The basic package for which other higher level packages are built on.  Essentially it is a dialog box containing possibly a main menu, context menu, statusbar and a predefined Accept button.  The statusbar height may be changed and the font changes accordingly.  Each status bar part may have its own text, background and error colors and can also be resized.

procedure AcceptHandler(Container : in out Containers; Accepted : out boolean);
-- Actions to be taken when the accept button is pressed.  The dialog box exist when
-- Accepted.

procedure CancelHandler(Container : in out Containers; OkToClose : out boolean);
-- Actions to be taken when the actions are cancelled and the dialog box exits.  For
-- example when the top right cancel button is pressed.  Setting OkToClose to be false,
-- the dialog box is not exited.

procedure ContextMenuHandler(Container : in out Containers;
                                                Menu      : OS.Windows.Menus.Menus'Class...
-- This is invoked when the right mouse button is clicked.  Menu items can be modified
-- through the Menu parameter.

procedure EnterKeyHandler(Container : in out Containers;
                                          Control    : OS.Windows.Ops.Windows'Class;
                                          OkToExit : out boolean);
-- Actions to be taken when the enter key is pressed.  Control is the one with the focus.
-- When OkToExit, the dialog box exits.

procedure ExtendControlHandler(Container    : in out Containers;
                                                 Control       : OS.Windows.Ops.Windows'Class;
                                                 ControlId    : Os.IDs;
                                                 Notification : OS.Windows.Notifications;
                                                 Handled      : out boolean);
-- Actions to be taken when a customized control is pressed.  Notification can be used
-- for additional information to be processed.  This is usually in conjunction with
-- RouteToControlHandler.

function ExtendControlTemplateHandler(Container : Containers)
             return OS.Windows.Controls.Templates.Templates;
-- This is where addtional controls in the dialog box may be defined.

procedure ExtendMainMenuHandler(Container   : in out Containers;
                                                      MainMenu : OS.Windows.Menus.Menus'Class);
-- This is where additional main menu items are defined.

procedure InitContainerHandler(Container                    : in out Containers;
                                               vGapBetweenControls : OS.Points.Coordinates);
-- Initializes the dialog box and its controls before coming into view. 
--vGapBetweenControls is the amount of space between the bottom of the Accept
-- button to the bottom of the dialog box.

procedure PostActionDisplayActionHandler(Container  : in out Containers);
-- Actions taken immediately after the dialog box is brought into view. 

procedure StatusbarContextMenuHandler(Container      : in out Containers;
                                                             StatusbarPart : natural;
                                                             ContextMenu :
                                                             CursorPos     : out OS.Points.Points);
-- A context menu is popped when right clicking on the status bar.  By default, menu
-- items for changing statubar part colors are included in ContextMenu.  CursorPos
-- indicates where the menu should be located.

procedure StatusbarLeftClickHandler(Container     : in out Containers;
                                                       Statusbar     :
                                                       ClickedOn   : natural;
                                                       ButtonIsUp : boolean;
                                                       Handled      : out boolean);
-- Actions to be taken when left clicking on the statusbar.  When ClickedOn is 0,
-- the click was done outside of the statusbar.  By default, statusbar part resize actions
-- are performed ie dragging the panel to the desired position.  Changes are made only
-- when the button is released in the status bar.  The exception would be enlarging the
-- last panel.  To disable the default actions, set Handled to true.
