Mutt on Cygwin

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Setup sSMTP:

To configure sSMTP you can use the ssmtp-config command. Run it and answer the questions posed.

   Please enter the full qualified hostname ( of your box:
   Please enter the "mail name" of your system. This is the hostname
   portion of the address to be shown on outgoing news and mail messages.
   The default is, your system's host name.
   Mail name []: bar.baz
   Please enter the full qualified hostname of your mail hub:
   Please enter the smtp port number [25]:
   Please check the configuration file /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf for correctness.

The example above assumes that your computer is named, your e-mail address is user@bar.baz, and your e-mail server is named This will give a configuration file like the one below.

   # /etc/ssmtp.conf -- a config file for sSMTP sendmail.
   # The person who gets all mail for userids < 10
   # The place where the mail goes. The actual machine name is required
   # no MX records are consulted. Commonly mailhosts are named
   # The example will fit if you are in and you mailhub is so named.
   # Where will the mail seem to come from?
   # The full hostname
   # Set this to never rewrite the "From:" line (unless not given) and to
   # use that address in the "from line" of the envelope.

The To: and From: lines in a mail are merely comments in a text file. When the mail client contacts a mail server to have a mail sent the sender and receiver are presented through the "MAIL FROM:" and "RCPT TO:" smtp commands. (How the sender presented itself is later available in the "From_ header" or "envelope from", but not all mailbox formats save this line.) Normally sSMTP presents you as your local (cygwin) user at hostname.

If `rewriteDomain=bar.baz' is uncommented, ssmtp always rewrites the `From' envelope and the `From:' line so that the domain name is set to bar.baz.

If the option `FromLineOverride' is set to YES, ssmtp uses the same `From' in the mail envelope as you have written into the `From:' line of your mail.

In case you send mail through another server than the one providing your e-mail address, it is not likely that your mails come through unless the envelope from presents you as a valid user at the server. That is, you need the From: and From_ lines to differ. (For example, if the cygwin user cygwinuser wishes to send a mail with the From: line reading a.user@some.domain through the mail server, he probably needs the envelope from to be user@bar.baz.) You can do this by editing the revaliases file.

   # sSMTP aliases
   # Format: local_account:outgoing_address:mailhub
   # Example: root:your_login@your.domain:mailhub.your.domain:[port]
   # where [port] is an optional port number that defaults to 25.

Mutt + sSMTP:

To tell Mutt to use your configured sSMTP to send mails for all users you add a line:
    set sendmail = "/usr/sbin/ssmtp.exe"
to the global Muttrc, but be aware that next time you install Mutt you will get a new Muttrc that overwrites this one. One way to make upgrading simpler (if you have made several adjustments) could be to write an /etc/Muttrc.local, and last in /etc/Muttrc only add a line reading source /etc/Muttrc.local. After an upgrade you will then only have to add this line again (and test that all work as expected still).

To use authentication (AUTH LOGIN) with sSMTP you add a line like:
    set sendmail = "/usr/sbin/ssmtp.exe -auUSERNAME -apPASSWORD"
which you, of course, only want in your personal .muttrc.

Links and Docs:

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   Mutt on Windows
   Mutt on DOS

Created on May 18, 2002.
Last modified on May 18, 2002.