Letters to Santa


THE GRINCH IS AT IT AGAIN! It never fails. Just as the holiday season approaches that nasty tight-shoed, small-hearted Grinch tries to steal Christmas. Don't let him get away with it! Be on the look out for any suspicious looking green Santas accompanied by a small furry one-horned reindeer. If spotted, report him to the closest mall security guard immediately. The Grinch was last spotted at your local DVD store posing as Jim Carey. We now return you to your regularly scheduled website.
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A special message from Santa Claus
Subject: HO HO HO!!!!

Merry Christmas!!!
For years, I have enjoyed receiving your cards and letters from all over the world, telling me what you'd like for Christmas. Thanks to modern technology, I can now post below a selection of my more interesting e-mail. Hope you like it.

Santa Claus


From: Hermey (formerly one of Santa's elves)
Subject: What I want for Christmas

Dear Santa,
I love fixing doll's teeth. So for Christmas all I want is to be a dentist.
Love, Herbie
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Yes, Hermey. We know, WE KNOW!!
You've been saying that every year since I can't remember when. Why don't you run along with Rudolph and Yukon Cornelius. They said something about looking for some kind of snowmonster. What was it? Abdominal?...abottomal?...abombidal? Whatever.
Mercury the elf
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Now Mercury,
Play nice with Hermey. You don't want me to leave coal in your stocking do you?
Signed, Santa *<]:-(>
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I'm sorry Santa. I'm sorry Hermey.
Signed a very embarassed and sorry elf,
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That's better.
Santa Claus


From: TinMan, Scarecrow & Cowardly Lion
Subject: A heart, brain and some courage

Dear Santa,
We respectfully ask for the following items for Christmas:
The Tin Man wants a heart.
Scarecrow wants a brain.
Cowardly Lion wants some courage.
Thank you very much,
Tinman, Scarecrow and Cowardly Lion

P.S. Ooops, almost forgot. Dorothy would like very much to go home to Kansas, please. Thank you.
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Dear Tinman, Scarecrow and Cowardly Lion,
Sorry fellas. Although you all have been very good and deserve to receive these precious gifts you wish for, I'm afraid what you're asking for is a little out of my league.
I suggest you ask The Wizard of Oz. He should be able to help you. You can find him at Emerald City in the merry ole land of Oz located somewhere over the rainbow. Good Luck.
Santa Claus

P.S. Tell Dorothy to beware the Wicked Witch. That witch has been on my list of bad boys and girls for a long time. If she doesn't straighten up soon, someone might throw a bucket of water on her.


From: tHE gRiNCH
Subject: i hATe cHRiSTMaS

i juST wANT tO kEeP cHRiSTMaS fRoM cOMiNG.
(sAiD wITH a gRiNCHY sMiLE.)
tHe gRiNCH
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Sheesh, what a grinch!
Mercury the elf
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Tell me about it. He gets this way every year. If he makes me pull that sleigh one more time, I'll quit.
Max, The Grinch's Dog
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Now, Now, Mr. Grinch,
Let's not be causing any trouble for those Who's down in Whoville. Or else somebody may be getting coal in their stocking this Christmas.
Santa Claus


From: Charlie Brown
Subject: What I'd like for Christmas
Website: http://www.oocities.org/wingsofmercury/xmas5.html

Dear Santa,
For Christmas, I would like to direct my own Christmas play. Also, it would be great if my dog weren't so commercial. He's won 1st prize several years in a row for the local Lights and Display Contest.
Charlie Brown


From: Linus
Subject: The Great Pumpkin

Dear Mr. Claus,
I hate to rain on your parade, but I feel it is my duty to inform you that there is another who is replacing you. His name is 'The Great Pumpkin'. Halloween is coming soon and I must find the most sincere pumpkin patch to wait for him. I can't wait to see him rise out of the pumpkin patch and bring toys to all the boys and girls.
Yours truly,
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Good Grief! What a blockhead!
Linus, if you think I'm going to get up at 4 am on Halloween night to pick you up out of some pumpkin patch and bring you home, well, you are sadly mistaken.
Your sister,
Lucy >:- [
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My darling Linus,
Don't you dare drag me to another stupid pumpkin patch on Halloween. I already missed Tricks or Treats last year because of you.
Hugs and Kisses,


From: yukon cornelius
Subject: Silver and Gold

Hiya Big Guy,
Yukon Cornelius is the name. I'm searching for silver and gold. If you can't bring me the actual stuff, I wouldn't mind gettin' a new pick to search for it myself. See ya later. Mush!!


From: A very angry Sally
Subject: It Happened Again!
Aargh! I knew it! Another Halloween has come and gone and I missed it! And it's all Linus' fault. I can't believe I spent the whole night in a pumpkin patch waiting for the Great Pumpkin and he never came. All I saw was a stupid beagle. I've been cheated!
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This site was created by Mercury on 9/11/99 per Santa's orders. Merry Christmas!

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