README for Mutt 1.2.5i-6

Mutt is a small yet powerful email client.

Canonical homepage:

Canonical download:


The mutt docs follow the time-honored Unix convention of requiring you to be
an expert before you can be a beginner.  In order to get first-timers over the
hyperbolic learning curve, I offer these quick-start setup instructions.
Please note that they are only intended to get you up and going in the least
amount of time with the least possible trauma; they are not in any way to be
construed as the 'best' setup, nor even a 'recommended' setup.  But they'll
get you sending and receiving email.

- Make sure you have the Cygwin ssmtp paackage installed.  It is required for
mutt to send email (no other package is require for mutt to receive email).
Edit your /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf file thusly:

# ==================================================================
# /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf -- a config file for sSMTP sendmail.
# The person who gets all mail for userids < 10

# The place where the mail goes. The actual machine name is required.
# no MX records are consulted. Commonly mailhosts are named
# The example will fit if you are in and you mailhub is so named.

# Where will the mail seem to come from?
#rewriteDomain=whatever, don't use this

# The full hostname

# Set this to never rewrite the "From:" line (unless not given) and to
# use that address in the "from line" of the envelope.


- Add the following line to your .bashrcc and/or .bash_profile, whichever
  gets run on your system when bash starts up:

	export MAIL=~/Mail/inbox
  If you have nano installed (and I stongly recommend that you do), use it
  as the editor as opposed to the built-in one by adding this:
  	export EDITOR=nano

- Create the following directory structuure in your HOME directory.  This will
  be your mailbox:

     -- inbox
     |    |
     |    -- cur
     |    |
     |    -- new
     |    |
     |    -- tmp
     |    |
     |    -- .mh_sequences (EMPTY FILE, NOT DIRECTORY)
     -- received (EMPTY FILE, NOT DIRECTORY)
     -- postponed (EMPTY FILE, NOT DIRECTORY)
- Create a ~/.muttrc file that looks likke this:

# The file/directory where your incoming mail will be spooled to
# (same as 'set spoolfile' below)
mailboxes ~/Mail/inbox

# Mail account setup.  I know nothing about IMAP, so you're
# on your own there.
set pop_host=""
set pop_last=yes
set pop_user="your_email_username"
set pop_pass="your_email_password"
set sendmail="/usr/sbin/ssmtp"
set from=""

# pop_delete=no:  Don't delete received email from server.
# pop_delete=yes: Delete received email from server. 
# Recommend that until you use mutt as your primary email reader that
#  you not have mutt delete your mail from the server.
set pop_delete=no

# Mail folder setup.
set folder=~/Mail
set mbox_type=mbox
set spoolfile=+inbox
set mbox=+received
set postponed=+postponed
set record=+sent

set reverse_name=no

# If uncommented, this sets an external pager for viewing email.
# This is for testing only, you really don't want to do this.
#set pager=less

# Color definitions

#color normal white default
color hdrdefault red default
color quoted brightblue default
color signature red default
color indicator brightyellow red
color error brightred default
color status yellow blue
color tree magenta default	# the thread tree in the index menu
color tilde magenta default
color message brightcyan default
color markers brightcyan default
color attachment brightmagenta default
color search default green	# how to hilite search patterns in the pager

color header brightred default ^(From|Subject):
color body magenta default "(ftp|http)://[^ ]+"	# point out URLs
color body magenta default [-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+	# e-mail addresses
color underline brightgreen default

# attributes when using a mono terminal
#mono header underline ^(From|Subject):
mono quoted bold

# Aliases

# Any aliases you create in mutt will be appended here.

- Color works out-of-the-box with the deefault DOS "terminal".  To get color
to work on rxvt, be sure you specify "-tn rxvt" on rxvt's command line.


If you want to recreate this mutt-1.2.5i-6 distribution yourself for
some reason, here's how to do it:

1. Untar this source package in a suitable directory:

   $ tar -xjf mutt-1.2.5i-6-src.tar.bz2
2. Get the original mutt-1.2.5i distribution from the site above, and extract
   it in the same directory, so the script can automatically generate the 
   $ tar -xjf mutt-1.2.5i.tar.gz

3. Move the "makemutt" shell script to the same directory:

   $ mv mutt-1.2.5i-6/makemutt ./makemutt
4. Simply run the script:

   $ ./makemutt
The script will create two directories, "mutt-obj" and "mutt-install".  Mutt
will be built in ./mutt-obj, and then installed to ./mutt-install.  The
script will then create the binary and source .tar.bz2's in mutt-install.



This release fixes the "plusses in the pager" problem when viewing received
email.  Therefore, as of this release, email reading, sending, and sending
binary attachments are known to work regardless of textmode/binmode concerns.
Saving receivied binary attachments is known to still be broken on textmode
mounts, but does work if you're running strictly binary mounts.

Viewing mbox-type mailboxes does not work 100% on textmode mounts (you get
a small portion of the next email appended).  Viewing Maildir-type mailboxes
does work regardless of mount type, and I suggest you use this mailbox type
at least for your spool.


Cygwin port maintained by: Gary R. Van Sickle 

