BORN : June 21, 1982 at 9:03 wheighing 7 lb 10 oz at Saint-Mary's hospital in Paddington, London.

STAR SIGN: William has a broderline birthday ( June 21st), and so he is considered to be both a Gemini and a Cancer. Some astologists cut off the Gemini on the 20th others on the 21st.

HOMES:His father (Prince of Wales) has appartements at Saint-James' Palace and Highgrove, Gloucestershire. He is also always welcome at Buckingham Palace.

CHRISTENING: August 4th, 1982 at Buckingham Palace.

FULL NAME:Since there are many people who want to know his "real" name ( me among them), I am posting the two versions: the first one is his name given at his christening the second is a stricly genealogical interpretation ( so it's PRETTY LONG).

Prince William Arthur Phillip Louis Windsor
Prince William Arthur Phillip Louis Schlesweig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glucksburg-Saxe-Coburg-Gotha

TITLE: His Royal Highness Prince William of Wales

Read about his personal information!