Unitarian Universalist Code of Ethics for Adults Working with Youth

Adults and older youth who are in leadership roles are in a position of stewardship and play a key role in fostering spiritual development of both individuals and the community. It is, therefore, especially important that those in leadership positions be well qualified to provide the special nurture, care and support that will enable youth to develop a positive sense of self and a spirit of independence and responsibility. The relationship between young people and their leaders must be one of mutual respect if the positive potential is to be realized.
There are no more important areas of growth than those of self-worth and the development of a healthy identity as a sexual being. Adults play a key role in assisting youth in these areas of growth. Wisdom dictates that youth and adults suffer damaging effects when leaders become sexually involved with young persons in their care; therefore, leaders will refrain from engaging in sexual, seductive or erotic behavior with youth. Neither shall they sexually harass or engage in behavior with youth which constitutes verbal, emotional, or physical abuse.

Joseph Priestley District Youth Steering Committee

* Rules and Guidelines
All Conferees must pre-register
No walk-ins, visits or early departures
No leaving grounds during conference
No Possession or use of alcohol or drugs
No borrowing of cigarettes and
   no use or possession or tobacco products
   where it is illegal to do so
No weapons or violence
No sexual activity whatsoever
[One person under any covering (e.g., blanket, sleeping bag)]
* Any additional rules set by the host congregation will be followed.
* DYSC recognizes the "NO" rule:
use of the word "no" is a signal for others to cease any behavior that may cause the conferee to become uncomfortable.
* All leaders will be informed of the Code of Ethics and Conference Rules and agree to them before assuming their leadership roles. In case of violation, appropriate action will be taken, including removal from a Conference.
* I have read these guidelines and understand the consequences of my breaking them. I understand that my role as an advisor is an active important one and that I am to set a good example and be supportive at conferences.


UU Congregation:____________________________________________________

Signature:______________________________________ Date: _______________

Please read, complete fully and sign. Return by April 23, 2004.

Send to: RaCon c/o Davi Rios 930 N Arlington Mill Dr. Arlington VA, 22205 Email – RaCon@Davi.Rios.org
Fax – 703 532 7623 Questions or further information, call  703 862 6541