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Life Story
Chapter 2 - Sucks
Chapter 3 - I dont Know
Chapter 4 - The Chapter After Three
Chapter 5 - Cussing is Bullsh*t
Chapter 6 - Holes...Big, Hot, Wet holes.
Chapter 7 - Me
Chapter 8 - Publication
Chapter 9 - Metal Rules, Whatever You Like Sucks.
Chapter 10 - Billy the Goat
Chapter 11 - Aunt Jamima
Chapter 12 - FaceNeck Boy
Chapter 13 - Let Me Let You Know
Chapter 14 - All About the Banjamins
Chapter 15 - Your Opinions Make You an Idiot << SORT OF NEW!!!
Chapter 16 - Cirles Don't Exist << VERY NEW!!!
Chapter 17 - Im Awesome, While You, on the Other Hand, Probably Are Not << SERIOUSLY NEW!!!(as of a while back)