Winterpegpiper's Ramblings On Bagpipes


Welcome to my little site which contains my ramblings on bagpipes.

If you read something here and you disagree or wish to correct me, then send me and email. Otherwise:

Doubt everything and follow your own light.

Years ago, in a land far away, (Ok, actually 1100Km), I was dragged out to band practice. Discovering that I was fairly rhythm challenged, I transferred from snare drum, to the practice chanter.

A short while later, I was marching up and down the school gym with the rest of the band. Ah the parades, and more parades, and more parades. There were games in there as well, oh, and a few concerts and a lot of holidays at piping school.

Then there was McBoffa, a trio of myself, Richard Kean and Bruce McKay, playing tunes, in public yet!

The three of us went our separate ways as we all had our own paths to follow.

I moved to Winnipeg and assumed my secret identity: Winterpegpiper.


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