McGonagall Bibliography

"The Bards of Avon and the Tay Bridge: Honour and Glory to M`Gonagall (By an Admirer)." [Weekly News?]. 5 June 1880. McGonagall Newspaper Clippings. Dundee Central Public Library, 21.

Barry, Michael J. The Tay Bridge Disaster. N.p.:Scottish Theatre Edition, n.d.

Bold, Alan. The Ballad. Gt. Brit.: Methuen & Co., 1979.

---. Modern Scottish Literature. New York: Longman, 1983.

Booth, Michael. English Melodrama. London: Jenkins, 1965.

Census 1841-51 and Census 1881-91. Royal Burgh of Dundee. In Dundee Public Libraries, Central Library.

"Correspondence." Weekly News [Dundee]. See "Works Consulted."

David Winter & Son Ltd. Scotland's Books. Dundee: David Winter & Son, [1980].

"The Dundee Whale Hunt: Arrival of the Carcase at Stonehaven." Dundee Advertiser. Jan. 9, 1894.

Edinburgh Collection of McGonagall's Broadsides. National Library of Scotland. On Microfilm in University of Guelph Archives.

"An Editor's Causerie; M`Gonagall Poetry; New Edition of His Works; Broadsheet Sales; Students' Fun." Evening News[Edinburgh]. 8 Nov. 1950: n.p. "William McGonagall Presscuttings." 33.

"Entertainment by Mr. McGonagall at Lochee." Weekly News [Dundee]. McGonagall Newspaper Clippings, 11.

"Grand Entertainment by Mr M`Gonagall: Enthusiastic Reception for the Poet." Weekly News [Dundee]. 5 July 1879: 5.

"Grand Entertainment by Poet M`Gonagall." [Weekly New?] [Dundee]. 5 Dec. 1879. McGonagall Newspaper Clippings, 17.

Grossman, Allen. "Inquiry into the Vocation of Sir William Topaz Mc Gonagall, Poet and Tragedian: The Poetics of Derision and the Epistemic Nobility of Doggerel." TriQuarterly. (Fall 1990): 239-258.

Henderson, Hamish. "McGonagall and the Irish Question." New Edinburgh Review. 14 Aug.-Sept. (1971): 38-44.

---. "William McGonagall and the Folk Scene." Chapbook. 2.5 (1965): 3-10, 23-[?].

Jackson, James O. ed. Introduction. The World's Worst Poet: Selections from "Poetic Gems" with an Appreciation by James D. Jackson, the Chicago Tribune. By William McGonagall. IL: Templegate, 1979.

"Job's Reflections on the `Great M`Gonagall.'" Telegraph [Dundee]. 6 May 1878. McGonagall Newspaper Clippings, 5.

Lenman Bruce. "McGonagall's Dundee." The Scots Magazine. [Dundee] 91 (1969): 175-184.

MaCartney, Lowden, ed. Preface and Introduction. Wm. M`Gonagall, Poet: A Choice Selection of His Best Pieces, with a Sketch of His Life and Work, Critical and Biographical. By William McGonagall. Dundee: Burnside, [1934].

MacBeth, George ed. The Penguin Book of Victorian Verse. Gt. Brit.: Penguin, 1969.

MacDiarmid, Hugh. Scottish Eccentrics. London: Routledge, 1936.

MacDonald, Robert H. "The Patriotic Muse of William McGonagall: Imperialism and the Great Scots Joke." Dalhousie Review. 67.4 (1987-88): 480-494.

Martin, George M. Dundee Worthies: Reminiscences, Games, Amusements. Comp. by Martin. Dundee: David Winter and Son, 1934.

"McGonagall Memories: A Laureateship Plan that Came to Naught; The River Poet." Evening Dispatch [Edinburgh]. 19 Jan. 1935. In "William McGonagall Presscuttings." 15.

McGonagall Newspaper Clippings. Dundee Central Public Library.

McGonagall, William. The Authentic Autobiography of the Poet McGonagall (Written by Himself). Dundee: Luke, Mackie & Co., [1880?]. Rpt. with revisions as "Brief Autobiography" in Poetic Gems 1890. 5-13. Rpt. with further revisions as "Brief Autobiography" in Poetic Gems. 1876. 5-18. All quotations from original edition.

---. The Autobiography of Sir William Topaz M'Gonagall, Poet and Tragedian, Knight of the White Elephant, Burmah (Reprinted from the "Weekly News". 1901. University of Guelph. On Microfilm. National Library of Scotland. 6620 (LC Fol. 71).

---. "Brief Autobiography." See Athentic Autobiography.

---. Further Poetic Gems. London: Duckworth, 1980. Rpt. in

McGonagall: A Library Omnibus.

---. The Great McGonagall: Poetical Pearls from the pen of William McGonagall. Ed. James Leslie Smith. Vermont: Stephen Greene, 1968.

---. Last Poetic Gems. London: Duckworth, 1980. Rpt. in McGonagall: A Library Omnibus.

---. McGonagall: A Library Omnibus. London: Duckworth, 1986.

---. More Poetic Gems. London: Duckworth, 1980. Rpt. in McGonagall: A Library Omnibus.

---. "Poet M`Gonagall's Tour Through Fife (Narrated by Himself)." [Weekly News?] 11 Oct. 1879. McGonagall Newspaper Clippings, 13,15.

---. Poetic Gems. London: Duckworth, 1980. Rpt. in McGonagall: A Library Omnibus.

---. Poetic Gems Selected from the Works of William McGonagall, Poet and Tragedian, with Biographical Sketch by the Author and Portrait. Dundee: Winter, Duncan & Co., 1890.

---. Poetic Gems (Second Series) Selected from the Works of William McGonagall, Poet and Tragedian, with Biographical Reminiscences by the Author, and Portrait. Dundee: Winter, 1891.

---. Poetic Gems, Selected from the Works of William McGonagall, Poet and Tragedian, with Biographical Sketch and Reminiscences by the Author and Portrait Dundee: Winter, 1976.

---. "Preface." See "Reminiscences."

---. "Reminiscences." Poetic Gems (Second Series). Rpt. in Poetic Gems, Selected from the Works of William

McGonagall, Poet and Tragedian, with Biographical Sketch and Reminiscences by the Author and Portrait Dundee: Winter, 1976. 12-18. Also rpt. as "Preface." in McGonagall: A Library Omnibus. 9-21.

---. "Shakspeare Reviewed." 1878. In Dundee Central Public Library, D3674ID80.71.

---. Still More Poetic Gems. London: Duckworth, 1980. Rpt. in McGonagall: A Library Omnibus.

---. "A Summary History of Poet McGonagall" [1877]. Rpt. in McGonagall, A Library Omnibus. 5-8.

---. Wm. M'Gonagall, Poet: A Choice Selection of his Best Pieces with a Sketch of his Life and Work, Critical and Biographical by Lowden McCartney Glasgow: J & D.R. Burnside, 1934.

---. Yet More Poetic Gems. London: Duckworth, 1980. Rpt. in McGonagall: A Library Omnibus.

McPhail, Charles. "The Real McGonagall: A man who knew the squelch of a ripe tomato." Weekly Scotsman [Edinburgh] 29 Mar. 1962. In "William McGonagall Presscuttings" 38-9.

Morgan, Edwin. Essays. Gt. Brit.: Mackay, 1974.

Munro, Neil. The Brave Days: A Chronicle from the North. Edinburgh: Porpoise, 1931.

"Not So Daft: Poet M`Gonagall Knew What He was Doing; An Adaptable Muse." Evening Dispatch [Edinburgh]. 18 Jan. 1935. In "William McGonagall Presscuttings" 13.

Phillips, David. No Poets' Corner in the Abbey: The Dramatic Story of William McGonagall. Dundee: David Winter & Son; London: Gerald Duckworth & Co., 1971.

"Poet McGonagall's Holiday Tour: Ill Requited Genius."

[Weekly News?]. 21 June 1879. McGonagall Newspaper Clippings, 9.

"The Poet M`Gonagall Interviewed." [Weekly News?]. 24 Apr. 1880. McGonagall Newspaper Clippings, 9.

Power, William. My Scotland. Edinburgh: Porpoise, 1934.

Prebble, John. Disaster at Dundee. New York: Harcourt, 1957. First Published as The High Girders.

Quiz. "Town Tattle" column. [Glasgow]. Oct. 10, 1895: 224. Oct. 17, 1895: 234. July 2, 1896: 251.

"Recollections of `a Stage-Struck Hero' by an Old Stager."

People's Journal. 22 June 1872. "McGonagall Newspaper Clippings," 1.

Robinson, Mairi ed. The Concise Scots Dictionary. Introduction. By Robinson. Aberdeen: Aberdeen UP, 1987.

Scott, Andrew Murray. Discovering Dundee: The Story of a City. Arbroath: Harold, 1989.

Smith, James L. ed. Introduction. The Great McGonagall: Poetical Pearls from the Pen of William McGonagall, Poet and Tragedian of Dundee. By William McGonagall. Vermont: Stephen Greene, 1968.

Smith, William J. Foreword. No Poets' Corner in the Abbey: The Dramatic Story of William McGonagall. By David Phillips. Dundee: David Winter & Son; London: Gerald Duckworth & Co., 1971.

Spence, Lewis. "The Great MacGonagall." Scotland's S.M.T. Magazine. (Apr. 1947): 51-4.

Stewart, Andrew. "William McGonagall Presscuttings," 31.

"Visit of the Tay Whale." Weekly News [Dundee]. 11 Dec. 1883.

"William McGonagall Presscuttings, Vol. 1. 1935-1963." Edinburgh Public Libraries. Central Library.

[Willocks, John]. This is the Book of Lamentations of the Poet McGonagall, Portraying in His Own Unapproachable Style His Birth and Parentage, Early Struggles, Miraculous and Hairbreadth Escapes, with a Graphic and Characteristic Account Setting Forth, How, By His Inspired Genius and Indomitable Pluck, He Passed From Penury and Persecution Through a Knighthood into an Immortality of Fame. Dundee: John Durham, 1905.

Wittig, Kurt. The Scottish Tradition in Literature. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1958.