A Timeless Journey of the Soul








Joyful, immeasurable and energetic, the fullness of Divine Love burst into Thought declaring all forces of Life in an explosion of Glory. Think, feel and know – life is sweet, life is forever. Enjoy the Cosmos.

Again and again for countless years Divine Love awakened souls from separate disasters in the Universe to come into Being and carry on with Becoming. This is a privilege, a gift of love from the Absolute that gives self-respect and wholeness to all souls. 

Divine Intelligence fosters growth in life forms. The mental carries on, taking time to develop the physical with tools of change. Thought, an inner voice in humankind, an all-compliant Force is the guide of Life. The Universe is the home of the Absolute in boundless space and timeless time. It is the womb of Life and Love, always was, always will be. The Universe was never empty.

          There is a oneness that connects all natural forces in life, in joining and partaking in goodness with the Absolute.

          Drastic changes coming from natural forces may occur at intervals of millions of years. Ice ages are possibly caused by inadequate temperature over time. Perhaps Big Bang explosions ignited by the density of gravitational and magnetic fields enclosed together, bounce perilously, scattering tons of rocks far and wide to emerge as properties such as galaxies for living conditions.

          The invincible soul sleeps on in rocks in formation. Divine Love and  Intelligence restore an equilibrium in energetic forces. Slowly but surely imperishable souls  begin again and carry on.

Evolution was an easy guide to understanding the nature of life forms, and it took off with great assurance. Why can’t Divine Love or an Absolute Creator be a recognized icon, unborn and never gone, who preceded life itself, and Evolution in a timeless, boundless Universe?

          Metaphysics merge with Spirituality. Philosophy carries Truth in heart and head, Religion teaches to be caring and gracious. All know Love is alive and well – an ageless Saviour in existence. We have always been here, in our souls with a Saviour who has always been near, with knowledge of all – for all.

          Millions of years ago humanoids slid down from trees, stretched and straightened backs and tried walking. They crawled around in search of berries, roots, nuts, small animals and other edible foods. This independence grew into awareness and encouraged a settlement where the ecology was fairly suitable with rivers and plains for growing food. Huge mammoths were trapped by strong men. These  beautiful animals were used for food, weapons and clothing.

          People looked up to the blue skies, the white fluff of clouds giving water, the ball of fire overhead gave warmth and heat for cooking. At night the sky was covered with lights. A little yellow ball kept in and out of sight. They felt a presence and assurance.

          Later on, in many areas of the world towns and cities were developed. Families felt connected and were protected from natural events. They knew death and sought preservation for life. They were inspired to sing and dance in a declaration of fulfillment.

          Time rolled on, life changed for all life forms in every country. There were areas of desert, equatorial regions, temperate and frigid zones and various ice ages. Humanity grew into genotypes and phenotypes according to the temperature. Still under the skin all were the same.

          Humanity discovered the Universe with its galaxies and solar systems, its gravity, electricity and magnetic forces that keep the cosmos in place. Researchers know that there are more powerful and vigilant forces to be discovered in the sciences, and the basics for human health and wholeness. Information is never ending.

          Spiritual change takes life forms onwards through dissolution and restoration. All life forms have been with the Absolute forever. In whatever form or name Identity and Soul remain the same. All come into Being from Divine Love. Intelligence will carry on with change forever. Like memories, time or distance can be reached in an instant.

          We come from a perfect and timeless Divinity. We are a part of that unending and unconditional Creative Force.

          Life carries on as is –

Always the same.

Yet every life is new

 In the same old game.




Willa Ramsaran