A Thousand Arguments


There is nothing closer to heaven or more worth having as good communication with the people you love.


In natural law everything enjoys existence in its own measure, a bug, a leaf or stone - so what do you think?


One must bear the pain of sorrow. When it is too much, patience steps in.


Watch out for alternatives – these can dull your reality!


In the opinion of fairness, absolutes are tied to opposition and vary among individuals from the intense and far-reaching to the moderate. To reach one’s absolute is to know personal limitations, to know when effort, grief, anger, trust, hope and such experiences of pride or pain are enough. Beyond that, these expressions are by and large destructive, and the experiences useless. Opposition wins.


You are a loser when you don’t know what you have.


Perspectives rooted in selfishness dwarfs understanding to pettiness.


New experiences will bring about new anxieties.


When sufficient is not enough, insatiable needs sprout like poppy seeds upon the bed of death, and satisfaction becomes a fraction.


Those who run after happiness cannot as yet find the path to peace.


To care less is the axe that hits back to cut both ways.


When satisfaction becomes a fraction the only resource remains remorse on which regret stifles the breath.


From the mildew that is cast aside new shoots have grown, new roots awakened.


Joyful experiences gladden the heart, unhappy experiences develop the soul.


That there is spirit in all life forms is a truth which does not stem from the intellect, but from the emotion.


To find our centre to reach our soul: that is our goal.


Through fantasy – reality! The play of imagination brings thoughts together.


Anyone with a superiority complex also has an inferiority complex.


Be careful with perspectives: the war within a person has the greatest impact.


Right alongside a person’s need to struggle for survival is the blue-print for the moral code of right and wrong, good and evil.



Though traditionally man is the protector, and woman the nurturer, the roles may be reversed: when either sex disregards either role, they become less man or less woman.


Suppose is a most flexible and rigid word. We are prone to think and act as we are supposed to, or we rebel and ignore the suppositions. Usually what is supposed, gets things done without thought. Then there are the supposes which may run on ad infinitum, getting one lost in a maze of contradictions.


Perspectives, perspectives: what a difference it makes in the way we see, in the way we use our rationality, in the way we let ourselves be!


Philosophy is the study of Reality with or without the use of bias. It supports an understanding of the absolute of all absolutes.


Discarding disciplined to find freedom brings confinement.


Maintain love and you have guidance; lose it and your way becomes blurred.


There are answers to every problem, to every question, old or new, and sometimes the answer is to let it be.


Justice is uneven and is always to come as the never ending birth and death of the stars.


Be certain that strong ideas of right or wrong will serve for the better – or throw them out.


Often the way to help someone is not to help.


Those people who think of satisfying their needs first and foremost make poor spouses. They are short on commitment because of a personal history of deprivation.


Why the rush to get ahead to know everything possible within grasp, if the mind stays uneducated.


Without seventy-five percent of shared companionship a marriage is not worth a grain of salt.


The transpersonal self may be felt in the tragedy of another.


Duty without caring is like the shell without the corn.


There is also the good side of a mistake, and sometimes it can be a springboard to success.


Give Intelligence a chance; it stands between discipline and permissiveness.


Don’t think that because of your one or two virtues you are an angel.


Confidence defeats itself if it supports wickedness.


Heaven is found through beauty and love.


Hold on to God with all your might, or you may lose the flavour of life and fall prey to Satan.


Power is influenced by its twin, Greed.


Self righteous people are prone to be judgemental.


Creative people know when to follow, or when not to follow their root culture.


To dwell on the evil of others is to pollute oneself.


Freedom can lead to loneliness, and loneliness may be created by selfishness, as a good deal of the need for freedom arises from selfishness.


The antidote to dissatisfaction is tolerance.


Do away with the excessive and the recessive in pride, and keep its vital quality for guidance in communication.


Seeking perfection in one’s taste, choice, or decision  before acceptance or utilization is like trying to live on cream alone.


Those unfortunate few who find enjoyment only through their own ideas of solid perfection, carry on an inner struggle that outweighs the bits and pieces of contentment allowed in their lifestyles.      


Ignorance and arrogance are twins lonely at heart.


There are necessary frailties in human nature grown and nurtured there for developing the emotions of love or hate. These frailties may grow excessive to become judgemental, disruptive or destructive, affecting those unfortunate to be in its shadow.


Don’t knock the frailties; they are there to teach cooperation, to open eyes to a sense of compromise.


When the limits of adjustments and the area of grace have thinned out, a drop into chaos, or a drive for stability takes over.


Continuous or incessant drive for perfection will result in all-round harm.


Wisdom produces sensitivity.


Some, more than others, are moulded by their misfortunes, whichever way.


Peace may not be contained in happiness, but happiness is contained in peace.


You’ll find that rejection moves with swiftness, and acceptance with delay.


Justice takes on many and varied forms: what’s fair to one may not be fair to another; yet there is a true justice existing in all areas, in all situations that may be difficult to recognise.


Waiting can take over body and soul, and fill one’s life with emptiness: wait mostly on oneself and get a move on.


Those who travel in haste spatter mud as they go along.


Little by little Grace lets us forge ahead, beyond the ripeness of satisfaction to other dimensions.


The most valuable human quality is the conscience, and it can be lost or scarred.


Perception should not be someone else’s ideas tattooed on your mind.


Justice decrees that a sufficient quantity of one’s deep rooted ideologies should be original.


My opinion of myself means more to me than any person’s opinion of me.


Go on, just scratch someone a little, and you may get to see his or her true colour.


In all living things, the perception of human beings carry the most similarities and the most differences.


Your course will lead you on, so be sure it is the right course.


Over-sensitivity breeds insensitivity.


Art and Science paths of enlightenment, for the tutoring of the mind operate by maintaining standard.


To lose control of one’s life is to die a thousand deaths.


Mature people know whether their lives have been more miserable than happy, or the other way around.


It is originality, or a unique way of understanding another’s ideas that enriches one with information and knowledge.


Beyond the limits of Grace lies an uncharted territory.


Children in need look at you through God’s eyes.


Those who choose to move by struggle and aggression to get ahead, must use stony hearts and iron hands: unfortunately a good deal of the beauty of the world escapes their view.


Happiness has the same flavour, whether one sits on a heap of money or on a wooden stool.


Horrendous rejection allows one to feel one’s aloneness to get in touch with the self.


Nothing is as satisfying as the sweetness produced by the mind.


Instinct is an overflow of precognition; it precedes all movements in Art or Science. It fades away unless it is recognised and strengthened.


The savage is back or more likely forced back in a competitive world. It lurks behind every civilized face – the sneer hidden by the smile, ignorant of loyalty, respect or honour.


Greed brings insecurity and vice versa, causing a snowballing effect around the world, chilling hearts and losing the power to stop.


True beauty is the point where greatness meets humility.


The kite which soars, which pulls itself away from the ties of humility will eventually come down.


God’s truth versus peoples’ truth: moral rightness versus “dog eats dog;” the former ideology retains the conscience, the latter loses its guidance. It tends to sell the soul to preserve the body.


Courage in desperation comes from God.


The strength in softness is the strongest.


No matter what the setback is, try to do your best at every moment of despondency and you will have control.


Those who look at suggestions as intrusions, learn very slowly.


The Creative Force is both Scientist and Artist and is: God.


Rigid cultures are maintained by pride, loyalty and conceit. Respect for tradition is not always wholesome: it turns a blind eye to ignorance.


Most people can be moulded whichever way.


 It is the heights of bliss and the depths of despair that enlighten the spirit of mentally healthy people.


Greed, past the borders of satisfaction becomes insatiable. It is a disease of life.


The warmth of a promise is a moment’s bliss.


Joy goes to enrich the psyche permanently, while pleasure is a temporary measure.


Have faith in Natural Justice: it is presiding at every moment. The feeling of failure or success comes from an inward motivation that can be misled.


A lifetime of perpetual misery can be felt momentarily.


The radiant glow of genius will touch those who see it.


It is left to music to express the grandeur and the force of the universe, or the pity of it.


The long periods of smoothness that slide by, and the rough edges that keep coming up must intermingle fondly for maintaining the health of the spirit.


Love overly tolerant of selfishness and conceit, diminishes itself by losing its self-respect.


Those born to serve, and those born to be served must change places regularly to stay normal or mentally healthy.


Don’t let others make you who you are – you won’t be you!


Greed overtakes a society when personal needs must adjust to the wares of the marketplace rather than the other way round.


Life is a constant of dissolution and creation, and takes the best of that which is available to maintain itself. What’s available depends on the extent of physical and mental pressures and on pure luck!


Spurts of growth come from the success of challenges undertaken.


Strong memories adhere to the very base of personal growth; are preserved in time, and may emerge like the morning sunlight, fresh from the star, or like the darkest night.


Envious or jealous people are able to sympathise more than they are able to celebrate with family or close friends.


It is easier for some people to move mountains than it is to understand tears.


Knowledge requires common sense, an unbiased attitude in observation and communication.


How people are brought up adds to the trouble or joy ahead.


Knowledge is as unending as the universe itself.


Responses befitting the variations of human behaviour come short; the need is to nurture and keep in touch with sensitivity.


Selfish people find and lose peace by the minute.


Our energies are limited and must be used carefully, or lives get wasted.


“Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven:” right attitude and behaviour in circumstance and situation – the presence of a right moral standard to live by.


My only ace is that I’m glad to be me in spite of overwhelming disadvantages – whoever can say this has a strong hold on the ladder of life, even at the base.


When values change, conscience also changes, and with it human nature itself.


The physical and spiritual energies of the living and the dead are essential to the maintenance of the boundless, timeless universe.


It is morally wrong to cater to the satisfaction of a majority by legalizing surrogacy at the cost of the alteration of basic human nature.


There is a lack of tolerance in those with a lack of satisfaction or fulfillment.


The feeling that is not needed will disappear from human thought like valuable plants and animals from the environment.


Sometimes you give away yourself by your response.


Pay homage to the heart: an eternity can be felt in a moment.


Real values like truth, remains indestructible.


The mistake is to allow creativity coming from both Science and Art to be considered a purer element for human growth, than morality, which carries a standard of right and wrong. The freedom of expression without limitations in both fields dulls the flow of directions and dims the view.


Whoever you are, that dormant dominant force suppressed within, will awaken sooner or later with the wrinkles to bring you pleasure or pain and command your directions.


The ups and downs of life is held by a thread of sustenance that does not give way easily, but which can be torn by wilfulness to self-destruct and scatter all in its path.


At one end there is loneliness; at the other, there is the warm company of aloneness: the choice is yours.


There’s a special place to store each and every worry, to deal with them in due time, so stop living with them.


Life is a game in which weaknesses and strengths send us catapulting into misery or harmony – not all of our making.


Be wary: we communicate with pieces of ourselves, most of the time.


Personal histories influence and guide one for a lifetime – make them good.


When you can love someone more than you love yourself, then and only then you will come to know happiness pure and permanent.


In the growth process, children should be allowed the exercise of having to make choices; but more importantly should be given the opportunity for developing self-guidance by having choices made for them by well- intentioned adults.


Tendencies come with genes, while environment influences tendencies for better or worse.


In communication, conversation like good wine must be savoured and not dealt with hurriedly, as it tends to lose quality, and robs enrichment for the participants.


Life allots us the position of master or slave. At times we carry our destiny, at other times we are carried by it whichever way.


The potential of food to become flesh comes from the all-knowing life force.


Each one of us must dig our way out through the rocks of our physical and mental problems to freedom. We cannot feel the total benefit of wholeness if others do it for us. We only have the lubrication of Grace from the creative force to smooth the way.


With the right circumstance maturity comes quickly.


Tap the emotions, for there lies an endless variety of pure joy.


The key to creativity is motivation.


The virtue of determination can bring a harvest of good or a pile of trouble.


A baby arrives with an immortal gift of intelligence to celebrate life in service to self, loved ones, and all useful living forces that must energize and maintain the universe which energizes and maintains life on a journey that is forever.


To grow is to die a little to live more.


Understanding connects the complex with the simple.


Freedom of expression – true, but writers are only half of a communication.


Know truth and love, and behave as you truly should and you will know peace.


Few are born with, or are able to develop an all-round sensitivity necessary for graceful communication.


Sensitivity of whatever degree or flavour nourishes experience, which in turn develops imagination, which delivers attitudes that control personality. Recognise sensitivity!


In strength there is weakness: determination can be the mark of the fool.


Beware of intimacy; examine it carefully for its genuine quality: it is the force that can go on to break down the characteristics of the gene pool itself and unmake you!


Social pressure is like a bird beating against a cage it has built for itself with the help of others.


The need for solutions is a way of life in work and play: left untended, it gathers dust to smother the psyche.


Intelligence can foresee tomorrow; wisdom years ahead.


Man’s ultimate purpose in life is to attain peace of mind, a state that offers contentment in a permanent fashion. And though there are a million methods tied to this singular purpose, it remains inaccessible.


To know how much a person knows is almost near impossible.


The growth of the mind has not developed with the growth of industrial civilization: like the speed of a snail to an aeroplane, it has a long way to go. If one could but find the desire, it would be advancement enough.


Perception is the blueprint for attitude.


The civilized person cares deeply, questions perceptions, knows priorities, deals justifiably and spreads sunshine.


Only music can capture the present and take it to the future: a melody can bring back the feelings of the past wondrously.


There is a limit to the pursuit of good or bad intentions.


There is this great receptive quality in the newborn that can remain in seed without the pasturing of outside communication.


Pride might well be the stumbling block to wisdom.


Unlike that genuine parental love which practices the bottomless caring of parents for offspring, conjugal love is more complex: true love comprises the feelings of all the loves. A man and a woman in the bonds of true love will experience naturally the caring of all human love, maternal, paternal and the rest for each other.


Habits walk ahead of thought.


Science is preparing to live; Art is living.


People of stubborn or over flexible dispositions can slip into ignorance and ignobility more easily.



Truth can be elusive and difficult to find in the area of the abortion issue. Nevertheless, it is the guide to whether abortion is right or wrong. Should the life in formation have precedence in importance over the mature physical life-form – the mother’s life? The answer may lie in whether or not abortion brings irreversible damage to the mother’s innermost being. Society has had a hand in structuring the mind of the individual, thereby making assistance in counselling the mother on her decision, a justifiable and profound responsibility.                   

