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Wat Phra Kaew

Sanphet Prasat Palace

Useful Web Sites

The Bangkok Post and The Nation are Bangkok's two English-speaking daily newspapers giving
information on local news and events.

Visit the Bangkok Post at

Lonely Planet have been producing guidebooks for the independent traveller for years. Their
Thailand guide is now in it's 8th edition (July '99) and I found it useful.
Whilst Rough Guides are along the same lines, you should look at both and see which suits you best. You should always check out the
very latest news on health, safety, prices, availability etc.
before going
anywhere as they can change
unpredictably at any time.
Visit Lonely Planet at
Visit Rough Guides at

The Foreign Commonwealth Office has the latest security, visa and general safety information for every country in the world. You can also get the info on Ceefax BBC2-page 470 (in the U.K.)
Visit the Foreign Commonwealth Office at

To convert any currencies, a very quick converter can be found at
Visit at

Bangkok now has a very good, inexpensive mass-transit system in operation called
Skytrain. It is comparable to the underground,
except it glides on tracks about 40 feet above the ground. There is a Skytrain website with
information on services.

Visit Skytrain at

On arrival at Bangkok airport, ignore the
official-looking touts and get to the counter for a safe and reasonably priced meter-taxi.

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