My Love, My life

How you made me laugh
How you made me cry
How you thought me to see things
And to think the way I never want to before

You make me a human, a person in me
The way an angel would be

I love doing things with you
being crazy, being stupid, being beautiful,
but most important of all is being myself,
of who I really am and being loved by you

I hate to think not to be able to be near you
not to be able to live with you
not to be able to see you when the morning sun shines in

I love you my darling I always do
You are my love, my life,
my sunshine and with you forever I will be true...

Written by : Santi Widya A.

All About WINa : Time to Time, Profile, Family, Friends
Things To Learn : Public Speaking, Table Manners, Tata Krama Pergaulan, Etika Kantor
Dedicated to WINa : Asa, Cerita Cinta, Kasih Sayang, Rindu, Saat Berjarak, Sebuah Asa,
Saat Terkenang, Untuk Sebuah Nama, Have You Ever Really Love a Woman
From Friends : Dead it ?, In A Spaceship, Love It's, My First Love, I Remember,
The One I Love, My Love My Life, Smile From The Dust, St. Francis Color, Misery,
I Saw an Illusion, Happy Birthday to Mar, I Wanna Tell You
WINa'S Favourite Lyrics : Menjemput Impian, Lagu Cinta, Kasih tak Sampai, One Last Cry
Take It to Your Heart : Cinta, Fireflies, Live Your Life, Sea of Friends

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Created by WINa @ 2000 - 2002