8-foot diameter working model
Installing Windcrank at site
Kahua Ranch, Hawaii
Setting up the prototype
The inventor, George Sikes,
demonstrating one of the      4-foot models in Florida.
US Patent D300932
  other pat.6808366
Some of the advantages of this design:
A. Exceptional high torque
B. Two power take-offs
C. No bird kill
D. No noise
Stackable applications
F. No braking required
G. Multiple applications
H. Long service life
I. Controlled rpm's
J. Slow speed     
The Windcrank TM is a unique design that uses proven methods of capturing and controlling energy from any moving force such as wind, water, geothermal, etc.  It can be used in a vertical or horizontal application, depending on the end use. These proven methods include, but are not limited to, A.) centrifugal force, B.) deflectors, C.) louvers, D.) blade timing, E.) sail effect, F.) flywheel effect.
The application shown on this page is for capturing rotational energy from wind forces.  A series of "blades" are "
timed" in a specific sequence to capture impulse wind energy.  Fixed deflectors are placed on the tip of each blade to boost power and accompany balance weights for a flywheel effect.  An auxiliary (moveable) deflector is positioned so as to direct the wind forces to the inside of the blades and divert wind from the back side of the rotating blades.  Louvers are incorporated to provide a sail effect for increased turbine efficiency. The auxiliary deflector is also used as a brake to stop rotation of the turbine by directing equal wind forces to both concave and convex sides of the blades.  Thus, there is no need for a mechanical braking system and the  deflector can also be used to control the rpm's of the turbine.
4-foot working model, located in Florida
How does it work?
                                                         OTHER APPLICATIONS
A.) Hydro, Undershot and High pressure. B.) Tide power. C.) Solar Wind vehicle. D.) Mechanical power.

Our Business Plan and Pro Forma are complete and our "wind" direction is clear.  For those desiring to offer assistance/support, whether technical or otherwise, please contact George Sikes  by email.

Update:  Our company has received its Qualified High Technology Business (QHTB) designation for Hawaii, under House Bill, HB175, Hi Tech Tax Law, Act 221, and, as such, tax incentive funding is avaliable as an option.  Email for details.
Welcome to the "turbine " page of Vertical Wind Turbine Technologies,LLC.
This is a dynamic page and frequently provides updates. We will be updating the progress of the development and marketing process of this exciting design. The preliminary testing of our 4-foot diameter turbine is complete.  Currently, one of our 8-foot diameter units is progressing through its testing process. Test data will enable us to begin production soon.  To the left of this page are pictures of the 8-foot working model/prototype.  For information, please contact the folks listed below.
George Sikes, Florida.  Ph: 352-795-1988 Email:
The next major step will be the marketing/manufacturing of the Windcrank. For those activities, we will be seeking support from interested and capable parties.  While the turbine itself is ready for marketing, a low-speed, direct- drive generator must be developed to eliminate the need for gearboxes, pulleys, belts, etc.  Such generator and controller development is currently underway.  Support in this area could also be useful.
The patented design won an advanced technology award in Atlanta in May of 1996, where one of the distinguished people on the nominating board was Dr Gordon Gould, inventor of the laser.  The design was given a favorable review by the Department of Energy through its NIST 19 program.  All current design work is complete, including CAD drawings, for the 4-foot and the 8-foot models.  Test data on the 8-foot prototype will
be avaliable soon. World-wide marketing and distribution is planned for early next year.  For those folks who are serious about assisting in our thrust to take the next step, please contact George W. Sikes  at
7/2/03 As we move forward ever so slowley, we have encountered several ocasions where we were aproached by individuals who wanted to front our company as a third party investor/negotiator, we have found this to be very time consuming and a complete waste of our time and theirs, therefore we will not negotiate any type business transaction/jv through a third party. We wish to speek to the investor direct. gs
Update on our progress: Utility patent is moving through the process smothly and should be granted in a few months. We are still in process of securing funding for the first commercial prototype windfarm. gs
UP date: 7/20/03 The 12' is up and running in Texas,we are now looking for serious investors worldwide to manufacture/market the "Windcrank" turbine. We are also ready to issue manufactureing licenses.
land line 352 795 1988  email
UPDATE; Sadly my partner and good friend Jack Dean passed away Sep.1,06. Our current status is : The 12' dia WC is complete in Amirillo, Tx currently going through test runs to determine size of generator to order for it. I plan to travel to Surat, India soon to complete negotiations (pending) on sale of mfg license to Jeruz Energy ( also building a 1 KW  demo model here in Florida. A company in Canada (Mcdonald Enterprises) has agreed to develop our direct drive slow speed generators for our company according to my design.
We are also negotiating w/ several intrested companys/people for regional US areas for mfg licenses. We have devided the regional areas as: S.E.,N.E.,S.W., N.W., Alaska and Hawaii.
Our progress has been slow to this point but we expect things to pick up in 07. gs
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update,  7/19/08  The direct drive generator has been developed  and is now ready for a test run here in Crystal River, Fl where the Windcrank demo is set up. Because of lack of sufficient winds in that location we will use an air boat to run and test the WC and the generator to see if furnished data is correct. If the data is correct and the test run is successful I will contact several companys/people that are intrested in purchasing manufacturing licenses to come to CR to witness the WC demo. It has been a long struggle to get to this point in time . We have had some major set backs w/ the development of the generator but finally we are nearly there. I expect to have the generator attached and running in two weeks time, so should be around mid August/08.
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The direct drive no cog generator, is aprox. 3 inch thick and 32 inch diameter. About 2.5 KW at aprox 18 mph wind speed.  now set up and running.on site in Crystal River, Fl ..