Part 1 - The Dark Time
Part 5 - Later Gallifrey
Dalek Stuff
Gallifrey Biology, Culture, etc Part 2 - Time of Legend Part 6 - Future Gallifrey Dalek Timeline
Part 3 - Middle Gallifrey
Part 7 - Post Gallifrey

Part 4 - Modern Gallifrey

The Doctor - Time's Champion Era

NOTE:  If you can read this line of text then the black back ground to this page didn't load.  95% of the text is colored so don't worry about it too much.  The stuff in white is all Fan Speculation and stuff from the Benny Novels.  You can read the white text by "selecting it" with your mouse.  I'll try to get this problem fixed.
  This Time Line covers the life of the Doctor from the TV series and most of the novels.  It ranges from his looming to the end of the universe.  It begins 2,000,000 years after Rassilon assumes power on Gallifrey.  (based off the Infinity Doctors and Taking of Planet Five).  The numbers are based off the birth of the Doctor.  They are given in Gallifreyan years (which are the same as earth years).
    I have no intention of infringing on anybody's ideas or property.  This Web page should be viewed as an advertisement for all the sources that went into making it.  I plan to create a  bibliography (and eventually even citations) when I get time (don't hold your breath).
      Note: the following information contains many spoilers for the TV Series, Novels and Audios.

    The following color code and terms are used:
information from the TV Series
                    (Including the Dimensions in Time, and Universal/BCC Telemovie, Scream of the Shalka)
information from the Novels
                    (Virgin, BCC, I Who (which isn't a novel but it's source material is))
information from The Infinity Doctors and some of Cold Fusion
                  (I put  The Infinity Doctors as 8th Doctor sidetrip.  I admit I could be wrong.)
information from version of Doctor Who that are deliberately created to be alternates from the TV Series
                  (The Unbound Series, Death Comes to Time (Zagreus strongly implies that DCTT is an alternate Gallifrey the Rassilon deliberatly negated))
information from 'licensed' reference sources
                    (The Technical Manual, Monsters, and The Gallifrey Chronicles)
information from 'unreliable' sources:
                    (FASA's role-playing game, the Nth Doctor, Destiny of the Doctors, behind the scene interviews (I don't trust them either, but you never know))
information from unofficial sources
                    ( Lawrence Miles' books, the Benny adventures, Miranda, etc...)
information from speculative sources
                    (my own speculation, and other fan speculation.  Includes ideas from sites listed on my home page.)

?                  The event occurred approximately in this interval.
??               A pretty wild guess as to when this event took place.

Time's Champion, the new Doctor (Sylvester Mccoy)

        "I've done so much. Saved entire races whose names I can't even remember.  And why? Because of reasons. Because of principles. Truth, love, and harmony. Peace and goodwill. The best of intentions. Whatever I've done, I've done for these reasons. And there's been a price to pay. Sacrifices. People close to me have died. Four of my companions, hundreds of the universe's supporting cast. I could fill whole volumes with their names. Bystanders who helped me, perhaps for just a moment or two, and suffered for it. I've died myself, six times over. I have a responsibility. To every one of them, the living as well as the dead."
                                                        - The Doctor

953-992                Season 24 probably occurs in this range.

953                       Time and the Rani: The Sixth Doctor is so scared of become the Valyard that he refused to plan, anticipate, or make a pre-emptive strike against evil.  The Doctor's subconcious relizes that this is causeing lots of deaths.  His subconcious makes a deal with the Eternals (Death, Pain, and Time) probably to become Time's Champion.  He does this in part to avoid becoming the Valeyard and so that he can make use of his knowledge of his future from Trial of a Time Lord.  His subconscious causes him to regenerates for the sixth time by ramming the TARDIS into the Rani's navigational guidance distorter tractor beam.  The Doctor's sixth personality hates his seventh self for this and goes insane.  The Doctor becomes Time's Champion but he avoids undertaking her Mission pretending to have a whimsical personality to hide his darker thoughts.  The Doctor's favorite key is E flat minor and he finds getting his hair cut to be very relaxing.  He hates carrot juice and swimming.  He might have a dust allergy given how often he sneezes.  This Doctor's telepathic/hypnotic powers seem much stronger and he will often instantly put people into trances by touching their forheads or staring into their eyes.   When ever someone is in danger his His left knee hurts.  The Doctor stops the Rani from using kidnapped geniuses from creating a Time Manipulator that would give her compleate control of Time in the Universe.

953~                  (shortly after the Doctor's regeneration)
                      Unregenerate: Fearing that the number of time traveling species will increase until Normal Space is full of TT Capsules the CIA decides to place secrete operatives who will be able to influence species who are attempting to become (already are) Time Active.  The first attempt to created these agents involed Daleks but it failed rather spectacularly.  For the second attempt the Klyst Institute was set up on CIA Station 7.  Their Professor Klyst and others attempt to place newly birthed TARDIS sentiences into the the minds of aliens.  The aliens were promised several lifetimes of success in return for donating their bodies the day before they were due to die.  Subjects were acquired from almost 50 planets, but this time none of them were Daleks.  The Time Lady Professor Klyst oversaw the implantation of the TARDIS sentients but in most cases the resulting being was insane.  This was due to incompatibilites between the neural configuration. While investigating the Doctor is accidently bonded with a TARDIS Sentient which almost destroyes his mind.  After having the sentient removed the Doctor helped two sentients to acheive a stable union with the human Johannes Rausch and Professor Klyst.  With the aid of another TARDIS the two of them renegaded against the Time Lords and when in search of a cure for the other victums of the experiment.  The Doctor makes numerous violations to the First Law of Time by returning the unbonded subjects to a point in time after they were supposed to die. 

?                        (by the time of Revelation)
                      The Doctor dreams of an afterlife (not the Matrix) but doesn't know if it exists.

??                   (Probably during season 24)
                     The Doctor makes the Galactic Record books when he plays the spoons for 67 hours straight.

953-986         Dragonfire:  Fenric lures the Doctor to Iceworld with a tracking signal (this might be the temporal flicker in Sector 13 mentioned in Time and the Rani).  The Doctor finally stops avoiding his Mission as Time's Champion and hypnotizes Mel into leaving with Glitz.  Recognizing that Dorothy Gale McShane (Ace) arrival by a time storm can't be and accident, the Doctor allows her to travel with him.  He doesn't tell her of his suspicions this however and treats her like a normal companion. 

?                          (the seventh Doctor)
                      The Doctor's conscience (and the personality of his 5th body) is restrained to prevent him from interfering with the actions the Doctor feels he must take to safeguard the Universe.  

?                        As Time's Champion the Doctor begins traveling back in time to leave notes for younger self and to arrange circumstance to benefit himself.  He also begins making use of his knowledge of his future gleaned from Trial of a Time Lord.

954-987             Season 25 probably occurs in this range.

954-987             Remembrance of the Daleks: The Daleks set ambush in I.M. Foreman's Junkyard to obtain the Hand of Omega.  Feeling guilty about failing to prevent the Daleks from ever being created the Doctor sets a trap to destroy them utterly.   The Doctor believes he has destroyed Skaro.  It is a crucial moment in the Doctor's life.  The Hand of Omega returns to Gallifrey (it doesn't arrive untill Romana is President).  The Doctor appears to be unconcerned about what the Time Lords might do when they learned he destroyed Skaro.  By this point the Daleks have named the Doctor Ka Faraq Gatri ("Bringer of Darkness" or "Nice guy -- if you're a biped").  The removal of the Daleks as a major temporal power should allowed new enemies to develop and threaten the Time Lords - hhowever the Daleks manage to secretly save their world. 

954-987            Silver Nemesis: The Doctor relizes Fenric is manipulating him.  The Validium asks for its freedom but the Doctor thinks he might have need of it in the future (during the Time War??).  He relaunches the compleate Validium weapon into space.

  954-987            The Greatest Show in the Galaxy: The Doctor appears to be able to use his abbility to predict the way the universe will unfold to predict excatly when and where a medallion will be thrown through a dimensional portal.  This is one of his more amazing demonstrations of this abbility. 

955-988            Season 26 probably occurs in this range.

955-988            (1999 AD)
                         Battlefield: The Doctor meets and defeats Morgaine from the Side-Ways Dimension.  He discovers that at least two future incarnations will become the Merlin of the Arthur legends.  Given that both consume life energy the Destroyer might have been an alternate universe form of the Fendahl. 

955-988            Ghost Light: The Doctor manufactures a new key for the TARDIS.  By this point the Doctor is no uncertain whether all of his family is dead or alive.   He finds this uncertainty upsetting.

955-988            (1943 AD)
                    The Curse of Fenric: The Doctor defeats Fenric (aka
Hastur the Unspeakable).
                      NOTE: It would appear the something in the Time War alter history so that the Doctor never faces the Great Old One known as Fenric, since he claims in "The Satan Pit" not believe there was life before the Big Bang and Fenric is from before the Big Bang.

955-988            The Hollow Men: By this point the Doctor now has a notebook with lists of things to do in the future to make his past and present easier.

955-988            Survival: The Master is infected with the Cheetah Virus.  He also acquires a kitling named Shadow.  This kitling will stay bonded with him untill the TV Movie.   By this point the Master's powers of hypnotism are powerful enough that he can use those he has dominated a puppet which he can see, hear, and speak through.  He can even use the victum to hypnotize others. 
??                (Right after Survival)
                Citadel of Dreams: By this point the Doctor only belives in magic on even numbered days.

??                     (some time before Taking of Planet 5 / probably before Timewyrm Apocalypse)
                A soldier offers some aliens The Secret of the Universe in exchange for a weapon.  The aliens refused but the Doctor learned the Secret.  The Secret of the Universe is partly a state of mind, an openness to reality.  It involves the knowledge that the Universe is just a tiny drop in the Ur-Universe, which is inhabited by Swimmers.

956-989            The BBC 7th Past Doctor books probably occur in this range.

?                        (before Genocide Machine)
                    Type 70 TARDISes are use.  Type 70s are very well designed (with more capabilites and better telepathic circuits than the Type 40) and are still considered "new" at this point.

??                      (probably before Prime Time)
                    Destiny of the Doctors: The master captures all the incarnations of the Doctor but they are freed by a telepathic extension of the Doctor's will named Grakk.

?                        The Genocide Machine: The Library of Kar-Charrat is destroyed by the Daleks.  Time Lords probably collect the some of the remains.

?                        Prime Time: By this point the Cheetah virus has caused the Master such damage he has less then a year to live.  The Master’s TARDIS suffers extreme damage at the hands of the Zzinbriizi but the Doctor makes partial repairs.

?                        Dust Breeding: The Master tries to use the Warp Core to power his TARDIS and ends up destroying his body Trakenite body.

A side effect of the Last Time War makes it very difficult to reseacher what events the Doctor actually experianced.  According to the New Adventure Dead Romance all the Virgin New Adventures novels (and possibly the Missing Adventures Noves) occur inside I.M. Foreman's Universe in a Bottle.  This Bottle is emptied into the Vortex during the Time War in the BBC novel The Ancestor Cell and contaminates the continuity of all the stories in the Classic Universe.  This contamination creates the Post Ancestor Cell Timeline (PACT) - a hybrid timeline with events from both the Classic Timeline and the Foreman Timeline integrated together.  This integration isn't entirely smooth and some events from both timelines have been affected.  Some (Human Nature) appear to have been significantly changed.  Others (including scenes from Mind of Evil and several scenes from The Five Doctors) appear not to have happened at all. 
      Basically any story (reguardless of presentation medium) that isn't from the 2005 TV series now appears to be a bit uncertain.  However School Reunion strongly indicates that a majoriety of these stories survive in some form.  The timelines on my site are show my best guess as to what the Post Ancestor Cell Timeline now looks like. 
    For what its worth here's a quick and dirty break down of how the two timelines might have looked before being merged.

Classic TV Series
BBC Past Doctors
BF Audios
BBC 8th Doctor adventures (but perhaps not in their current form)
Faction Paradox

Missing Adventures
New Adventures (except possibly "Dying Days")
Benny Adventures
Death Comes To Time
And maybe some of the Comics (don’t know enough to make a decision on that one)

           The Virgin novels produced in 1991 could have occured in this range.

??                      (before TimeWyrm Exodus)
                         Magnus (The War Cheif) convinces the War Lord Aliens to try to take over the galaxy
again by ensuring Hitler never loses WWII and the Nazies become massive military force that (with the addition of advanced technology) could challenge even the Time Lords. 

957-990            The TimeWyrm incident.  Exodus: Magnus (The War Cheif) is probably killed.  Revelation: The Doctor's conscience (and the personality of his 5th body) is freed again.  The Doctor confronts the Gallifreyan God, Death.   

958-991           The Virgin novels produced in 1992 could have occured in this range.

958-991           Cat's Cradle incident

958-991           The Doctor could take a side trip between Time's Crucible and Warhead.  Given the damage to the TARDIS it would probably be a short one.  

962                   One of the Doctor's plant/animal experiments takes up residence in the kitchen of the House of Lungbarrow.

?                       The Doctor meets Iris Wildthyme again.

?                       The Doctor builds the Mark Three Sonic Screwdriver.

??                      The Doctor spends decades trying to get his Time-Space Visualiser to tune in all the episodes of The Golden Girls.  

958-991           (2570 AD / months after Nightshade / at least 4 years before Happy Endings) 
                     Love and War: the Doctor meets Bernice Surprise Summerfield.  The Hoothi return.  The Doctor confronts the Eternal named Death again.  The Doctor strives to always defy Death no matter the consequences.  

?                        (before Master)
                    The Doctor doesn't play the spoons, or mix his metaphors anymore.

959-999           The Doctor could take a side trip at the very end of Love and War.  Given the remorse the Doctor feels in Transit it this side trip would probably be a short one.

959-999           The Virgin novels produced in 1993 could have occured in this range. 

??                     At some point after War Games (and probably after Time and the Rani give that the Doctor still seem's synced at that point) the Doctor gains 41 years of age that doesn't count to the Gallifrey dating systems.  He might be that he gained these years earlier but only decided to start counting them recently.  Robert Scarrit often allowed himself to slip out of sync like this.  From this point forward I will note Gallifrey's version of the Doctor's age in partenthsesis along with the Doctor's actual age when the event in question connects to Gallifrey's history. 

989-990          (32 years before Shada from the Doctor's POV)
                        The Doctor places some milk in stasis in the TARDIS kitchen.

982-992            The Doctor makes a deal with the Gallifreyan God Death that she will give the Master 10 years of freedom from her influance and in return the Doctor will kill the Master at the end of the decade.  Free from Death's influance John Smith (the Master) becomes a truely good and noble man.

982-992           (probably 10 years before the story Master)
                        Mortimus becomes Death's Champion when he takes the blood of an Eternal named Vain Beauty.  He takes his TARDIS to the edge of the Universe and captures the Chronivore, Artemis.  Mortimus creates the Garvond (aka Garavond, Garivont, all of its names are the Gallifreyan words for 'of darkest thought') out of the minds in the Matrix.  Mortimus rescues the Vardans from a time loop.

959-992           The Highest Science: A Fortean Flicker occurs.

959-999           The Pit: Kopyion Liall a Mahajetsu returns and repels the Yssgaroth again.

997               (154 years before the war)
                    TARDISes begin developing systems in an almost evolutionary fashion. 

998?        (at least 3 years before Romana becomes president)
                    The Type 88 TARDIS is in use by this time. 

999                  (a few months before Blood Heat / 3 years after Love and War from Ace's POV)
                        Deceit: The Doctor visits Arcadia during a War with the Daleks.  Ace rejoins the Doctor.   Either because of this incident or a later incident Arcadia will be considered to have been on of the front lines in the Time War. 

Two Doctors

999                  (the Doctor is approaching his 1000th birthday)
                        Birthright/Iceberg: The Doctor meets his future self called Muldwych (Merlin).

959-999           (before First Frontier?)
                        Dimensions in Time:
the Doctor has a nightmare about meeting all his previous selves on the set of a soap opera.

999           By this point a minor revolution in TARDIS accessories that results in an influx of new Types including the Type 104, Type 128b, Type 161.55, Type delta 216 delta, Type n+x and Type pi R 760, and Type 1056771z.  

999?                (350 years after looming / a long time after Trial of a Time Lord / before the Doctor turns 1000)
                The President (Epsilon Delta) steals a Type 102 TARDIS and becomes a renegade.  He discovers the Garvond in the TARDIS and makes a deal with it.  
By this time the Doctor, the Master, and the Rani are ledgendary (but still living) renegades.

999               Blood Heat: the Doctor loses his TARDIS and acquires the TARDIS from a parallel universe (created by Motimus). He also acquires the Mark One Sonic Screwdriver from a parallel universe.

??                  (Before the 8th Doctor)
                   The Doctor meets with Professor Chronotis in 1958 AD.

999                 The Dimension Riders: A renegade Time Lord named the President collaborates with the Garvond to take over Gallifrey.  

?                   (After Dimension Riders)
                    The Doctor breaks into the APC Net, avoiding the inoculation programs, and erases his biodata print.  He leaves a "poor copy."

999                (1993 AD / possibly eight years before Head Games)
                    Conundrum: Jason is requited by Mortimus as the new Master of the Land of Fiction.
The Doctor defeats him and alerts the Time Lords.  The Time Lords return Jason to the Earth and dismantle the land leaving it a Void once more. 

999                 No Future: Mortimus is captured by Artemis.  The Doctor stops nipping back in time and leaving notes for himself.  The TARDIS chemeleon circuit breaks again.

999                 The Virgin novels produced in 1994 could have occured in this range.

999                (500 years after his first incarnation)
                    All Consuming Fire

?                 (before Blood Harvest)
                    The Type 90 TARDIS is new and in use.

??               (before Shadows of Avalon)
                    The Type 98 TTC is invented.  It has a holographic scanner.

??                 Romana stays with the Tharils until they have freed themselves from slavery.  K9 becomes Biroc's Lord High Administrator.


999         (possibly 150 years after Flaiva becomes Acting-President of Gallifrey)
                    Blood Harvest:
President Flavia undergoes a ceramonial inaguration (probably as part of her Reaffirmation Ceremony after her first Sesquicentenary/150 years in office).  The Doctor and Romana deal with Vampires.  The Committee of Three is made up of the Patraxian Elar, the Arcalian Morin, and the Prydonian Chancellor Rath (Goth's cousin).  They try to kill Rassilon,  rescue Borusa and take over the Galaxy.  The Committee of Three is executed.  Romana returns to Gallifrey. Ruath destroys the Time Scoop.

999        (right after Blood Harvest)
                    Goth Opera: Romana meets Lady Ruathadvorophrenaltid (probably of House Dvora) and discuss the Vampires.  As a reward for stopping the Committee of Three Romana is offered a seat on the High Council by Flaivia.

??               The Prydonian Parjtesa-Kalayethzor Rodan becomes Chancellor of Gallifrey.

??               Time and Time Again: The Black Guardian tries to change History to prevent the Doctor from ever leaving Gallifrey.  The Doc and crew must collect the Key to Time prevent this from happening. 

999          Master: Free from Death's influance John Smith (the Master) becomes a truely good and noble man.  He falls in love with Jacqueline Schaeffer  After 10 years of freedom Death returns and John Smith resumes his identity as the Master in order to save Jacqueline.  He become's Death's Champion again.  Death reminds the Doctor that he killed Torvic when they were students at the Academy.  The Doctor cheats Death again and she swears she will have her revenge. 

999?       (probably after Master)
                First Frontier: The Master has the Trakenite DNA removed from his body and obtains a new life cycle from the Tzun.  He regenerates into his 15th body.

999             To prevent confusion, all TARDISs of the current new generation are re-named Type 89.

1000           The Virgin novels produced in 1995 probably occur in this range.

The 1000 year old Doctor and his new diary.

1000            (Otherstide / 10 years after Dragon Fire from Ace's POV)
                Set Piece: the Doctor celebrates his loomday, finishes his second 500 year diary, and starts on a 900 year one.

Time's Vigilante

1000             Dorothee McShane (Ace) becomes Time's Vigilante.

1000             Infinite Requiem: By this point the Doctor has recently fixed the TARDIS's Stattenheim Remote Control.

1000            Human Nature originally would have occured at this point in the Doctors travels - but interfernace from the Foreman Universe in a Bottle has shifted it to after the Time War.     

1000             (500 years after The Invasion from the Doctor's POV apparently)
                      Original Sin:  By this point the Doctor half-heartedly belives that the White Guardian's interest in his life justifies the deaths he causes.

1000              Head Games: The Fictional Energies that powered the Land of Fiction begin to leak into N-Space due to damaged cause by Kadiatu's time machine.  The Doctor seals the breach.  He also fights and defeats the mental pattern of his insane sixth self.  The personalities of his other incarnations keep his sixth personality imprisoned in a room with no doors.  The Master of the Land, Jason, has his memory of the events ereased and he is returned home. 

1000             (2586 AD)
                    The Also People: the Doctor visits the People of the Worldsphere.

1000        Shakedown: The CIA has the Doctor interfere with the Sontaran-Rutan War by helping the Rutants to keep the Sontarans in check.

1001-1002    The Virgin novels produced in 1996 probably occur in this range.

??                  The Doctor sues the Terileptils for destroying his Mark 1 Sonic Screwdriver and wins.  He is provided with a new Mark ? Sonic Screwdriver.

1001              (at least 2 years before Room with no Doors) Original Sin

1001              Sleepy: The Doctor breaks the First Law of Time (changing history as he knows it) by saving a colony from destruction.  At this point the Doctor's name has 38 syllables.

1001                (251 years after Deadly Assassin / Day 140~ / 150 years before the War begins / One year after the Feast of Omega)
               Romana invokes the Right of Challenge against Flavia.  This is the first time the Right has been used in 2,000,000 years.  After the coup, Romana is appointed to the office of Lady President despite never having held any goverment position.  Cardinal Braxietel assists Romana in her campain. 
Romana becomes the 413th Lord President of Gallifrey by a 53% vote.  She has many changes she wants to make to Gallifrey including ending isolationism.  The constant changes in the Presidency (every few decades) start rumors on Gallifrey that a catastrophy is imminent.  

1001              (One year after the Feast of Omega / 4 years after Love and War from Benny's POV / right after the election of Romana)
                Happy Endings:
The Land of Fiction is still a void.  Romana considers changing history so that the Land was always annexed to the Matrix but decides that its not worth the trouble.  Another Fortean Flicker occurs.  The Master attempts to grow a new body using the Loom of Rassilon's Mouse but fails.  The Loom is returned to Gallifrey. 

?                  President Romana begins instituting lots of reforms on Gallifrey.

?                        (before Zagreus)
                By this point Braxiatel is head of Watchtower Command on Gallifrey.

1001~         (about 150 years before the War)
                The Time Lord lift the restriction on the construction on socially interactive robots.

Grandfather Paradox

1001            (251 years after Deadly Assassin / very soon after Romana is elected / less than 20 years before Alien Bodies)
                Christmas on a Rational Planet: Cacophony attempts to recreate the Universe.  600 Time Lords claim to be possessed by the ghost of Morbius.  300 prisoners were accidentally released from Shada by President Romana.  Grandfather Paradox escapes at this time and cuts off his right arm with a rusty knife to remove the tattoo the Time Lords gave him. 
By this point the High Council has so many other problems to deal with that no attempt to recapture him is made.

"Because there are Monsters in this world, Justine.  They can walk the earth without seeming any more real then fairy stories. They make their plans while everyone eles is asleep.  They can move the walls of a maze without anybody every knowing.  And sometimes one has to be those monsters."
                                                                                                                                            -Godfather Morlock outlining Faction Paradox's mission profile

1001            (251 years after Deadly Assassin)
The Grandfather redefines the House of Paradox into the Faction Paradox and the Grandfather and his four lieutenants are exiled from Gallifrey. The High Council forbid any member of Faction Paradox from visiting Gallifrey.  The four lieutenants probably had shadows with multiple weapons and shadow armor.  Grandfather Paradox and his House Paradox spiritualists found a group of Time Lord voodoo cultists called the Faction Paradox.  These spiritualist believe in the power of Biodata over the Laws of Time. They rally around symbols that go against Gallifreyan Culture.  They glorify death and scientific paradoxes.  They use stolen Time Lord technology to emulate TARDISes.  They use biomass in their Shrines.  The elders read The Book of Lies.  They call Time Grandmother Time.  Initiates have their Biodata rewritten by the Faction Virus so that they have a human-plus rating.  Many Faction Paradox agents have no shadow.  Faction Paradox’s attempts to change history are often designed to restructure the Web of Time – creating small-scale alterations to the work done by Rassilon. They could be trying to alter the biodata of the Time Lords making them “racially” similar to Faction Paradox. The Faction’s chief goal is to overturn the Laws of Time and rebel against and corrupt the Time Lords.  The only way to do this would be to erase Gallifrey from history.   Their official purpose in doing so is a shame of pseudo- religious mandates.  There real reasons remain unknown. 

1001             (251 years after Deadly Assassin)
                The Voodoo Preist of Lungbarrow killes his own ancestors to prove that you can violate the Laws of Time and becomes Grandfather Paradox.   He then
erases himself from history, vanishing from space-time as if he never existed.

1001            (Before Lungbarrow and Apocalypse Element)
                Romana opens diplomatic relationships with the Temporal Powers of the Universe.

1001-1002      Cold Fusion: the Doctor meets Patience and his fifth incarnation on the planet Salomon.  He fights a short Time War with the Ferutu, who are potential Time Lords from a parallel universe.  Patience is killed, but Omega brings her back to life.

?                      Most of the rebels from the Universe of the Ferutu travel back in time and set themselves up as “gods” in the Worldsphere of the People.  The Gods (Ferutu) can break the laws of physics.  The Gods take over and replace cultures.    The Time Lords are aware of the Gods (Ferutu) but ignore them.  The Gods continue to appear from time to time.

1002-1009.5    The Virgin novels produced in 1997 probably occur in this range.

??                (before Neverland / 6803.8 Rassilon Era)
                   The book
Tales from the Matrix - True Stories from TARDIS Logs Retold for Time Tots is written and published by Loom Auntie Flavia.

??                (over a year before Lungbarrow)
                   One of the Cousins of the House of Redlooms dies.

??              (Previous Incarnation??)
            Qixotl meets the Doctor and sees him escape an entire flotilla of Antiridean organ-eaters.

1007?          (over a year before Lungbarrow)
                The Ordinal Andred becomes Castallan.  By now most of the Inner Council is female. 

1008                  (one year before Lungbarrow from the Docs POV / Otherstide)
                Benny throws a surprise birthday for the Doctor.

1002-1009.5    Damaged Goods: The Doctor destroys an N-Form

1002-1009.5    So Vile a Sin:  Roz destroyes and N-Form and the Doctor destroyes the old War TARDIS (aka Cassandra) that has been trapped in the Agamemnon System for 10,000,000 years.  The Doctor suffers a single heart attack due to the death of his companion Roz.  The Doctor's name still has 38 syllables.

1002-1009.5    Eternity Weeps: The Doctor deletes the TARDIS swimming pool to the TARDIS from becomng contaminated.

??                    (During the 7th Doctor era / during the 28th century AD)
                Companion Piece: The Doctor builds an android companion named Catherine Broome.  A damaged TARDIS explodes on Haven killing several of the inhabitants.  The Time Lord survives but is dissected by the Holy Inquisition.  The Church declares Time Lords to be witches and stores the remains of his TARDIS in the Vatican vaults. 

1003-1009    (The Doctor has aged at least 3 years since Set Peice / shortly before the TV Movie / Bullet Time occurs during Room with no Doors)
                The Room with No Doors: the Doctor meets Penelope Gate.  Bullet Time: By this point the Doctor claims that he nevers sleeps because people die when he's asleep.  What little time he does spend sleeping is often filled with shouts and screams.   He doesn't believe that he will continue to be Time's Champion after his regeneration.  The Doctor leaves Chris in Japan while taking Penelope Gate back to 1883 AD (Penelope is the Doctor's Mother).

??                     (possibly at the same time as Bullet Time)
                A Time Lord (probably not the Doctor) is working for MI6 as an
scientific advisor.

??                 (before Lungbarrow)
    Jomdek becomes Captain of the Watch.

??                (between Invasion of Time and Torvald's death)
                    Andred becomes a Time Lord.

?                  Parjtesa-Kalayethzor Rodan is sent on a Cross-Cultural Liaison Course, and the Patraxian Theorasdavoramilonithene(Theora) becomes Chancellor of Time Present.

1008        (right before Lungbarrow)
                    Leela is pregnant with Andred's child.

1008.5        (right before Lungbarrow)
                    Romana hosts a state visit from the current Chairman of Argolis.

The Master's Deathworm

??           (Shortly before the TV Movie)
                Master gets a Deathworm from the Morgs.

??            (After Apocalypse Element / Before the TV Movie)
                The Time Lords and the Daleks work out a peace treaty.  This 30,000 page treaty states that no representative of the High Council can approach Skaro and no Daleks ship can approch Gallifrey.  It also requires that individual violators of treaty receive a trial at the hands of the victum.  In short both sides promise to stay out of each others business. 

1008.5~?        (shortly before The Enemy Within /shortly after the Daleks acquire the Spheria Galaxy / After Evil of the Daleks / Right before the TV Movie)
                Valediction: The Master's TARDIS  is captured by the Daleks on Skaro. 
Now in his final incarnation (having wasted his lives because of the Doctor) the Master absorbs the Morg Deathworm.  The Master allows himself to be captured by the Daleks and put on trial.  This trial is probalby observed by the Time Lords.  The Master is found guilty of 157 offenses against the Dalek Empire and his execution is planned.  His last request is that the Doctor take his remains back to Gallifrey.  After his trial the Daleks exterminate the Master.  Romana receives the request and summons the Doctor's TARDIS to have the Doctor collect his mortal remains in a cinerary urn.

1009.0     (Probably ~5725.2 Rassilon Era / Otherstide / at least 3 years after Original Sin / 252 years after Deadly Assasin / The Doctor was away from Gallifrey for 673 as of Lungbarrow / 1009 years after the Doctor's birth according to the NAs and the 8DA / 968 years after the Doctor's birth according to The Gallifrey Chronicles)
                Lungbarrow: Responding to Romana's summons the TARDIS returns to Gallifrey. 
The CIA finds the Doctor's human DNA and tries to find out who he really was/is.   Innocet becomes the new housekeeper for Lungbarrow though few of the original 45 counsins have survived.  The Doctor takes a 3 day side trip from these events and returns to Gallifrey minutes after he left.  Leela promises to name her child after the Doctor.  Leela and Andred's child is half human on his mother's side.  Romana gives the Doctor her Mark Five Sonic Screwdriver.  The Doctor departs to collect the Master's remains, leaving Chris Cwej behind.  The Doctor travels to the fake Skaro created by the Daleks.  Romana opens up diplomatic talks with Priestess Charkesta from the Sisterhood of Karn.

1009              (right befor the TV Movie)
                The Doctor undergoes a midlife crisis and begins moping about the TARDIS for extended periods.  He scatters many of his everlasting candles (some of which are quite massive) arround the TARDIS interior.

1009?            (after Lungbarrow)
                The Time Lords offer Chris Cwej the chance to stay with them, or they will wipe his memory and send him home. 
Christopher Rodonante Cwej joins the House Military and becomes.  The Time Lords modify Chris Cwej's memories so that hates the Doctor, believing him to be the Evil Renegade.  They also give him the Rassilon Imprimatur, healing machines that allowed him to regenerate, and install several other "Biological Advantages" in his body.

??               (after Lungbarrow)
                Chris begins working as an agent for the Time Lords (probably not the CIA)

1009~        (about 149 years before the War / after Lungbarrow)
                The Ice age on Gallifrey that started at the fall of the 508th Pythia might be ending. 
The Curse of the Pythia (which was supposed to last until the end of Gallifrey's days) fades away and vanishes.  The Laws against breeding with lesser species is repealed.  Interest in the opposite sex becomes much more prevalent and courtship rituals become popular.  The first natural childbirth takes place on Gallifrey as a result of the deliberately-engineered mating of Ordinal Andred of the House of Redloom and Leela of the Sevateam.  The first generation of natural births arrives.  Natural born children become common on Gallifrey as do terms such as Father and Mother.  There natural births are supported by the High Council. Rassilon might object to this and make a deal with the Faction Paradox.  The Faction Paradox might rewrite Samantha Jones's Biodata so that she wouldn't have the Doctor's children.

1009~       (After Leela’s child is born / 200 years before The Year of the Cat)
                The law prohibiting interbreeding between Gallifreyans and Lesser Species is revoked.  Officially this was done so that creation of the Regen-Inf units could begin.  By this point the idea of cross breeding of both Gallifreyans and TARDISes is accepted as long as its supports peperations for the coming War.

1009.7         The Doctor makes a deal with Life and becomes Life's Champion during the regeneration.

The new Doctor (Paul Mcgann) and the new Master

1009.76         (about 2.5 years before Vampire Science / Local Dateline 2005725.2)
                The Enemy Within: The Master is put on trial by the Daleks and exterminated.  The Doctor regenerates for the seventh time. His molecules are shaken up so much that deeply buried aspects of his character are brought to the surface. 
While previous incarnations of the Doctor weren't, genetically speaking, half human genetically speaking, this incarnation has human retina patterns and some human DNA.   The Time Lords beleive that the Doctor has become 'retroactively' human.  This incarnation of the Doctor is also vunerable to the human condition of "romantic love" and tends to be vary frank about his orgins.  He is also afraid of heights.  The Master steals his 16th body.  The Doctor begins to remember being born traditionally and that his mother was a human.  He cannot reconcile his memories of being loomed with his memories of having parents but he believes them anyway.  The Eye of Harmony aboard the Doctor's TARDIS is opened, and the Doctor allows the Master to be sucked in, knowing that he will become the god of the empty universe of anti-matter he will find there.  The Master is consumed by the TARDIS and lives within it's singularity with absolute power of that universe.  He will eventually learn how to control the TARDIS to some degree.  The Eye also revives the dead humans Change Lee and Grace Holloway (almost certainly making them immortal fixed points in time like Jack Harkness).  He claims to have never seen what is beyond death like they have.  The Eye of Harmony being open leaves a Temporal Cicatrix Scar on Earth.  The robes the Master wears at the end could well have been the Doctor's robes from when he stole the TARDIS.

?              A side effect of the Last Time War (possibly the Nine Gallifreys) makes it very difficult to reseacher what events the Doctor actually experianced. 

1009.5-1012       The BBC novels produced in 1997 occur in this range.

1009.76                 (right after the TVM, Sam is 17)
                The Eight Doctors (from the Doctor's POV):
The Doctor makes a deliberate choice to take Samantha Jones as a companion despite the fact that it changes History. 

?              The Doctor stops being a vegetarian, but tries to avoid eating anything with a central nervous system. 

?              Despite his new "human" emotions the Doctor doesn’t start a romantic relationship with anyone because he doesn’t believe they should have to put up with his problems.  (I.M. Foreman is an exception to this restriction.)

1009.76-1010.5 The Doctor leaves Sam for about 1 year.

1009.76-1011.5  (2593 AD / has been fighting monsters for 1,200 years / Wosely's age indicates no more then 11 years from Human Nature)
                Dying Days: Bernice Surprise Summerfield accepts the Edward Watkinson Chair of Archaeology at St. Oscar’s University on the planet Dellah.

??                        (after the TV Movie / before Shada)
                The Doctor meets with Professor Chronotis on Earth in 1955 AD, 1960 AD, and 1964 AD.  He gets an honorary degree from St Cedds during his 1960 visit.

?                Totem: The 8th Doctor spends about 9 months working on a farm and meets his previous incarnation.

??              Mali is loomed from the House of Lungbarrow.  She joins the Military Elite.

??              Kurstelliafastikson (Kurst) of Chapter Patrex leaves the Chancellor guard and becomes a member of the CIA.

1010.76-1011.5 The Doctor leaves Sam for about 1 year and travels with Stacy and Ssard for several months.

??                     Iris Wildthyme works for UNIT as a Scientific Advisor.

1009.76-1011.5    (before Interference Part 2)
                    The Doctor builds K-9 Mark IV.

1012.26            (2.5 years after TVM / about a year after the Eight Doctors from Sam's POV)
                    Vampire Science: The Doctor fights terran vampires.  By this point the Time Lords would probably erase from history any city harboring vampires.

1012             The Bodysnatchers: the Mark Five Sonic Screwdriver is destroyed.

1012             (claims to be 1000 / no more then 6 months after 8 Doctor from Sam's POV)
                War of the Daleks: The Doctor thinks he has finished tricking the Dalek Empire into tangling their timeline so bad that their history collapses under the weight of the Paradoxes.  Unfortunately the Daleks have actually managed to escape this and will eventually become the enemy that will be responsible for destroying the Time Lords. 

1012.5          (6 months after Vampire Science from Sam's POV / 2 weeks after War of the Daleks all from Sam's POV / Over 137 yeas before the War)
                Alien Bodies(The Doctor): Due to his renegade nature the Doctor accidently blunders past the Time Blockades of the War in Heaven and discovers a Time Lord named Qixotl aucitioning off the Doctor's corpse. 
Qixotl might be Drax.  The Doctor destroys his corpse.  

??             The Doctor builds a Mark 9 Sonic Screwdriver.

1012.5-1017    The BBC novels produced in 1998 occur in this range.

??                 (while traveling with Sam)
                The People's Temple:
The 8th Doctor and Sam observer some of the building of Stonehenge but fail to notice the The Monk who uses an anti-gravitational lift to help the Britons build Stonehenge.  Given that this is also where Tannis chooses to attack Earth in DCTT is it possible that something of great significance to the Time Lords exists at Stonehenge?  Possibly the Gravity Control Unit?

1012.5            (Sam has been with the Doctor for just under a year)
                Seeing Eye Part 1:  INC discovers a Gallifreyan Mind Probe (from Savar's TARDIS) and uses its retina based technology to create a computer systems composed of the mindes of INC's employees called IXNet.

1013.4      (5 years after Romana becomes President / 4 years after Lungbarrow / before Ancestor Cell)
                  The Daleks invade Gallifrey but are defeated. 

1013.5                (right after the Dalek invasion)
                    The High Council refuses to have a permanent, fully trained, fighting force guarding the Panoptican.  Romana reactivates the Slaughterhouse.

1014             (137 years before the begining of the War)
                Work begins in ernest to prepare for the War with the Enemy.  
The Time Lords could avoid the War with the Enemy but that would violate the Laws of Time.  They've seen that the war takes place, so averting it would be changing their own "History."

??             (significantly before Father Kreiner is trapped in Foreman's Universe in a Bottle / after the TV Movie / after the Time Lords begin to prepare for the War / probably after the Nine Homeworlds project  / before the Master is captured by the Enemy)
               The High Council orders (one of many) hatching projects that involve creating clones of important Time Lords, like the Master and the Rani. 
The Time Lords (probably the CIA) resurrect the Master becasue they believe he would be the perfect warrior for the time war.  The Master gains a new cycle of regenerations.  They also could have made clones of Romana among others.    

1014            (137 years before the War / after Alien Bodies / a short time after the first robots)
                The 101-Project begins: Research begins into creating a TARDIS that is capable of interacting on a verbal level with Time Lords.  The designation of 101-Form was at the President's request.  Its possible that the 101 refers to 101ita the Master's TARDIS.

1014??        Lolita (like the Doctor’s TARDIS) was unique because she was only half TARDIS on her Mother’s side made them unique.  She has the Master make special changes to her heart to fulfill her destiny to evolve into a humanoid form.  Lolita is the only 40-Form that does this.  The changes were part of Mother (probably the Matrix)’s plan.  Lolita is planning to reveal her abilities to the Time Lords when circumstances are such that they can't stop her.  It is at this point she plans to take control and fulfill Mother’s plans.

??                (Before Neverland / 2,000,000 years after the invention of the first TARDIS)
                On Gallifrey TARDISes are now accepted as weapons of war.  Military Elite Technician Nivet (the finest technician in the Kasterborous Quadrant) maintains these new War TARDISes.  In their default state the War TARDISes appear to be gold space ships with spikes.

1012.5-1016       (at the end of Seeing Eye part 2 / a little over 3 years after Part 1, Sam is now 21)
                Seeing Eye Part 2: Savar's eyes are found.
The Doctor takes Savar's Eyes back to Gallifrey.  It is possible he spent a year in the TARDIS before picking up Sam.


1015.9~    (300 years after Salyavin escaped from Shada form Salyavin's POV / 1979 AD / after the TV Movie from the Doctor's POV / after Romana becomes President from her POV / Professor Chronotis has heard all about Romana's future)
Skagra tries to find Salayvin and take over the Universe but the Doctor stops him.  Salayvin is killed and revived by his TARDIS (probably making him an immortal fixed point in time like Jack Harkness).  The Doctor keeps The Worshipful and Ancient Law of Gallifrey and sends it back in time to his 7th self.  The Time Lords rediscover Shada.  There are thousands and thousands of prisoners in Shada at  this point.

??                (before they stop freezing the prisoners)
                First Ordinary Selvynkesh of House Ixion, is stationed on Shada as a Mover with Honors.  He is a part of War Service in the Discrete Operations department.  He is not a Time Lord.

1016.15~              (according to Sam 3 months after Seeing Eye)
                      Placebo Effect

??                  The Obverse becomes Iris Wildthyme’s home.
(Does this mean Iris has connections to the CIA?)

??                  Iris is poisoned by eating a Kaled mutant.

1016.2                     The Scarlet Empress: Iris Wildthyme regenerates for the fifth time.

1016.4~               (4 months after Scarlet Empress from Doc's POV / 2 years after Scarlet Empress from Iris's POV / before The Taint from Doc's POV)                Femme Fatale: The Doctor and Sam meet Iris Wildthyme again.

1016.5-1018       The Janus Conjunction:  The Doctor could take a side trip in the TARDIS while Sam is healing.  This could account for the missing 2 years.

?                            (the 8th doc)
                      The Doctor finds his spare Sonic Screwdriver under the console.

??                 Dadalus becomes Time’s Champion.  He undertakes a plan to destroy the Men of Glass before they become as bad as the Daleks.  Using “technology” from the Enclave he creates a series of Corridors that connect to places through out the universe. 

1018                     The BBC novels produced in 1999 probably occur when the Doctor is 1018.

1018                     (several months before Autumn Mist from Sam's POV)
                        The Taint.

1018                     (right before Dominion)
                        Revolution Man
: The TARDIS realizes it is going to be destroyed soon and begins visiting Earth at different times near different Spacial-Temporal Anomolies.  The TARDIS is trying to find a way to avoid it's destruction.

1018                     (right before Unnatural History, Sam is 22)
: the TARDIS is nearly destroyed.

1018                    (right before Autumn Mist)
                        Unnatural History
:  Blond Sam is created when Dark Sam enters the Temporal Cicatrix Scar.  The Doctor can't remember who is President of Gallifrey.  By this point there are about 32 conflicting bits of history in the Doctor's Biodata.  The Faction Paradox knows the Doctor has been infected with the Paradox Virus and will join them eventually.  The Doctor's TARDIS steals his shadow to warn him of the Faction's interference with his third regeneration.  The Doctor meets Professor Daniel Joyce (a Time Lord Professor from Berkeley who is probalby his father Ulysses) and his assistant Larna.  The Scar is affecting the Project. The Doctor seals the Scar.

1018                    (The Doctor is 1018)
Autumn Mist

1018                    (Right after Autumn Mist / Sam is 22 / 1999 AD / Probably nearly a year after Dowtime / Possibly about a year after being released in Seeing Eye)
  The Doctor decides that he will make changes in Earth's political structures that he knows will create a changes in history and thus a violation of the First Law of Time.  This is a reversal on his long held stance against interference with Earth's history.  The Doctor defeats the Remote and  influences sixteen-year old Sam’s development.  A member of the Remote’s colony on Ordifica, named Laura Tobin (aka Compassion), begins traveling with the Doctor.  The Doctor has Compassion’s receiver hooked to his TARDIS so that it screens all the signals she receives.                         

1018                   (after Autumn Mist, before The Taking of Planet 5)
                     The Faction gives the Doctor a false shadow to replace the one he’s lost to hide the fact that he has bee infected with the Paradox Virus.

1018                   (before the Taking of Planet 5)
                The Doctor takes a major side trip after the main text of Interference.  This was possible because his TARDIS found a loop-hole in the Laws of Time.  He saw the War in Heaven and learned the identity of the Enemy.

??         (the 8th Doctor)
            Museum Peace: The Doctor is given a chance to destroy the Daleks once and for all.  But to do so he must lose his memories.

1018                   (before the Taking of Planet 5 / after learning the identity of the enemy)
The Doctor decides to erase the knowledge of the War in Heaven from his memory but his TARDIS chooses to retain the information.   


1018                   Compassion’s receiver is still hooked to his TARDIS so that it screens all the signals she receives.  The Doctor’s TARDIS begins “narrowcasting” its programming to Laura in order to create the 102-Form.  

1018                   (a few days before the Doctor arrives)
                I.M. Foreman creates a Universe-in-a-Bottle using energy from the Space-Time Vortex.  She designs the ecosystems of the various planets but appears to have been inspired by the Classic Universe to a large degree.  She also puts Father Kreiner in the Bottle’s Vortex.  This Bottle Universe is (allegedly) the most valuable object in the Mutter’s Spiral.  This Bottle Universe has Time Lords with godlike powers and a Doctor who is almost identical to the real Universe.  The beings in the Bottle Universe create their own Bottle Universe.  I.M. Foreman believes this goes on forever.

1018                   (3795 AD / a few days before Interference Part 3)
                Two Time Lords from the High Council of Gallifrey visit I. M. Foreman and offer to purchase her Bottle Universe. They want to use it as a last ditch escape route for the coming War with the Enemy.

1018                   (3795 AD / "Mid-Adventure" from the Doctor's POV / Several thousand years after the Doctor’s TARDIS is created)
                Interference / Toy Story: Suffering from amnesia from his recent memory wipe the Doctor meets with I.M. Forman on Formean’s World.  The High Council of Gallifrey steals her Universe-in-a-Bottle.  The sentient TARDIS, Lolita, asks the Doctor’s TARDIS to help her fulfill Mother (probably the Matrix)’s plans.  She attemts to convince the Doctor's TARDIS to evolve into a Type 100 form Capsule.   The Doctor’s TARDIS isn’t interested in Mother’s plans and is concerned for the fate of the Time Lords if her plans are carried out.  The Doctor’s TARDIS refuses because she doesn’t like the plan and because she wants to be the mother of Compassion (aka the Type 102).      

1018                   Blue Angel: the Doctor encounters the Enclave.  Iris Wildthyme keeps the Doctor from interfering with Dadalus’s plans.  Iris promises him that its for his own good and tells him she’ll explain one day.  The detonation of a bomb might have fractured Dadulus’s Corridors so that a races all of the Universe were drawn into a war with the Obverse.

1018                   (during Blue Angel)
                    A team of Patrexians on Gallifrey predict a new development in TARDISes.  The Type 102 which will be the mother of the first Type 103 TARDIS.  The Type 102 is a human from the Remote who had been fed enough signals from the Doctor’s Type 40 TARDIS that she became and entirely new type of TARDIS.  She is capable of communicating directly with 3 dimensional beings (humans) as well as 5 dimensional beings (older TARDISes).  The Type 103’s will be essential to Time Lords during the War with the Enemy.

1018                   The Taking of Planet 5 : The Doctor meets Time Lords from his future and helps save the Universe.  War TARDISes from the future call Compassion Shub Niggurth (this is the name of the Nestene Consciousness).

1018                   Storming of Avalon (from the Doctor's POV):  The last operational Type 40 Time Travel Capsule (the Doctor’s TARDIS) appears to be destroyed.  Laura Tobin (Compassion) becomes the first and only 102-Form TARDIS.   Her interior is only big enough to carry several thousand people and she has total physical control over her passengers.   She refers to herself only as Compassion from henceforth.  Compassion, the Doctor and Fitz flee the Time Lords who need Compassion as breeding stock for the coming War.  NOTE: This event occurs later from Gallifrey's point of view.

1018                   The BBC novels produced in 2000 probably occur when the Doctor is 1019?

1018                   The Fall of Yquatine: the Doctor installs a Randomizer in Compassion.  She temporarily abandons the Doctor and spends decades wandering through space and time.

1018                  The Doctor loses his "fake" shadow and the Faction Paradox Virus starts to take control of him.

1018                   (well past his one-thousandth birthday)

1018                    (1898 AD / shortly after the events of Storming of Avalon)
                    The Banquo Legacy (from the Doctor's POV):
The Doctor is traped for a short time by Simpson's Atron Inhibitor.  NOTE: This event occurs later from Gallifrey's point of view.

1018                   The Ancestor Cell (from the Doctor's POV):  Having been pulled into his relative future by the Time Lords, the Doctor witnesses the event of the Ancestor Cell (later known as the Battle of Mutter's Cluster).  The Doctor and the Time Lord Technician Nivet are rescued by Compassion (Type 102). The Doctor uses his link with Compassion to upload a copy of his memories to her data banks.  He then deleats his memories and places a very compressed copy of the Matrix into his mindThe Doctor witnesses the devestation of one of the Gallifrey's (from his future) at his own hands.  The Doctor’s Type 40 TARDIS (having been reduced to the size of an atom) will need about a century to recover from these experiances.         
            NOTE: This event occurs later from Gallifrey's point of view.  For more info click HERE

1018                   (1888 AD)
The Doctor is suffering from shock and an absence of memories.  He is dropped off with the TARDIS on Earth in the year 1888 AD.  Compassion and Nivet leave to explore the Multiverse. 

1020            (1890 AD)
                    The Burning: By this point the Doctor has lost all of his experiances and adventures from before his arrival in 1888 AD. 

1027~         (about 124 years before the War)
                    The Faction Paradox begins making its presence know and even attempt to recuit members of the High Council.  
They worship Grandfather Paradox and awaits his return.  Some Faction agents cut their arms off. The construct a homeworld and
build warships from the skeletons of the Deamons.  The have six warships left.

??                (possibly after the Curse fades)
                Iris Wildthyme and Dedalus have a brief relationship and have a son.

1039-1052       (probably at least 16 years after Lungbarrow but at least a 100 years before Ancestor Cell)
                Mali of the House of Lungbarrow has a son named Ryssal.

1023-1050       (-100~  probably less then 150~ before Ancestor Cell)
                Vorzarti's son, Eton, is born.

??                (Before the Nine Homeworlds Project)
                Cousin Mantissa becomes the Lady Armorer of the House of Mirraflex.

1056            (95 before the beginning of the War)
                With the High Council’s approval,
the cousins of House Lineacrux quietly arranged for the crypto-forming of Eight new Gallifrey “Clones” out of existing Gallifreyan Colonies, but allow other Houses to take the credit for event. 
Lady Armourer Mantissa is also involved in the project, which involved placing 8 planets into Inner Time and anchoring them to the Web of Time.  At least one of the planets that were crypto-formed was inhabited by humans.  Each of these cloneworlds was primed with the Laws of Time.  The "clones" are to be used as boltholes, decoys, and alternative homeworlds because the orginal is less secure.  This brings the total number of possible Gallifreys to nine.  The original Gallifrey was probably located 29,000 lightyears from Sol, near the center of the galaxy but it was probably moved to 250,000,000 lightyears away during the War to confuse the Enemy.  It is likely that one of the cloneworlds (probably the Romana's Gallifrey) was put in the orginal location.  

1056            (95 before the beginning of the War)
            By presidential decree the nine cloneworld colonies are kept completely out of contact with each other and with the original Gallifey. Officially this was done to ensure that Time Lord society survived the War.  However the project was shrouded in secrecy and it is rumored that the original Gallifrey might have been shifted to a new location leaving a cloneworld as a decoy in its place.  Such a move could have had a large (but unknown) effect on the History of the Spiral Politic.  Officially each cloneworld is occupied by caretaker-Houses but since communication and travel between them is forbidden it is possible that each one believes itself to be the original Gallifrey and might have it own Lord or Lady President.  These rumors are True.  Each of the "Colonies" is actually a unknowing duplicate of the original Time Lord Homeword, Gallifrey.  Of the 8 copies only the The Ancestor Cell Gallifrey, the The Infinity Doctors Gallifrey, and the Homeworld (which sits where the original was) have been identified.  As part of the defense mechanisms these other Gallifreys appear not be connected with the Protocals of Linearity.  Thus the Doctor appears to be able to visit them in any sequance and at any point in their history. 

NOTE:  To differentiate the events on Romana's Colony, and the Master's Colony this timeline will (from this point onwards) refer to Romana's planet as "Gallifrey" and the Master's planet as "the Homeworld." 

???                  (After the Faraway Declaration / but before the Nine Homeworlds)
                Several colonies are founded by the Time Lords.

1056      (Materix Date 6776 / around 25 years before Spirit)
            Leela has spent about 25 years on Gallifrey according to Romana (possibly this refers to how long Leela has been on this particular cloneworld)

1056           (95 before the begining of the War)
                The Homeworld is designated Gallifrey VIII. 
A new Time Lord becomes the Head of the Presidency on the Homeworld.  He has fair skin and large black mustache, and is known for his stoicism.  Because their new President is an obstructionist, the High Council refuses to make any further preperations for the War. 

??                    (some time before the Doctor dies)
                Valerian become President of a Gallifrey.

??                (before The Eight Doctors)
               Time Lady Flavia becomes Lady President of a Gallifrey.  She has a long and successful reign.

??            (before Tides of Time / probably after the Nine Homeworlds Projects as most of those Gallifreys still have a Panoptican)
                On a Gallifrey the Time Lord Luther designs the reconstruction of the Capitol.  This includes the Watchtower over the old Panoptican.   During the reconstruction Overseer Luther secretly turns the entire planet into a TARDIS. 

1056          (Matrix Date 6776.6 / a few weeks before being captuered by the Daleks / 95 before the begining of the War / not during the 6th Doctor era)
Romana is elected Mistress of the Nine Gallifreys.  Romana is elected President of the Gallifrey located in the Kasterborous Sector.  At the time of Romana’s Election the roles of President and Chancellor are combined.  Given that one of the major reasons of the Nine Homeworlds Project is to protect the original Gallifrey by providing potential decoy, it is unlikely that the Kasterborous Gallifrey is the original Gallifrey.  Her sudden absence from the other Homeworlds is explained by a hasty resignation.  On Romana keeps th fact that there are multiple Gallifrey's is kept secret from everyone except the High Council at this point.

1056.1    (Matrix Date 6776.7 / probably after Lungbarrow / weeks after Romana is elected President )
                A new crystal containing entropic power is discovered on the oldest planet in the universe, Etra Prime.  It becomes known as the Apocalypse Element and is capable of shredding the raw fabric of space-time in an unstopable reaction.  As a result of this discovery, the planet Archetryx is host to a Time Treaty of twenty of the greatest powers in space-time.  They include the Time Lords, the Virgoans, and the Monan Host,
and the People.  The Daleks are not invited.  President Romana and a diplomatic party of 300 Time Lords represent Gallifrey.  Shortly afterward everyone who arrived Etra Prime vanished into time and space, taking 500 people with it, including Romana.

1056.2    (after Romana disappears)
                The President temorarily resumes his position as the Lord President of Gallifrey.

??                   (before Sirens of Time)
                Raldeth becomes Commander of the Watch.

??     (between Romana's capture and her rescue in Apoclype element)
          Sirens of Time: Gallifrey is invaded.  The entire invasion and the events leading up to it are retro-annuled. 

          The Time Lords build several fortresses on Simia KK98 to use as a retreat for the whole race if Gallifrey is destroyed.  It is one of the few colonies that the Time Lords have.  The fortresses appear to be giant towers made of rough rock and are miles high and are in constant contact with the Matrix.

1056         (95 before the begining of the War)
                 The Time Lords (from both Gallifrey and the Homeworld) construct many new (formerly illegal) weapons and Romana acquires weapons from many other races.  These weapons are stockpiled in the Slaughterhouse.

??            The 8 Doctors (From Gallifrey's POV): Lady President Flavia (from one of the future Clone Gallifreys) monitors the Doctor as he meets with each of his other incarnations.  Ryoth tries to kill the Doctor.  A Committee of Inquire is started by the Doctor during Trial of a Time Lord.  Flaivia has regenerated at least twice since the The Five Doctors.   Flaiva has had a long and sucessful presidency and will continue to do so (probably lasts over 200 years then).

1071?      (Before the War)
                A renegade Time Lord (probably the Master) is captured by the Enemy after an extensive chase/battle.  His captors are humanoid representatives of the Enemy and “the first, the many, and the indivisible.”  He is given the time active drug Praxis during interrogation.  While under its effect he witnesses several events including an alternative beginning of the War.  The renegade found himself near a prominent chapterhouse in the mountains of Gallifrey.  The Enemy disables the Time Lords with a telepathic attack against the Noosphere.  All the chapterhouses in sight are destroyed by black fireballs (probably a supercharged chunks of the causal nexus [Web of Time??] itself).  Several stolen TARDISes return to Gallifrey and explode.  Cyborg human Ashla shock troops (created by the Blood Coteries of Siloportem) arrive through portholes in the sky.  The troops self-destruct if captured.  The Ashla capture a Loom and infect it – causing it to mutate.  The Eye of Harmony is neutralized and the planet is devastated.  These experiences are recorded in the Praxis Manuscript which eventually finds its way (via the human artist Diego Rivera in 1933 AD) into the hands of the Faction Paradox.

1071           The Master arrives on the Homeworld and kills three of the Chancellery guards and confronts the President about the Enemy.  The Time Lords learn of the predictions of the Praxis Manuscript.  It is the first detailed prediction of War that they receive.   The President refuses to believe him and forbids the other Time Lords to discuss the possibility in public.  The Master might have given the High Council or the President a set of coordinates of a barren zone of the formative continuum, 3,500 years after the big bang, and claims this is where the Enemy lives.  These coordinates are outside the Noosphere of a TARDIS's capabilities.

1071    (Matrix Date 6791 / 10 years before Lies)
          Commander Hallan and the President (of Romana's Gallifrey) visit Devidia.  This is Hallan's 42nd visit to the planet.

??                The Time Lords artificially extended the life of their star.

1076        (5 years after the Master’s last meeting)
                    The Master surrenders to the Homeworld and asks to address a Closed Session of the High Council.  By this point a list of his crimes take up 2 data coils. 
The Master explains that he has evidence of the Enemy's existence.  He convices most of the council members, but the Lord President refuses to attend the session.  After the Closed Session he is given a total pardon and leaves the Homeworld.  The High Council attempts to find a diplomatic solution to the coming war.  On the advice of the CIA the President does everything in his power to stop preparations.  However talk of the Enemy becomes popular. 

1076        (4 decades before the Faraway Declaration)
                    The Master begins developing secret offensive and defensive protocols for the coming war. 

?                The few diplomats who escape presidential veto leave Gallifrey to contact the Enemy, but never return.  It is rumored that the Lord President had their TARDISes sabotaged.

1076.2    (Matrix Date 6796.8 / 20 years after Roman goes missing)
            The Apocalypse Element (Gallifrey): Romana escapes from the Daleks and resumes her position as the 413th President of Gallifrey.  The Daleks attack the Monan Host.  The Daleks invade Gallifrey, kill the interim Lord President,
and recreate the Seriphean Galaxy (or Galaxy 17A53) to be devoid to sentient life.  The Seriphean Galaxy is a neighbor of Mutter's Stellian Spiral and is four times the size of Gallifrey's galaxy.  Things on Gallifrey begin to "change" and many will later say that this was the beginning of the escalation of hostility that will lead to the Last Great Time War.  At this point Type 70s are very well designed (with more capabilites and better telepathic circuits than the Type 40) and are still considered "new."

1076.2    (during the Archetryx expansion)
            The core of the 3rd moon of Heftafalin becomes temporally unstable.  The entire moon is placed in a chamber inside the Anomoly Vault. 

??            (probably after Apocalypse Element)
                The Time Lords create the Doomsday Probe, which can release 5 seconds of accelerated entropy - enough to devestate time through out an entire sector - killing all life.  The Doomsday Probe probably used
the Apocalypse.

1076.2                 (after Apocalypse Element)
                While rebuilding Monan Host from the Dalek attack the Time Lord engineers place a destructive equations in its hyperspatial links.  If the Time Lord's activate these equations it would destroy the Monan Host.  This occurs with out President Romana's knowledge. 

??        (sometime after being elected)
            Romana is a very popular President for a time on Gallifrey. 

??                 (After Apocylpse Element / Before Neverland)
                The C
oalition of the Temporal Powers is formed.  Among its members are the Time Lords, the Monan Host, the Nekkistani, the Warpsmiths of Phaidon, Unvoss, Virgoans, and Humanity.  The Coalition is based on the agreement that as long as the other powers limit their time travel technolgy development the Time Lords will defend them from all temporal attacks.  Time Technology Assessors (made up of representatives of several members) are authorized to investigate any alledged temporal advancements.   Planet Gamma Beta Delta Oblique/00 oblique/97/5 Catagory Kappa Sigma 4 (aka the Enclave of Grybon) is modified by the Time Lords so that almost any TT Capsule that enters the Space Time Vortex is forced to materialize their.  Grybon has Transduction Barriers (so it might be located in Inner Time).  They are then trapped under Gryben's transduction barriers untill they and their TT Capsule can be assesed.  Most return to their original space-time zone, but some choose to live on Gryben.  Members of the Coalition have compex navigational algorithims that allow them to avoid Gryben's massive pull.  Earth's 20th Century becomes a strictly embargoed time zone. 

1077.6    (Matrix Date 6798.2) 
                Time of the Daleks: The Daleks attempt to build a Temporal Elimination Device which will allow them to seize controld of the Time Vortex, but when activated something goes wrong en the Emperor and his fleet of 1,700 timeships is trapped in a time loop within the Vortex.  By this point the Daleks have used the information they stole during the Apocalypse Element to create their own Eye of Harmony.

??                (after Romana becomes President / Probably after Time of the Daleks)
                The Hand of Omega returns to Gallifrey and goes back to hanging arround the Omega memorial.
  The CIA and President Romana observe the events of Rememberance of the Daleks.  Believing Skaro to be destroyed they relize that this means the possibility of the Daleks becoming will ever become the enemy in the Time War has been reduced ten-fold.  They believe the future Time War in Heaven has been averted. However the removal of the Daleks as a major temporal power might allow new enemies to develop and threaten the Time Lords.  The Daleks will however take steps to ensure that the their planet is secretly saved.

1077.7    (Matrix Date 6798.3)
                Anti-Time is discovered.  Romana authorizes mission beyond the Anti-Time Rift to investigate Zagreus using a Class 7c Super Orbital Time Station.  This Station has the 8th Door to the Matrix.  Its interior architecture can transcendentally reconfigure itself instantly to meet with the needs of its crew.  This level of control is a new innovation.  Another fairly new innovation it has is the ability to partially regenerate damaged systems and seal hull breaches.

1077.9    (Matrix Date 6798.5 / Doc claims to be just over 950 / 600 years after the Academy, 6 months after Storm Warning from Charley's POV)
: Vansell is killed.  The Doctor gives Romana back her Sonic Screwdriver.  Doctor materialised his TARDIS around a casket with a critical mass of raw Anti-Time energy.  This prevents Anti-Time from contaminating all of Gallifrey, including the Eye of Harmony and saves of the Web of Time and all continuity from destruction.  The Doctor’s TARDIS feels betrayed when the Doctor throws their lives away in order to save Charley.

1078.0?    (after Vansel dies)
            Lord Narvin becomes
Cheif Coordinator of the CIA.  Torvald serves under him.

?            Romana begins writing a story (possibly based on the life of the Doctor) about a student at a Time Academy named Sigma.  His fellow classmate is Louandra and one of his teachers is Cardinal Louvis.

1078.3    (Matrix date 6799.0 / 6 Gallifreyan months after Neverland / before Romana meets Leela)
            Zagreus: Rassilon keeps the Doctor alive and he and his TARDIS are contaminated by anti-time becoming Zagreus. 
Zagreus plans to destroy the Web of Time to make the (Multi?)universe fit with his view.  Rassilon tries to make Zagreus Lord President of Gallifrey so that he can enter the sealed Divergence Universe and destroy them.  The Doctor’s TARDIS discovers how to partially cure the contamination.  The Doctor, TARDIS, and Charley enter the Divergence Universe to ensure that the anti-time within never escapes.
             NOTE: Romana clearly has not met Leela in this timeline.  But it clearly takes place significantly after Lungbarrow for Andred.  This could be a result of the mind blocks nessecary for the Nine Homeworld Project to succeed.  Or perhapse it is a result of the Foreman Timeline merging with the Classic Timeline. 

1080     (6 months before Torvald attempts to kidnap Cissy Pollard / 6 months before Torvald's first regeneration / after Neverland)
            Torvald is stationed in early 20th century Earth for six months. 

1080.4~    (after Neverland, right before Andred's regeneration)
            A Blind Eye (Torvald's POV): A metamorph hires Arkadian to collect Cissy Pollard as specimen.  The CIA agent Torvald pretends to help Arkadian in order to kidnap Pollard from Arkadian, and create another porthole into Anti-Time.  Torvald plans to use Pollard to blackmail Romana into authorizing the use of force temporal alteration to delate her presedency and all of her policy changes.  Torvold's plan is thwarted by Romana from Gallifrey's future and his memory of the last 6 months is wiped.

1080.4    (Matrix Date 6800.5  / before Weapon of Choice / after Neverland / dated 17-11-0-0-5 (possibly 6800.5 17/11) / while he's a commander in the Gaurd - after Narvin becomes Coordinator / almost 6 month before Lies / before relizing that Leela would live for centuries)
               Gaurd Commander Andredloomsagwinaechegesima
(aka Andred, aka Andredosselis) learns that neo-conservatives (probably headed up by House Lineacrux) had developed a multistage plot to return Gallifrey to its isolationist policies.  Andred tries to learn the identity of the neo-conservatives leaders.  He arranges a meeting between himself and CIA Coordinator Narvin.  Narvin relizes this is a deception and sends CIA Commander Torvald to kill Andred.  A fire fight occurs and Torvald is killed while Andred is wounded.  Andred deliberatly regenerates into Torvald so that he can infiltrate and influance the CIA (which he believes is involved with the conspiracy).  Andred swaps Torvald's DE with his own. The genetic copy is such that Andred is now considered to be a member of the House of Deeptree instead of Redlooms.  Fearing that Leela wouldn't understand Andred never tries to contact Leela.  As far as Leela and Romana are concered he disappears and no trace of him can be found.  By this point Leela cannot return to the Sevateam because she has become dependent on Gallifreyan Biofields to keep her from aging to death within a year.

1080.4    (Matrix Date 6800.5 / right after regenerating)
          Torvald (aka Andred) is promoted to the rank of Commander in the CIA. 

1080.4    (Matrix Date 6800.5 / Right after the death of Torvald)
                The death of Torvald triggers a failsafe program that causes several servitor robots to create the Free Time Movement and try to steal the Timonic Fusion Device from Gallifrey's Past. 
The Free Time Movement begins to form on Gryben.  It will eventualy spread beyond that planet.  Its this researcher's belief that Free Time (and perhapse Torvald himself) were working unknowning for the Daleks.  Certainly the Free Time Movement develops a life of its own with mysterious employers providing funding and missions for its agents. 

1080.7~    (Matrix Date 6800.7~  / after Zagreus / before the Doctor returns from the Divergence / Leela has lived in the Capitol for "many years" / long after Andred disappears)
            Weapon of Choice: 
The CIA believes that a Timonic Fusion Device has been obtained by the Free Time Movement on Grybon.  The Monan Host deploys troops on Grybon to obtain the device.  The Time Lords threaten to destroy Grybon (and the Monan military forces).  The Free Time Movement has been manipulated by a Time Lord to discredit the President Romana.  President Romana travels to Grybon and defuses the situation.  However she fails to recover the Timonic Fusion Device.  Leela is made a Presidential Body Gaurd and K-9 is made a Security Advisor.  Lord Cardinal Braxiatel claims not know the Doctor at this point. 

1080.7~    (Matrix Date 6800.7~  / after Weapon of Choice)
            Square One: The first Temporal Summit (lasting 1 week) is held between the members of the Coalition to create a Time Treaty.  It is attended by the heads of state of the all the Temporal Powers.  This is the first attempt at a temporal summit since the disaster at
Archetryx.  The real summit succeeds.  Romana gives the Monans the information nessecary to remove the destructive equations from their Host World.  The Coalition of Temporal Powers sign the Time Treaty. 
            A fake public temporal summit it held to distract Free Time terrorists.  
A Monan named V'rell, who is allied with the Free Time Movement, attempts to sabotaget the fake summit.  The Time Lady Liaison Officer Hassosak violates the First Law of Time by rolling time back Time at the fake summit three different times to prevent its failure.  She is put on trial. 

1080.8    (Matrix Date 6800.8 / 3 months before Lies)
           Taranwynterdastant graduates from the Academy with a Degree in Security. 

1080.8~    (Matrix Date 6800.8~  / 2 weeks after Weapon of Choice)
            The Inquiry:
There is an inquiry into the Lady President's actions in the Grybon affair.  Inquisitor Prime Darkeltrcustastrit of the House of Jurisprudence (aka Darkel) serves as Inquisitor, and Lord Cheif Coordinator Narvin serves as Valyard.  The data bomb placed in the Matrix by Braxiatal in an alternate timeline is triggered and (eventually) detonated.  Romana makes a minor violation of the Protocals of Linearity to catch Braxiatel adding to his collection.  President Romana and Cardianl Braxiatel violate the Protocals of Linearity and travel back in time to insure that the Timonic Fusion Device is never stolen by Torvald's servitor robots.  They return to discover that the Timonic Fusion Device that was almost used on Grybon was a fake.  The inquiry into the president's actions is dismised due to the threat being retro-actively annuled. 

1080.8    (Matrix Date 6800.9 / after The Inquiry)
            A Blind Eye (Romana's POV): Arkadian summons Romana and CIA agents and Torvald to a 20th century Earth to show her the actions of a younger Torvald in their relative past.  This is a violation of the several Laws of Time including the first.  Leela learns that Andred has been pretending to be Torvald and filled with anger at the betryal declares her husband "dead."

1081.0    (Matrix Date 6801.0 / shortly before Lies)
The Arcallian Taranwynterdastant (aka Wynter) becomes the new Castellan of Gallifrey.  With the High Council's approval Romane changes the Laws of Time.  Aliens are once again allowed to attend the Gallifreyan Time Academy This time they are allowed access to all the course modules that are taught at the Academy. Cardinal Braxiatel is put in charge of the Prydon Time Academy. 

1081.0    (Matrix Date 6801.0 / 7 weeks after A Blind Eye / almost 6 months after Andred becomes Torvald)
            Lies: Pandora the Imperiatrix escapes from the Matrix and takes control of Co-ordiantor Narvin.  Darkel releases Andred and tell him to learn everything about the Imperiatrix.  Romana discovers that Narvin is possessed and has the Imperiatrix's partition in the Matrix is closed off.   She will be trapped there as long as Romana doesn't connect with the Matrix.  K-9 beings trying to construct a secure partition in the Matrix.  By this point Braxietal is in regular contact with his other incarnations (in defiance of the First Law of Time).

1081.02    (Matrix Date 6801.02 / almost a week after Lies)
             Spirit: Romana and Leela take a vacation on the Presidential Retreat World of Davidia (which also services other goverments).  A flotillia of security ships stay in orbit to protect whichever govermental leader is recreating there.  No TARDIS can penetrate Devidia's Defense Screens without the current Clearance Codes, which are set by the current visting leader.  A TARDIS from Gallifrey's relative future arrives on Devidia using Romana's clearance Clearance Codes.  It carries Castallan Wynter from the future.  He mutilated himself physically and mentally.  He carries an alien pathogen that will be triggered by his regeneration (which he appears to be holding off by sheer force of will).  The TARDIS from the relative future is placed in the Chambers within the Anomoly Vault. 
By this point Commander Hallan of the House of Archamindies has been serving Escort Duty for the Chandellory Guard for 700 years.  This is his 43rd visit to Devidia.

1081.02    (after Spirit) 
        The CIA captures Aesino, a fractured temporal assassin with 20 billion lives.  She is attached to Wynter's TARDIS in an attempt to make the perfect assassin.  Unfortunately she is to unstable and she is placed in the Anomoly Vault. 


1081.3    (Matrix Date 6801.02 / right after Spirit / Gallifrey Date 951.3 / before Dragon's Wrath)
             Pandora (Part 1): The commentator for Public Registar Video named Antimon is actually and agent for the Free Time Movement.  He gives a regenerative mutagen known as the Dogma Virus to another member, named Gillestes.  This Post-Regenerative Cerebral Mutagen is a virus that hijackes a Time Lord's symbiotic nuclie and is activated by a regeneration.  Once active it make the subject a zombie like being receptive to pre-programed beleifs of the Free-Time Movement.  Gillestes tries to place the Dogma Virus into the Capitol’s Main Water Pumping Station.  At Darkel’s urging Wynter releases the Pandora Creature from the Matrix, which possess him.  The creature feeds on ambition and greed.  The tortured Time Lord dies, but has a fragment of Artron Energy which can be used to ID a Time Lord.  The identification shows him to be a future version of Castellan Wynter.  Braxietal is elevated to the rank of Chancellor.  He is the first to hold the rank of Chancellor since Romana was elected. 

1081.3    (Right after the first part of Pandora / Relative Date 17-11-9-0-1.557 / Probably 327 days after Torvald is replaced by Andred)
            Pandor (Part 2): Pandora tries to use Wynter to possess Romana.  To prevent Pandora from taking over Wynter tries to poison himself with the Regenerative Mutagen.  When this fails he mutilates his body, and then tries to warn the President by stealing a TARDIS and traveling into Gallifrey’s relative past.  Leela is appointed acting Castellan.   Braxiatel tricks the Pandora Creature into trying to possess him.  He then voluntarily takes his TARDIS and goes into exile from Gallifrey to prevent Pandora from ever accessing the Matrix again.  Officially he loses his title of Lord Cardinal and is exiled for breaking the First Law of Time.  Andred is made Castellan on the orders of Inquisitor Darkel. 

??         Darkel begins unknowingly taking the advice of the Pandora entity.

1081.3    (Matrix Date 6801.1 / probably shortly after Pandora)
            Leela begins lecturing at the Academy on how to adapt to life on Gallifrey. 

1081.5?    (Matrix Date 6801.2? / Some time after Leela begins teaching at the Acadmey)
Valyestreandurnomar (Valyes) takes over as Acting Chancellor and begins running the Prydon Time Academy.  Neeloc is a Prydonian studenet who wants to follow in the footsteps of the Doctor.  The human student, Taylor, aquires plans that use the Great Key, but dies when he tries to enter the Caldera to find the Key.  Andred is killed in the Vaults by Romana who is under the control of Pandora.  Narvin gives Darkel full access to CIA resources to depose Romana.  Darkel invokes the Right of Challenge against President Romana. Current predictions indicate the Darkel will win the Electoral Contest.  Leela is made Security Advisor for the Prydonian Time Academy.  The Prydonians and Patrexies ally with Darkel while the Arcalians wait to see who the winner is.  Maxil becomes the new Castellan. 

1081.5?    (Matrix Date 6801.2? / right after Insurgency)
Antimon the commentator for Public Register Video begins delivering bombs on Gallifrey under orders from Darkel.  At this point Darkel doesn't know that Antimon is an agent for Free Time.  There is an explosion at the Academy and a little over 30 students (mostly aliens) are killed.  Romana beings contacting the Future Vision of the Imperiatrix for advice on the future.  Under the laws of the Book of the Old Time Romana declares herself Imperiatrix and announces that she has access to the Great Key.  This gives her exclusive and unlimited access to the Matrix and the timelines of every member fo the Supreame Council.  She is the first Imperiatrix since Pandora.  The Chapters and the High Council are dissolved.  Antimon tries to detonate bombs in the Panoptican.  Darkel attempts a coup but Romana has infiltrated her supporters crushes the attempt.  Leela kills Antimon.  To stop the Panoptican from being bombed Romana accesses the Matrix.  This allows Pandora to manifest by drawing matter from a biodata imprint inside the Matrix taking the form of Romana's first incarnation.  Darkel and Pandora are arrested.  K-9, now infected by the Pandor Virus, releases Pandora and helps her stage a coup.  With the support of Darkel, Pandora assumse the presidency.  This starts a civil war on Gallifrey. 

1081.5?   (Between Imperiatrix and Fractures)
            Battles are a daily occurance in the Capitol. 
Many towers of the Capitol are destroyed.  By this point Narvin has hundreds of years of experience with computer security.  The Prydon Time Academy is attacked and left in ruins.  During the attack Striped Pig-Rats infected with the Dogma Virus escape a lab and begin to spread the virus around Gallifrey.  

1081.5?    (Matrix Date
6801.2? / 10 days after Imperiatrix?)
Fractures: 753 people are killed in the first 10 days of Pandora's rule.  Romana has the Archive Banks of the Matrix destroyed.  Romana scrambles the Imprimatur Cortex in the Bearthing Bays, preventing any Timeship from dematerializing.  This prevent's Gallirey's Civil War from turning into a Time War.  Romana's attempt to destroy the Artron Forum results in Leela's being blinded.  Romana and Leela find Aesino from the Anomaly Vault and kill her.  They set a new base of operations in the ruins of the Prydon Time Academy.  By this point Skimmers are never used on Gallifrey. 

1081.5??    (proably after being exiles / before returning to become President)
            Brax eliminates the Free Time Movement. 
Brax has learns that the coming Last Great Time War in Heaven is more than just rumors.  He also acquires a second hand Time Scoop.  Using a vairation of the Matrix Partition fields Brax shifts his entire collection (and indeed the entire planetoid) a few seconds out of phase with normal time and space.  

1082?    (Many spans after Fractures?? / probably less than 6 months after Fractures)
            Warfare: K-9 implants a version of the Dogma Virus in a Staser that makes anyone who is shot with it completely loyal to the Pandora.  He also developes a technological version of the Dogma Virus.  Pandora's forces mount an attack on Romana's base in the Academy ruins but Narvin sets up a matrix partition to act as a giant forcefield which protects the Academy.   Romana confronted Pandora and was infected with K-9's version of the Dogma Virus.   Leela stabs Pandora, killing her body.  To ensure Pandora's complete destruction Romana feeds it to the entity that controled the Anomaly Vault, trapped both of them within a dark partition of the Matrix, and then erased the entire Matrix.  Romana is severly tramatized by her ordeal and
Lord Valyestreandurnomar (Valyes) takes over as Acting-President of Gallifrey. 

??         If Pandora had remained Imperiatrix she would have won the Last Great Time War with the Daleks.

1082?    (shortly after Warfare)
             Appropriation: The Time Lords being growing new TARDIS.  The Transduction Barriers arround Gallifrey fail causing Gallifrey to be connected with Normal Space and normal Time.  The Sunari invade Gallifrey. 
The Sunari and Nekkistani declare war on Gallifrey for endangering their students at the Time Academy.  After a vote of no-confidence Romana steps down as Lady President and names her third incarnation as her successor.  Cardinal Matthiascivandren (Matthias) uses legal trickery to claim the title of Vice-President of Gallifrey.  A malfunction of the Transduction Barriers destroys the invading Sunari and Nekkistani vessels. 

1082?    (shortly after Appropriation)
             Mindbomb: Romana is imprisoned and Matthias and Darkel both declare themselves canidates for the Presidential Election.  The Emergency High Council has all of President Romana's actions since Pandora escaped (Relative Date 17-11-9-0-1.557) recinded.  This means that Braxiatal is now Chancellor once again.  He returns to Gallifrey (with the Matrix destroyed he can no longer infect it) and claims the position of Lord President of Gallifrey.  Brax tricks Darkel into releasing the last vestage of Pandora inside her own head and it kills her.  Brax then steps down and names Matthias as his successor to be the next Lord President of Gallifey.  He does this so that Romana will remain objective when the time comes to decide Gallifrey's future.  Brax then departs Gallifrey. 

1082?    (after Mindbomb)
             Panacea: Romana is banished from the Capitol.  She returns to the ruins of her House of Heatshaven and lets it burn down.   
By this point almost 1 in 9 Gallifreyans have been infected by pig-rats carrying the prototype version of the Dogma Virus.  If the Dogma Virus continues to spread it will destroy the Gallifreyan people in a few centuries.  Well before a proper cure can be created.  President Matthias invites Arkadian to Gallifrey to try to find a solutions to Gallifrey's economic instability.  He makes Gallifrey the very tempting offer of 10,000,000,000,000 credits for their stockpile of temporal weapons that Pandora created.  When the High Council refuses Arkadian offers Gallifrey the cure to the Dogma Virus for the weapondry.  Brax uses the Time Scoop to steal the Bio-Data Archive of all living Time Lords as well as Romana, Leela , and Narvin.  They are all transported to the planetoid that holds his collection.  Brax believes that the Dogma Virus has weakend Gallifrey to the point where it can not survive the coming Time War.  Brax's planetoid has been shifted a few seconds out of phase with normal time and space.  He believes that this will keep the Bio-Data Archive safe from the coming War.  Brax also reveals that the cure to the Dogma Virus is a mutagen that deactivates the symbiotic nuclie.  This means that there will be no more regenerations and no more Time Lords.  They will cease to be Higher Evolutionaries.  Arkadian plans to sell the temporal weapons to some metal gentlemen (probably the Daleks) but appears to be killed.  The Dogma "cure" (the Anti-Time Lord Mutagen) is taken back to Gallifrey where is probably begins to infect the populace turning Gallifreyans into a lesser species.  Luckily Romana has a plan...that probably invovles her secret knowledge of the Nine Homeworlds Project.

1098.5    (Matrix Date 6818.5 / probalby 20 years after Neverland)
                Romana probably frees the Daleks who are trapped in a paradox.

1102~        (about 100 years before the war /after the rival Cardinal affair is delt with)
            Faction Paradox begins recruiting Lesser Species.
The Faction Paradox sets up on Dronid.

1110            (1980 AD)
            Father Time: The Doctor (whose memories have been deleated) adopts Miranda.

~1114           Iris Wildthyme visits the Doctor (whose memories have been deleated) but only confuses him.

The Third Romana (Louise Brooks)
??                (before Shadows of Avalon)
            Romana regenerates for the third time.  She acquires the Prydon Seal on her ankle.  One of Patience's bodies also has a Prydon Seal on her ankle.

??                (before Storm of Avalon but after he Cloneworlds are created)
            Romana is given the title
War Queen of a Gallifrey located in the Kastarbourus Sector.  By this point the existance of the Cloneworlds are know to the people of Gallifrey as is Romana's title as Mistress of the Nine Gallifreys.

1116        (40 years after his previous vist)
            The Master returns to the Homeworld.  His current body is that of a very old man.  The Chancellery Guard captures him before he could leave his TARDIS.  The Master is imprisoned in the Hall of Addresses.

1116        (35 years before the War) 8
            The Head of the Presidency leaves the Homeworld with another Time Lord and several guards on a five day mission to establish the Faraway Colony at the coordinates (probably) given by the Master as the home of the Enemy.  The Master’s execution is scheduled in five days.  Academician Umbaste serves as President in his absence. 

1116         (5 days after the President leaves)
            The Faraway Declaration occurs when the President's head materializes (to the sound of a Timeships dimensional stabilizer) with the message “We are not amused” in the head’s mouth.  (Probably using Praxis) the head had been kept alive for the entire lifespan of the universe before being killed and returned to Gallifrey.  The Time Lords formally acknowledge the Enemy as a rival power. 

1116             The CIA begins to make plans to become the Celestis because they think the Time Lords might lose the War.

1116         (6 days after the President leaves)
            The weak-willed male Time Lord Academician Umbaste becomes the Lord President of the Homeworld of Gallifrey. 
He was Chancellor when the Doctor was at the Academy.   The Master is made a member of the High Council.  The Master becomes known as the Magistrate and serves as a Minister on the High Council.  He is the second highest ranking Prydonian and enforces all the laws from the Citadel byelaws to the Law of TimesPreparation for the War begins in earnest. 

1116            (1986 AD) Father Time: Miranda leaves the Doctor (whose memories have been deleated).

1119-?         (1989 AD) Father Time: The Doctor (whose memories have been deleated) is exposed to 50-100 years of time spilliage.

1120        (32 years before the War)
            As part of the mobilization the first Academician for Game Logic is appointed.


1121?    (a few decades before the War)
            On the Homeworld the Academicians for Game Logic invent Postmodernism.  This forms the core of the most rapid advancements in Time Lord civilization in millions of years.  Devonire is one of the first Academicians.  He is also one of the Homeworld's greatest diplomats becoming known as the Reconciler. 

?                 (before Storming of Avalon)
             The Time Lords continue to be worried about the People.

?                 (before the Celestis)
             The event of the War interrupts the CIA’s experiment with the Fendahl Predator.  It is allowed to evolve beyond the planed cut-off date.  The Predator continues to evolve until it is powerful enough to destroy the entire Universe in a day.

??            (decades after learning that the enemy is capable of fighting them)
            The Time Lords finally get over their shock about learning of the existence of the enemy. 

?                 (Before the War begins)
            The First Wave of the House Military is produced.  It is made up of Time Lords and Gallifreyans, many of which had served in the Watch or the Chancellery Guard.  The newly loomed were designed to be mass produced, disciplined, regimented, and uniform.  Cousins of the minor Newblood House Xianthellipse warn against this uniformity.

?                 Ryssal of the House of Lungbarrow joins the Chancellery Watch on Gallifrey.

1130~         (decades before the war / probably when the Daleks invade / after the Faraway Declaration)
            The House Military begins to form after several Houses argue that the Watch and the Chancellery Guard are an inadequate defense force.  Under the guidance of the Master, the House Military takes the form of an intimate and exclusive group of the more aggressive and proactive Houses.  It is organized into divisions based on time of creation rather then the specialty of skill or field of operation.  Each generation is called a Wave.  The events of the War are numbered by the number of the Wave involved in them.  The House of Arpexia develops and produces most of the weaponry for the War.   

1130~  (a few decades before Shadows of Avalon)
            The looms of Gallifrey are put into maximum production (and beyond), to produce as many Gallifreyan Warriors as possible.

      This box covers events that happened in the City of the Saved up untill it makes contact with Gallifrey. 

907      (1 AF / After Event 2)
            The City of the Saved exists.  It can be accessed via the Uptime Gate.  The City is a micro-universe within which all the humans (including post and pre humans) that have ever existed in any version of history have been recreated as Homo Imago using a combination of Biodata and Warp Matrix Engineering.  The Homo Imago are biomemetic structurs comprised of the original human DNA, psychological makeup, physical tramas, and awareness of somatic processes.  The Citiy's 10 to 38 power inhabitants live galaxy sized (10
18 kilometres in diameter ) city within a state-of-grace where death, wounds, and pain is impossible.  By this point Compassion V (the City of the Saved) is over 10 million years old.  She might even be a few billion years old.

907               (1 AF)
                After dying on Drornid the the first battle of the Time War, the Doctor is re-incarnated in the City of the Saved after his death on Drornid.  He probably becomes the half human, half Time Lord citizen known as Grandfather Halfling. 

907?           (900 years before Aliens of London)
                    The Doctor starts over on counting his age - probably because his body had been completely recreated from scratch.  He also claims that this is the year when he started traveling in time and space. 
The Doctor's referance to 900 years of time and space could refer to how long its been since he started traveling.  Maybe he can't remeber how much time he's been on Gallifrey or doesn't feel he was really born untill he left Gallifrey.  NOTE: 0 AF will be the baseline for dating the Doctor's age in the new series.  

??                    (eaons after The Aztecs)
                The Doctor (who was killed at the beginning of the Time War) goes into Celestial Retirement
in the City of the Saved, but maintains occational contact with the Time Lords.

946??               (before 84 AF)
                    Inside the City of the Saved, House Halfling is established in the Godsdice District by a Time Lord/Human halfbreed known as Grandfather Halfling (almost certainly the Doctor).  Its political goal is to ensure fair and equal treatment of the various halfbreeds of the City.

1007~                (100~ AF)
                    Inside the City of the Saved, Grandfather Halfling (probably the Doctor) befriends Amanda Legend Lefcourt.

1130    (223 AF)
             Het Linc becomes the City of the Saved’s ambassador to Gallifrey. 

1131?           (2001 AD) Escape Velocity: The Doctor's TARDIS is fully healed from the events of The Ancestor Cell.  The Doctor (whose memories have been deleated) leaves Earth for the first time in 113 years.

?           Ryssal of the House of Lungbarrow regenerates for the first time.  His new body has malformed teeth.

??                  Compassion abandones Nivet, severing his symbiotic link.  Nivet might not be considered a Time Lord any more. 

1131-1132?  By this point the Doctor tells the Master that there are only 4 (full) Time Lords (ie Time Lords bonded with TARDISes) left in the Cosmos. 
                      1. The Doctor (whose memories have been deleated) and his TARDIS
                      2.  The Minister of Chance

The Master (who also escaped) envys the Doctor for being able to destroy Gallifrey.  The Master appears to belive that the destruction of Gallifrey means that he and the Doctor have to stop fighting over the universe - at least untill the universe is ready for them again.

                      4.  Irsis Wildthyme who never graduated from the Acadmey but is bonded with a TARDIS. 

                      5.  Marnal is still symbiotically linked with the Doctor's TARDIS so there are 5. 

1131-1132?  (1782-1783 AD / story lasts 1 year)
                The Adventuress of Henrietta Street:  The Doctor
writes a book titled The Ruminations of a Foreign Traveller in his Element that is published in 1783.  The Doctor encounters the Babewyns which are ape like shadows of the Time Lords which live outside human understanding.  The Doctor has the heart that connects him to Gallifrey removed from his chest thus severing his link with the (now non-existent) Prime Eye of Harmony.  It appears that all the other surviving Time Lords also have their hearts removed (or re-anchored to the Clone Gallifreys).  Sabbath has the Doctor's heart implanted inside himself.  He makes Earth his new anchor point by marrying the human Scarlett.  However later events will show that the single anchor point of one Time Lord isn't enough to protect the Web of Time from other time travellers. 

??            (after Adventuress of Henrietta Street but before Camera Obscura Sometime's Never)
                Sabbath joins Faction Paradox

1132    (225 AF)
             Het Linc convinces many Gallifreyans to defect to the City of the Saved.  Unfortunately they are rejected by the City Council and forced to leave.  It is possible they become the City’s Secret Architects.  Het Linc’s position as ambassador is abolished.

1132     (shortly before becoming the Celestis)
          The CIA steal the technique of Memory Cloning  from the enemy (this is probably the mind probing tech used on the Doctor in Resurrection of the Daleks).

1132    (a few days before the CIA becomes the Celestis)
            The Academy that served as the primary recruiting source for the CIA withdraws from the Academic Roster. 

1132          (19 years before the war)
            Fearing destruction and erasure in the War, the Celestial Intervention Agency of the Homeworld, creates Mictlan, a cyst of galled space-time cut off from the Time Winds.  It is constructed of Block Transfer Engines and Computational Matrices.  Mictlan becomes a danger because it could attract the Swimmers to the Multiverse.  
Using the same technique as Grandfather Paradox the CIA erases itself from history and changes itself into conceptual thought patterns (using the Faction's Force Paradox technique) right before the war and escapes to Mictlan. It is possible that they enlisted the aid of one of the Godfather – Lieutenants of the House of Paradox.  This removal also removes the Academy that had withdrawn a few days earlier.  The non-CIA students and faculty are probably used by the Celestis to create the first conceptual entities.  Once there they rename themselves the Celestial House or the Celestis and set up the Last Parliament. The Celestis views themselves as raw and terrible gods of war.  The Celestis use their Mark of Indenture to recuit numerous lesser species to worship them.  The Time Lords view the CIA as criminals and traitors.  Investigator Four is one of the CIA agents who journey to Mictlan (he would have been killed otherwise).  He takes it upon himself to keep an eye on the Celestis.  The Celestis is split between supporting the Enemy and supporting the Time Lords.  Time Lords who encounter the Celestis Investigators usually flee in terror or end up dead.

1132          (19 years before the start of the War)
            The 101 Form is slowly programmed with biodata waldoes as it developed. 
This TARDIS is designed to be "sentient." it survived birth but was a screaming terrified ship that was completely beyond the Time Lords control.  The 101-Form is regarded as the first Renegade TARDIS. Officialy it believed to have been destroyed but it might have been imprisoned or escaped.  The 101-Form might be Lolita.

1132?         (After the Master modifies her heart)
             By this point Lolita is no longer traveling or linked with the Master.

1132?           (forcasted in The Quantum Archangel)
             The Type 94 War TARDIS is created.

1132          (382 years after Deadly Assasin  / 2,000,000 years after the invention of the first TARDIS / 18 years before the War)
            On the Homeworld TARDISes are accepted as weapons of war.  
Because of the failure of the Type 101 work begins on the Type 90 War TARDIS.  These are the first military TARDISes ever built.  One of the reasons the Time Lords never created War TARDISes before was that they didn’t want to give destructive capabilities to an incomprehensible intelligence.   In their default state the War TARDISes appear to be gold space ships with spikes. 

1132~   (the same time as the 101-Form is completed)
            The first Type 91x TARDISes, prototypes for the Type 91 are created.  These TARDISes have a minimal awareness of humanoid life.  Their default shapes are deliberately large and eye-catching usualy
appearing to be gold space ships with spikes.  They often assume the appearance of cathedrals. 

1132??          Camera Obscua: Sabbath might be Time's Champion now.  He is working for the Council of Eight, who are trying to become the new Lords of Time.  The Doctor begins growing a new heart (and thus a new connection to the Earth presumably). 

1132?            (based on Fitz's age)
                    Zero Time: Without the Prime Eye or Harmony the universe begins to generate alternate universes for different quantum uncertainties.  The Vortex begins to collapse causing the Web of Time to fracture into numerous alternate universes - drastically reducing the total lifespan of the Universe.  Several lifeforms that live in the Vortex (like the Wraiths) begin to die. 

1132?            Timeless: Temporal fallout from the collapse of the 5th Dimension (the Vortex) begins to kill the populations of the worlds it contaminates.  The Doctor encounters the Time Lords Chloe and Erasmus who remember him as the Blessed Destroyer.  They have been trying to save people from the various fractured timelines.  The Doctor and Sabbath travel back to Event 0 using a temporally active animal named Jamais.  Sabbath attempts to reformat the Web of Time in such a way Human Beings will become linked with the Web of Time making every sentient a Human and probably making every Human a Time Lord.  Unfortunatly the people Sabbath is working for aren't really humans and the Web of Time is reformated for the Council of Eight.  The Doctor's former human companion Anji Kapoor adoupts the young Time Lord Chloe and raises her as her own. 

1132?           By this point the Doctor occationaly talks (via a veiwscreen) to the Master who's essance is still trapped inside his TARDIS. 

1132?            Sometimes Never...:Miranda dies.  Sabbath kills himself to destroy the Council of Eight.  The only surviving member of the Council of 8 is a crystaline skeleton named Soul.  Soul paradoxically absorbs a new form and information from the 8th Doctor.  The Web of Time is shattered and all possible universes are allowed to exist in their own paralle timelines.  Soul then take Sabatths timeship and the Star Killer Vortex Gun and flees with Miranda's daughter Zezanne.  They are drawn to I.M. Foremann's Junkyard and land there in 1963 where they take the names Doctor and Susan. 

1132?           Halflife: Compassion tries to get the Doctor to regain his memories.  The Doctor does recover a vauge idea of what his past is. 

1132.6?    The Sleep of Reason: The Doctor voluntarily spends 100 years in suspended animation to pass the time untill he can re-sync with his companions.  But he doesn't count this towards his age. 

1132.7?           (114 years, 9 months, 3 days, and 6.3 hours after The Ancestor Cell from the TARDIS's POV)
                    The Gallifrey Chronicles: Marnal regenerates for the 12th time and regains all of his memories.  He remembers that that the Panoptican always had six sides.  The TARDIS's Eye of Harmony's causing is damaged creating a Temporal Cicatrix
Scar.  The Doctor looks into his TARDIS's Eye of Harmony, which is still holding the "echo" of the Master.  The ghost of the Master reveals that (while the casing of the Eye is damaged) he has the power to restore Gallifrey in an instant and would do so if the Doctor wanted him to.  The Doctor writes the 30,000 word novel Mansfield Park in two hours.  The Doctor learns that he is carying the Matrix in his head where his memories used to be.  Marnal dies saving the Doctor's life.  The Doctor belives that he is the first Time Lord in 2 million years to die without having his brain transfered to the Matrix.  He plans to find and build a computer that will be capable of downloading them from his mind.  He sends K-9 to fetch Compassion so that she can return his memories once the Matrix has been downloaded.  The Doctor probalby downloads the Matrix to discover that there are 8 other Gallifrey Clones (or maybe K-9 tells him).  He then travels to one of these and gives them the Matrix creating a New Gallifrey.

The Doctor (Paul Mcgann)

1033         (before the Doc turns 2000)
                    On the President's orders the Doctor becomes a Councilor on the High Council making him the Third highest ranking Prydonian. 
The Doctor (from Infinity Doctors) has a long oval face, aristocratic nose, high forehead, full mouth, closely cropped hair, and sad blue eyes.  He's a little taller than average.  The Doctor and the Magistrate are the only council members under 2000 years old.

??                  The Doctor fights the Kings of Space.  Afterwards he takes a bottle of Sphinx shaped space containing an entire universe.

?                (years before "Dead Romance")
Time Lords (from the Foreman Universe) acquire a Bottle Universe from the Doctor and decide to use it as a place to hide their culture from the Gods.

??                 (a good deal of time before The End)
                    The Doctor begins creating the Institue of Time.

?                Larna is the Doctor's student at the Academy for a while.  Larna is a Prydonian.  She is his favorite aspect of Gallifreyan life at the time.

??              (after the Time Lords aquire Block-Transfer)
                    The Doctor creates a Zero room and fills it with candles, one for each year that Patience has been dead.

1140     (390 years after Deadly Assasin
            The mafia organization InCorporate sets up operations on Dronid to sell the Gallifreyan technology left over from the rival Cardinal affair.  Incorporate is actually gathering intelligence for the Enemy.  The organization gains power and the only criminal powers that don't join it still adapt its philosophy.

1141       The Time Lords attempt to alter Dronids history and discover that the Enemy has crystallized its past into their own Web of Time. 

1141.9~          (400 years after Deadly Assasin / slightly less then 10 years before the War)
            Realizing that InCorperate is an intelligence gathering group for the Enemy the Time Lords have an Interventionist take control of the local Faction Paradox gang.  The gang war of alliances and conceptual warfare is a small scale model of the future War in Heaven.

1142            (392 years after Deadly Assasin / before the loss of their homeworld, 2000 years before the founding of Anathema)
            The Faction Paradox becomes corrupt and starts dealing in arms, slaves and other criminal activities.  
They begin selling Time Technology to any race that can afford it.  The Time Lords learn that the Faction is selling Time Lord technology to other races.  The Time Lords destroy the Faction’s adopted planet.    The few who escaped before the attack scatter through out space and time. Some of the survivors relocate to the Eleven-Day Empire.  They continued to sell Time Lord technology but secretly through cults such as the Order of the Rectangle, the Black Sun, and The Luminus.  The Faction makes the Eleven Day Empire its new home.  630 Faction Mother and Fathers live at Eleven-Day Empire (September 1752 AD).  The Faction has thousands of cousins.

1142            Massive anomalies are occurring in the Time Lines and Temporal Pulses begin washing over Gallifrey.  As a result most of the Gallifreyans begin believing in superstition and magic.  The Initiates and Junior Time Lords on all of the Nine Gallifreys begin secretly joining cults.  The Faction Paradox, Apeiron and Eutenoyar are particularly popular.  Others include, Ferisiz, Thrayke, Sabjatric, Rungar, the Pythian Heresy, Klade, and the Ledgend of Cuwirti. 

1142??         The Time Lords (probalby the Matricians) of Romana's Gallifrey begin recieving visions of an alternity (alternate history) where all but 5 Time Lords have been reduced to apes that live on the edges of humanities perception of Time itself.  Most Time Lords interpret this vision as a symbolic representation of the their own reality.  The idea that this might be a prediction of the future is literally unthinkable.  Some become consumed with this vision.       

?                Larna serves as a Technician for the conjunction of the planets Tarva and Alambil.

??                  (during his 8th incarnation / at the very edge of the forward Time Parameter of the Time Lords)
                The End: After spending a great deal of time on the project the Doctor finaly finishes creating the Institue of Time on a planet orbiting a black hole (possibly Gallifrey??).  The planet has an artificial atmosphere generator.  Members of the Institute of Time include the Doctor,
Radregh the Alsheen, the Hive, Hactrix, Kom; and Reesha. This might be connected to Miranda's people who also hail from that era.

1144?            (one year before Infinity Doctors)
                The Doctor begins negotiations with the Sontarans and the Rutans.

??              Qixotl meets the Doctor for the first time.

1144               (7 years before the war / shortly after the Time Lords begin to investigate the Faction)
            Faction Paradox set up the first Remote project on the planet Ordifica.  The first proto-Remote troops are created using media based blocktransfer equations. 
The plan is that the remote will destroy the weakend victor of the War.  Within the Time Lord’s Noosphere Ordifica is located between the Time Lords defensive worlds and the posthuman worlds.

1144              (2593 AD) 
            The Dragons Wrath: Benny meets the Time Lord Irving Braxiatel for the second time (the first time for Braxiatel).  Braxiatel is head of the Theatrology Department at St .Oscar’s University.  His collection occupies 17 wearhouses. 

1144                (Nov 18, 2593)
             Down: The Gods become active on Tyler's Folly.

1145               (2594 AD)
             Walking to Babalon: The God of the People invites Benny to the World Sphere.  WiGro!xu and !Ci!ci-tel of the People create a Time Path in violoation with the People’s treaty with the Time Lords.  The Time Lords might have secretly given them time travel technology just to see if they knew how to develop it. WiGro!xu and !Ci!ci-tel want to start a war with the People and the Time Lords so that the People will learn humility.  The Time Path is shut down and the God of the People makes a private deal with the Time Lords to smooth things over.

1145?        (right before TID)
                Larna had just graduated at the top of her class as a Junior Grade Time Lord

1145?       (1000 years after Savar is rescued / less then 2000 years after the Doctor is born / After Invasion of Time / before Homunculette is loomed See Note) 
                The Infinity Doctors: (Patience is 2,000,000 years old at the time of Infinity Doctors).  At this point the Doctor's 'father' is a Professor at Berkeley.  The Time Lords are talking about investigating the disturbanced at Tyler's Folly (see Down).  Larna and the Doctor develop an intimate relationship.  The Magistrate is left at Event 2.  Hedin finishes his 300 volume biography of Omega, that took him 400 years to write.  The leaders of the Rutans and the Sotarans are revived from death by the TARDIS
(almost certainly making them immortal fixed points in time like Jack Harkness).  The Doctor extinguishes the candles in his Zero Room.  Larna leaves Gallifrey to help with the restoration of the Universe from the Effect.  This will take about 2000 years.  Voran becomes President of Gallifrey.   The Doctor decides to leave Gallifrey.

    Note: The Infinity Doctors probably occurs after the Doctor uses the Matrix to found New Gallifrey on one of the Gallifrey Cloneworlds.

Explanation of criticsim for this placement:

     * Hedin's death in Arc of Infinity is the only real contradiction with this placement.  However according to Lance Parkin (author of TID) the Hedin seen in the novel is the son of another counciller who was also named Hedin.  This is also hinted at in the book ("[Hedin] was an historian, a mainstay of the High Council, as his father had been before him" pg 27).  And the comment (on pg 157) "A Hedin was still a Hedin" both support this idea.

     *The Doctor is between 1011-1295

     *Lance has indicated that TID does not, in his opinion, take place after "The Gallifrey Chronicles" but Lance has also stated that he intended fains fans should place the story where they feel it fits best - so this placement is consistent with authorial intention.

     *Also Larna's appearance in "Unnatural History" might be out of sync.  She is probalby taking a feild intership as part of her academy training (this would be before she met the Doctor). 
Larna certainly doesn't act like she knows him.  On the other hand maybe the meeting IS out of sync.  She might be working on repairing the Effect.  The Doctor IS very reluctant to contact Joyce and Larna.  He might relize that they're out of sync.   Maybe Larn's lack of interest is because she realizes he's out of sync and is trying to avoid a paradox.

?            (probably 1 year before the Master becomes War King)
            Lord President Umbaste of the Homeworld goes to the Eye of Harmony and opens his biodata to it in an attempt to gain a vision of the future.  After a year in a fugue-state with his biodata disconnected from his body he awakes.  All he would say after awakening was the word “One” again and again.  After saying the word for several days he disintegrated himself. 

1145?        (6 months before Neverland)
                Storm Warning:  The TARDIS performs an Emergency Stop for the first time in centuries.  The Doctor changes history (and violates several Laws of Time) by preventing the death of  Charlotte Pollard on the R101 (this is probably a response to the decision he made in Interference).  She becomes a Space-Time Breach that forms a conduit to Anti-Time.  In an attempt to stablize reality from the chaos of Anti-Time, the Matrix is instructed to store the entire History of the Universe.

??                (before Seasons of Fear) 
                By this point in his life the Doctor prays to his God (or Gods) every day.

1145?       Seasons of Fear:  The Web of Time is shattered allowing the Nimon to create an alternate version of history where they assume the role of the Time Lords in the Universe.  The Doctor spends 3 weeks with the Abbot of Falsecar.  The Doctor ensures that this version of history doesn't come to pass.  The temporal paradoxes created by the Doctor lead to the appearance of a new type of creature which takes the form of Charley Pollard.

1145?        Embrace the Darkness: Type 70 TARDISs are still considered new.

1145.2?       (Matrix Date 6798.2)
                Time of the Daleks (from the Doctor's POV): Dalek time fleet captured by a paradox in the Vortex
.  By this point the Daleks have used the information they stole during the Apocalypse Element to create their own Eye of Harmony.

1145.5?     (Matrix Date 6798.5 / Doc claims to be just over 950 / 600 years after the Academy, 6 months after Storm Warning from Charley's POV)
            Neverland (from the Doctor's POV)
: Vansell is killed.  The Doctor gives Romana back her Sonic Screwdriver.  Doctor materialised his TARDIS around a casket with a critical mass of raw Anti-Time energy.  This prevents Anti-Time from contaminating all of Gallifrey, including the Eye of Harmony and saves of the Web of Time and all continuity from destruction.  The Doctor’s TARDIS feels betrayed when the Doctor throws their lives away in order to save Charley.

??              (before the Time Lords attack Ordifica)
                    Qixotl meets the Doctor and sees him escape an entire flotilla of Antiridean Organ-Eaters.

The War King (aka the Master)

1146              (less than 10,000 years since TID, 30 years after Umbaste becomes President)
                The High Council erases all records of the Master’s time as a criminal (leaving very little of his history left). 
The Master replaces the current President on the Homeworld (aka Gallifrey VIII).  He is inaugurated as Lord President of Gallifrey - War King of the Nine Gallifreys.   The title of the Lord President of Gallifrey is changed to War King (or Queen).  The Master/War King was alive during the Sontaran/Rutan negotiations.  The President is male with white wispy hair and a beard.  The War King considers himself to be very old and wears the body of an old man to remind himself and others of this.  He wears black robes cut in the standard presidential manner.  The only decoration he allows in his office is a disassembled Hyper-Message-Cube with serves as a connection to his past.  He begins forming the House Military and continues the tradition of non-communication with the other 8 Homeworlds.  The President of the Time Lords brings in many renegade Time Lords for his leadership.   Two of these renegades teaches at the Academy.  One is male and handles combat training, the other is female and handles studies in Atron energy (probably the Rani).  The War King is popular with the troops because he keeps the War Council off their backs.

1146?        (Matrix date 6799.0 / 6 Gallifreyan months after Neverland from Gallifrey's POV  / before Lungbarrow from Roman's POV)
            Zagreus: Rassilon keeps the Doctor alive and he and his TARDIS are contaminated by anti-time becoming Zagreus. 
Zagreus plans to destroy the web of time to make the (Multi?)universe fit with his view.  Rassilon tries to make Zagreus Lord President of Gallifrey so that he can enter the sealed Divergence Universe and destroy them.  The Doctor’s TARDIS discovers how to partially cure the contamination.  The Doctor, TARDIS, and Charley enter the Divergence Universe to ensure that the anti-time within never escapes.

1146?       (right after Zagreus)
             Scherzo: The Doctor admits that he once loved Charley.

1146~             (years before the Battle of Dronid)
              Both the Time Lords and the Enemy begin secretly planting defensive systems and troops on strategic worlds throughout the Spiral Politic. 

??           One Group of Gallifreyans build several fortresses on Simia KK98 to use as a retreat for the whole race if Gallifrey was to be destroyed.  It is one of the few colonies that the Time Lords have.  The fortresses appear to be giant towers made of rough rock and are miles high.

?              One group of Time Lords construct warmachines in the form of big flying brass colored spheres.  They are operated by an alien who has been modified by the Time Lords.  The warmachines can travel short "distances" through time.  The Time Lord warships are massive spires of gold with corkscrews at the tip.  They are probably powered by black holes.  The fleets are made up of at least a thousand warships.

?              The Human named Khiste begins working as an off world agent for one group of Time Lords.  They give him the Rassilon Imprimatur, healing machines that allowed him to regenerate, and install several other "Biological Advantages" is his body.  He regenerates 3 times each time his body "evolves," becoming less human.

??         The Doctor returns from the Divergence.

??                 (near the end of the 8th Doctor DWM comics)
                The Flood: While protecting the Web of Time from the Cybermen the Doctor is exposed to the Vortex's time winds and becomes one with the 5th Dimension (the Space-Time Vortex).  In doing so he evolves into a transcendental being.  He plans to remain in this ascended state by changes his mind when he relizes that his companion Destrii would die without his help.  For this reason he returns to his coporeal form.

?             The Eremites promised to return during the time of Gallifrey's greatest need.  If they did return at this point they could have provided the rituals to open the Sphinx Bottle Universe. 

?              (right before "Dead Romance")
The Time Lords of one of the Gallifrey's don't believe they can defeat the enemy in the coming Time War.  They also believe that the enemy is Time Lords going to totally recreate the Universe.  The Time Lords (from the Foreman Universe) have spent years trying to learn how to enter the Sphinx Bottle Universe without letting it "leak."  They discover that to enter the Sphinx Bottle they must use the rituals of the Sphinxes.  They don't know all the rituals so they "cheat" a little using technology.  This lets in all the beings that have been stranded in the Space-Time Vortex.  The Time Lords send Chris Cwej into it to open a stable "door-way."  To do this he creates three clones, named Christine Summerfield, to be sacrificed.  One of them escapes.  There are thousands and thousands of prisoners in Shada by this point

1147              (March 30, 2596)
                Earth quarantines Dellah.

1147               (2596 AD)
                Dead Romance:
Under orders from War Queen Romana and the War King, Chris Cwej arranges a new peace treaty between the Time Lords the Daleks known as the Acts of Master Restitution.  They will both be allies in the coming War with the unknown enemy.  This treaty will have been abandoned when the Daleks reveal that they are the enemy in the Last Great Time War.  Cwej also arranges a new treaty with The People at arround the same time.  Cwej arranges a  treaty, which gives the Kings of, Space the Rassilon Imprimatur (in the form of a bunch of clones).  This one of the few times in the history of the Universe that the Time Lords have given their time travel tech to aliens.
             All the beings that have been lost in the vortex form one super biomass in the Bottle.  In response the Matrix might have put all the
Time Lords on alert.  All the prisoners in Shada might have been released and reengineered to be living weapons for the Time Lords.  The beings from the vortex unify to form the "Horror," and try to destroy all life in the Sphinx Bottle Universe.  Christine Summerfield meets Father Kreiner (who is part of the Horror) and convinces it to give the Bottle Universe a 30 year trial period.
             Chris Cwej finishes the sacrifice, which fully opens the Bottle Universe.  The Time Lords send millions of Gallifreyans and Alien Agents to the Bottle Universe Earth (Oct 12, 1970 AD).  The Time Lords ride genetically engineer creatures.  Not all Gallifreyans enter the bottle.  Some form other colonies expecting to fight the Gods to the bitter end.  The Time Lords on the Bottle Earth use machines to construct cities in less then a day.  These machines are the size of the Isle of Wight.  The Time Lords also begin reengineering the surviving humans.

1147            (Probably at least a few years after they steal the Bottle / possibly at the time Dead Romance occurs)
                        The Time Lords of Gallifrey make a plan to hide a Survival Team of themselves inside I.M. Foreman's Universe-in-a-Bottle.  This group will carry on their culture in case the “gods” attack Gallifrey.
 The Time Lords are divided within themselves.  They don't all agree about destroying the culture of the Bottle Universe.  Those that have visited the Universe in a Bottle describe it as "messy and unfinished."  They've spent a year trying to learn how to enter the Sphinx Bottle Universe without letting it "leak."  The Time Lords send a colony of Gallifreyans and Time Lords into the Universe in a Bottle. The Time Lords on the Bottle Earth use machines to construct cities in less then a day.  These machines are the size of the Isle of Wight.  Most Gallifreyans remain behind.

The author's notes at the beginning of Dead Romance more or less state that all of the New Adventure (and presumably the Missing Adventure) series of adventures occur inside Foreman's Universe In a Bottle.  If this is true it would explain why some of the Doctor's adventures seem changed in the new series.  Foreman's Bottle is unfolded inside the Vortex and released into the Classic Timeline in The Ancestor Cell meaning that the continuity of both universe would mingle and merge together.  This could result in the changing of several of the Doctor's stories and could explain the multiple versions of Human Nature and Blink.  On version of the story would be the one that occured inside the Foreman Bottle and one would be the version that occured once the continuity merged. 

This box will serve as a holding pen for events that are central to the novel Dead Romance.  Also stories that could not have happend as described in the Classic Universe (due to new revelations for the TV series) will be stored in this box.   

"We are all of us living inside the bottle, and one day, the bottle will break. 
Then all worlds will be one world.  The inside will meet the outside."

                                                                    -The Doctor

??                  The Time Lords (From the BBC Universe) create the several TARDIS to use as tools to try
to free the Fendal during the War with the Enemy.  The surviving TARDISes become the the Sphinxs who a know as the Kings of Space.  The Sphinxes absorb energy from other dimensions and excrete raw space-time.   The Kings of Space are a male and female Sphinx who are the parents of all the others.  One is black and one is white.  Having no interest in the other Gods they set themselves up in an area of space on the opposite side of Mutter's Stellian Spiral from Sol III.  This area is called Sphinx Space.  They get a bunch of human worshippers to take care of their little Sphinxes.

1000            (A few months before Human Nature)
                    The CIA sends a Time Lord to Apertsu to serve as a security consultant for the Apertsians.  The Aubertides capture him and attempt to learn the secret of regeneration from him.  The agent escaped and had the Aubertides time looped.

1000             Human Nature: The Doctor temporarily alters his biodata to become a human named John Smith.

?                Human Nature - If John Smith had refused to become the Doctor again then the Aubertides would have gained the secret of regeneration and conquered Gallifrey.  They would have killed Flavia, and Romana to learn the secrets of the Matrix.

          NOTE: This story is similar enough to the televised Human Nature novel that the two must be connected in some way.  I postulate that this is the version of the story that occured before I.M. Foreman's Universe-in-a-Bottle was integrated with the Classic Timeline in "The Ancestor Cell."  It is possible that the TARDIS had a hand in ensuring that Joan still ended up falling in love with the Doctor and Timothy was inspired by the Doctor.

1001-1002     (less than 20 years before Alien Bodies) Christmas on a Rational Planet: Cacophony attempts to recreate the Universe.  600 Time Lords claim to be possessed by the ghost of Morbius.  300 prisoners were accidentally released from Shada by President Romana.  Grandfather Paradox escapes at this time.

??                  The Doctor fights the Kings of Space.  Afterwards he takes a bottle of Sphinx shaped space containing an entire universe.

??                The Time Lords (from the BBC Universe) make a plan to hide a Survival Team of themselves inside I.M. Foreman's Universe-in-a-Bottle.  This group will carry on their culture in case the “gods” attack Gallifrey.  The Time Lords are divided within themselves.  They don't all agree about destroying the culture of the Bottle Universe.  The Time Lords send a colony of Gallifreyans and Time Lords nto the Universe in a Bottle. The Time Lords on the Bottle Earth use machines to construct cities in less then a day.  These machines are the size of the Isle of Wight.  Most Gallifreyans remain behind.

?                  The Human named Khiste begins working as an off world agent for the Time Lords (from the Foreman Universe).  They give him the Rassilon Imprimatur, healing machines that allowed him to regenerate, and install several other "Biological Advantages" is his body.  He regenerates 3 times each time his body "evolves," becoming less human.

?                  Time Lords (from the Foreman Universe) construct warmachines in the form of big flying brass colored spheres.  They are operated by an alien who has been modified by the Time Lords.  The warmachines can travel short "distances" through time.  The Time Lord warships are massive spires of gold with corkscrews at the tip.  They are probably powered by black holes.  The fleets are made up of at least a thousand warships.

?                 (after Lungbarrow) The Time Lords (from the Foreman Universe) offer Chris Cwej the chance to stay with them, or they will wipe his memory and send him home.  He chooses to become an agent for the Time Lords.  The Time Lords modify Chris Cwej's memories so that hates the Doctor, believing him to be the Evil Renegade.  They also give him the Rassilon Imprimatur, healing machines that allowed him to regenerate, and install several other "Biological Advantages" is his body.

??               There are thousands and thousands of prisoners in Shada.

??               The Gallifreyans build several fortresses on Simia KK98 to use as a retreat for the whole race if Gallifrey was to be destroyed.  It is one of the few colonies that the Time Lords have.  The fortresses appear to be giant towers made of rough rock and are miles high.

?                The Time Lords (from the Foreman Universe) don't believe they can defeat the Gods who are the Time Lords (From the BBC Universe).  They also believe that the Time Lords (From the BBC Universe) are going to totally recreate the Universe.

?                (years before "Dead Romance") The Time Lords (from the Foreman Universe) acquire a Bottle Universe from the Doctor and decide to use it as a place to hide their culture from the Gods.

?                Nov 18, 2593 The Gods become active on Tyler's Folly.

?                March 30, 2596 Earth quarantines Dellah.

?             The Eremites promised to return during the time of Gallifrey's greatest need.  If they did return at this point they could have provided the rituals to open the Sphinx Bottle Universe. 

?              (right before "Dead Romance")
Time Lords (from the Foreman Universe) have spent years trying to learn how to enter the Sphinx Bottle Universe without letting it "leak."  They discover that to enter the Sphinx Bottle they must use the rituals of the Sphinxes.  They don't know all the rituals so they "cheat" a little using technology.  This lets in all the beings that have been stranded in the Space-Time Vortex.  The Time Lords send Chris Cwej into it to open a stable "door-way."  To do this he creates three clones, named Christine Summerfield, to be sacrificed.  One of them escapes.

1147?             (2596 AD)
                 Dead Romance
: Cwej arranged a new treaty with the Daleks.  They will both be allies in the coming War with the Gods.  Cwej a treaty, which gives the Kings of, Space the Rassilon Imprimatur (in the form of a bunch of clones).  This one of the few times in the history of the Universe that the Time Lords (from the Foreman Universe) have given their time travel tech to aliens.

?             All the beings that have been lost in the vortex form one super biomass in the Bottle.  In response the Matrix might have put all the Time Lords (from the Foreman Universe) on alert.  All the prisoners in Shada might have been released and reengineered to be living weapons for the Time Lords.  The beings from the vortex unify to form the "Horror," and try to destroy all life in the Sphinx Bottle Universe.  Christine Summerfield meets Father Kreiner (who is part of the Horror) and convinces it to give the Bottle Universe a 30 year trial period.

?             Chris Cwej finishes the sacrifice, which fully opens the Bottle Universe.  The Time Lords send millions of Gallifreyans and Alien Agents to the Bottle Universe Earth (Oct 12, 1970 AD).  The Time Lords ride genetically engineer creatures.  Not all Gallifreyans enter the bottle.  Some form other colonies expecting to fight the Gods to the bitter end.  The Time Lords on the Bottle Earth use machines to construct cities in less then a day.  These machines are the size of the Isle of Wight.  The Time Lords also begin reengineering the surviving humans.

The Sphinx Bottle Universe
Created by the Kings of Space (two TARDISes from the Classic Universe who were living in the Foreman Universe.)  This Universe is much simpler than the Foreman Universe.  Earth appears to be the only inhabited planet.  The Sphinx Humans who live on Earth are subjugated by the Foreman Time Lords who escape into the Sphinx Bottle Universe and live on Earth.

?             (right before "Dead Romance")
Time Lords (from the Foreman Universe) have spent years trying to learn how to enter the Sphinx Bottle Universe.  They discover that to enter the Sphinx Bottle they must use the rituals of the Sphinxes.  They don't know all the rituals so they "cheat" a little using technology.  This lets in all the beings that have been stranded in the Space-Time Vortex.  The Time Lords send Chris Cwej into it to open a stable "door-way."  To do this he creates three clones, named Christine Summerfield, to be sacrificed.  One of them escapes.

?             Dead Romance: All the beings that have been lost in the vortex form one super biomass in the Bottle.  The beings from the vortex unify to form the "Horror," and try to destroy all life in the Sphinx Bottle Universe.  Christine Summerfield meets Father Kreiner (who is part of the Horror) and convinces it to give the Bottle Universe a 30 year trial period.

?             Chris Cwej finishes the sacrifice, which fully opens the Bottle Universe.  The Time Lords send millions of Gallifreyans and Alien Agents to the Bottle Universe Earth (Oct 12, 1970 AD).  The Time Lords ride genetically engineer creatures.  Not all Gallifreyans enter the bottle.  The Time Lords on the Bottle Earth use machines to construct cities in less then a day.  These machines are the size of the Isle of Wight.  The Time Lords also begin reengineering the surviving humans.

?             (after Dead Romance)
               Chris Cwej regenerates for the first time.

Not all Gallifreyans enter the bottle.  Some form other colonies and a handful of Time Lords stay behind expecting to fight the Gods to the bitter end.

?                    The Time Lords of Gallifrey hide I.M. Foreman's Universe-in-a-Bottle in the Space-Time Vortex.  Unknown to the Time Lords the Four Dimensional Bottle "unfolds" (becoming a Kelin Bottle) in the four dimensional Vortex and releases its energy.  After the Time Lords hide the Foreman Bottle in the Vortex it unfolds "leaking out" most of the events into the Classic Universe.

??              (2596 AD)
                 By this time Gallifrey's star has gone supernova.  The blast can still be seen when viewed from Simia KK98.  The ruins of Gallifreyan buildings can be found at this point.  Gallifrey is far from any human colonies.

?                (2596 AD / at the end of Dead Romance)
                 Christine Summerfield writes and leaves her biography (titled Dead Romance) in the ruins of Gallifrey.

?                (After Dead Romance)
                 Christine Summerfield will later escape from the Universe in a Bottle and join Faction Paradox under the name Cousin Eliza. 

?                The Time Lords of Gallifrey hide I.M. Foreman's Universe-in-a-Bottle in the Space-Time Vortex.  Unknown to the Time Lords the Four Dimensional Bottle "unfolds" (becoming a Kelin Bottle) in the four dimensional Vortex and releases its energy.  The Doctor's TARDIS survives destruction by rebuilding itself around the leaking Bottle Universe.  It absorbs this energy and uses it to sustain itself while it drifts in the Space-Time Vortex for over 5000 years.

??               (within the lifespan of one of the Movers / almost certainly after the events of Shada)
                Because several criminals escape by equiping themselves with secondary nervous systems that were immune to freezing the Time Lords alter the way prisoners are imobilized on Shada.  Now their nervous systems wired into a self-reapeating time frame via the tatoo on their arm. 
The prisoners are kept in a time frame out of sync with the outside the world.  Some of the prisoners dream about their pasts.

??               (Right after Dead Romance)
                Despite Cwej’s wish to become a Regen-Inf trooper the Time Lords regenerated him into a middle-aged infiltration agent.

1147                 The Time Lords realize there are some parts of the Space-Time Continume that they can no longer monitor.

1147~                The Posthuman Era becomes linked with the local time on the Homeworld.  Mrs. Foyle rediscovers and begins using the Labyrinth that was originally taken from Gallifrey by the Eremites.  Once this is known the Time Lords, the Celestis, Faction Paradox, and even the Enemy make use of the Labyrinth for the transporting and storing supplies and for communications.

1147                (2596 AD) 
                Tears of the Oracle: Even with Time Lord technology the People have trouble developing feasible time travel.  The God of the People believes that there is still an 87% chance that the People and the Time Lords will go to war and that Benny and Braziatel will play a vital role in the war with the “gods.”  Because of the damage he suffered in the Bottle Universe, Chris is force regenerated.  Benny releases a creature that causes uncertianty on Dellah which reduces the probablility of the war.

1147                  (2596 AD)
                Where Angels Fear: The God of the People withdraws all of it’s agents from Mutter’s Spiral to abide by the Treaty with the Time Lords.  This is known as Operation Ragnarok.  The Time Lords order Irving Braxiatel back to the Homeworld, and take his TARDIS when he refuses.  The remaining “gods” wake and spread there faiths across Dellah.  4,000 people are evacuated from Dellah and Dellah is quarantined.  Bernice Summerfield is missing, and presumed dead by the Time Lords.

?                    The 26th century and possibly all of space time are threatened by the “gods.”

1148                (2597 AD)
                Twilight of the Gods: The Time Lords and the People agree to destroy Dellah and sterilze the surrounding sector with a Doomsday Probe.  A plan is made to send the planet Dellah to the Alternate Universe that is the home of the “gods.”  The Doomsday Probe is released but before it can reach its target and Dellah is shifted into the Alternate Universe.  The Ferutu physically regress Chris to age 13.  They also capture Jason and threaten to kill him if Benny doesn’t let them invade her universe.  Benny escapes and leaves the Ferutu and Jason trapped in the alternate universe.  Braxiatel establishes a University on Vremnya and Benny is appointed head of the Archeology department.  Both the Time Lords and the People retreat to their respective hideouts in fear that the “gods” might appear again.

??              Blood of the Daleks: The Time Lords have the Doctor take care of Luci Miller as part of a witness protection program.


??                  (After most of the Benny novels and Gallifrey / Romana knows of it in Shada)
                The Braxiatel Collection is created by Irving Braxiatel.

1150         Snajira is born on Dronid.  He becomes a member of the Faction Paradox.

1150                 (1 year before the War)
                The Time Lords beleive that they have begun to learn the nature of the Enemy.  This information is probably false.

1150                (before Shadows of Avalon)
                A former Patrexian named Cavisadoratrelundar (Cavis the One Hearted) from the  House of Dvora completes her 30 field mission while still in her first incarnation.  Cavis and the partner Gandar are well known for their ruthlessness in accomplishing missions.  She has probably been a member of the CIA for about a 1000 years.

?                 By this point most of the High Council of Gallifrey is male (Romana finds males easier to manipulate)  These include Vice-President Timon.  Chancellor of Time Past Fremest.  Chancellor of Parallel Branastigert, Chancellor of Time Future Djarshar (Patrexian) and a female Chancellor of Time Present (probably Theorasdavoramilonithene).

1150??   (after TID)
            Homunculette is loomed.

1150                (400 years after Deadly Assasin)
The Homeworld prdicts a  a new development in TARDISes.  The Type 102 which will be the mother of the first Type 103 TARDIS.  The Type 103’s will be essential to Time Lords during the War with the Enemy.

The 102-Form TARDIS

1151                 (the year the War begins from Gallifrey's POV)
                        Storming of Avalon (from Gallifrey's POV)
: The CIA agents Cavisadoratrelundar and Gandarotethetledrax are dispatched to observe the creation of the first Type 102 TARDIS.  The last operational Type 40 Time Travel Capsule (the Doctor’s TARDIS) appears to be destroyed.  Gandarotethetledrax regenerates into a body that is part Silurian.  Laura Tobin (Compassion) becomes the first and only 102-Form TARDIS.   Her interior is only big enough to carry several thousand people and she has total physical control over her passengers.  She refers to herself only as Compassion from henceforth.  Compassion, the Doctor and Fitz flee the Time Lords who need Compassion as breeding stock for the coming War.

?                (100 years before Banqo Legacy)
                  The Time Lords (of both Gallifrey and the Homeworld) use Quantum Extrapolation with a probability matrix to determine where the Doctor will go.  They come up with 100,000 possibilities.  An agent is placed at each possibility with an Atron Inhibitor.  (1798 AD) Cuthbert Simpson arrives and sets up an Atron Inhibitor to catch the Type 102 and the Doctor.

?            (1898 AD)
                 The Banquo Legacy (Part 1)(from Gallifrey's POV):
The Doctor is trapped for a short time by Simpson's Atron Inhibitor.  (This happens before the Burning from the Doctor's POV)

1151?              Attempts to create another 102-Form using other members of the Remote are a failure because they don’t have access to the Doctor’s TARDIS. 

1151           The War King fails in his attempts to recruit Compassion. 

1151           (after the first 102-Form but before Compassion helps with the 103-Project)
                The House of Dvora approves attempts to create TARDIS Familiars, which have the intelligence of higher, non-sentient, animals. 

?                The Time Lords of Gallifrey acquire an incredibly advanced Temporal Scanner from their own future and use it.  Psivestigator Tragdorvigan uses the E-Monitor to scan for the Enemy's first strike.

?                The High Council of Gallifrey declares superstitions treasonable.

?                The edges of the Panoptican on Gallifrey become a market place.  Several beggars live there.

?                (right before the begining of the War)
                   At this time Type 60 TARDISes are still found in use on the Nine Homeworlds.

?                (before the first battle)
                    Reality Bombs and Misinformation Camps are used to keep the truth of the war hidden from the people of Gallifrey.

1151              (shortly before Ancestor Cell)
                    The Doctor's Type 40 TARDIS (from before The Burning) arrives over Romana's Gallifrey.  Its interior dimensions are mapped on to exterior so it appears as a giant flower of remembrance, made of bone.  It is about the same size of the Capitol Dome.  It at the center of the temporal anomalies that are effecting Gallifrey.  This effect extends throughout all the parallel universes.  The Time Lords use the power of the Eye of Harmony to try to contain the effect.  The energy from the Bottle Universe (within the TARDIS) begins to draw the Ancestor Cell to Gallifrey. 
This Gallifrey hasn't heard about the Doctor working as a council member on another Gallifrey.  

1151        By this point the Time Lord Inverventionist agent on Dronid has gone insane. 

1151       A Time Lord Civil Servant departs Dronid and is captured by the Krotons.

1151       (a few day before the War begins)
                    The War King advises several Houses to review their milita’s for battle. 

1151     (a few day before the War begins)
                The first Type 90 TARDISes are deployed.  They are massive brass colored spheres with their Time Lord operator permanently installed in with in them.  Using their mathematical mass they can block off areas of space-time from entrance or exit by other time travelers.  They are also capable of causing sever damage to the continuum but are primarily used as blockades.  They have no ranged or precision weapons any sort.  No known Human (or post human) weapon can destroy a War era TARDIS.  These new TARDISes are equipped with Chaotic Limiters, which adjust the pilot's affect on time "by changing his reality quotient.”  They are set for lower settings for scouting missions and higher settings for assaults.  The Time Lords suspect that the Enemy is capable of much higher reality quotient settings then they are.  The first Type 90s are deployed near (in a historical sense) the planet Dronid.

1151?      The Time Lord warships are massive spires of gold with corkscrews at the tip.  They are probably powered by black holes.  The fleets are made up of at least a thousand warships.

1151       (right before the first battle)
                Qixotl is stranded on Dronid when his stolen TARDIS pops a Dematerialization Circuit.

1151       The Enemy assaults and counquers Dronid.  They plan to use it as a bridgehead for further attacks. The Time Lords of the Homeworld designate Dronid (or Drornid as its sometime known) as War Zone One and prepare to launch a big offensive.  This is a pivitol point in the War.

??            The Time Lords ally with a group of Gabrielideans.  They are equiped with Gallifreyan technology and used as Troops in the War.

1500        (2 days before the first battle / The Doctor is older then 1019 years / while he is using a TARDIS that looks like a Police Box / Before visiting the Celestis)
                    The Time Lords ask the Doctor to help them at Dronid.
  By this point the Doctor will be well over 1500 years old an will have acquired very strange Bio-Data and a formidible reputation.  By this point the Doctor might be the last member of the House of Lungbarrow.  The Doctor has a winklegruber neural parameter predictor, which works by telling you the last place you'd think of looking for something.

1151        (after Ancestor Cell but right before the begining of the War)
                    The War King meets with Compassion and makes a deal for her to assist in the Type 103-Form breeding program.

1151        The Celestis prepares to decide whether to support the Time Lords or not.  The Doctor visits Mictlan and faces down the Celestis in their grand hall.  He agrees to give the Celestis his body after he has died if they don't interfere with the Time Lords on Dronid or later in the War. 

1151        The Doctor visits Sima KK98 during an attack.  A fleet of six Gabrielidean warships sets off for Dronid.

1151         Claiming to have an age-old connection with one of the Enemy's agents, the Doctor travels to Dronid to find a diplomatic solution to the building conflict.  He almost wipes out the entire Faction Paradox family on Drornid

1151         (401 years after Dead Assasin / The first Battle of the War /15367 Drornid Dating)
                    The Battle of Dronid:
The Last Great Time War in Heaven begins.  The Gabrielidean warships, led by a representative of the High Council (probably the Doctor) arrive at Dronid.  The Doctor is the the first casualtiy in the War.  He dies in an incident involving a security system while fighting the Enemy.  The Time Lords fight their first battle with the represenitives of the Daleks.  The War Presidency supends the normal Laws of Time, and authorizes the use of weapons of mass genocide. The Gabrielidean Warships begin orbital bombardment, while a series of small ground battles erupted.  The World Processor engines activate devastating the surface of the planet.  Due to inexperience few members of either side survive the Battle of Dronid.  This is first time Gallifreyan soldiers see full active service in  10,000 generations.  The last time the Time Lords fought a battle this violent was during the Eternal Wars and for this reason the battle becomes legendary on Gallifrey.   The Doctor is buried beneath Dronid's capital city.  His epitaph might be either "Behind you!" or "He really did the best he could."   The Doctor's body is telepathically hyperactive after death (far more then a regular Time Lord's corpse).

Forward to the Time War with the Daleks!

Part 1 - The Dark Time
Part 5 - Later Gallifrey
Dalek Stuff
Gallifrey Biology, Culture, etc Part 2 - Time of Legend Part 6 - Future Gallifrey Dalek Timeline
Part 3 - Middle Gallifrey
Part 7 - Post Gallifrey

Part 4 - Modern Gallifrey

This page is the property of William B. Swift (B.S. Productions)