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The pillars of Islam and the pillars of the Islamic belief:


When we are talking about the pillars or bases of Islam we mean the 5 basic principles of being a Muslim, while the pillars or bases of Islamic belief consist of another 6 principles. 


A-)   The pillars or bases of Islam that each Muslim must follow are related to declaring faith and to practice worships. These pillars are:

  1. Witnessing or declaring faith (AL-Shahada): is the Arabic statement “La ilah illa Allah wa Muhammad rasul Allah,” meaning “There is no God but the one God and Muhammad is His prophet.” And the Muslim has to witness that at least once in his life to enter Islam.

  2.  Performing the five daily prayers (Al-Salat): All adult Muslims are supposed to perform five prayers, preceded by ritual cleansing or purification of the body at different intervals of the day. A prayer has a specific form.

  3. Almsgiving or charity (Al-Zakat): Islam strongly encourages charity and constantly reminds Muslims of their moral obligation to the poor, orphans, widows and all people who are in need. This charity is an intelligent complex system that guarantees a good life for every one in the society.

  4. Fasting (Al-Sawm): Muslims have to fast every year during the month of Ramadan. Muslims must fast from daybreak (dawn) to sunset by not to eat, drink, or do sexual intercourse. Menstruating women, travelers, and sick people… are free from fasting but they have to make up the days they miss at a later date.

  5. Pilgrimage (Al-Hajj): only Muslims who have the physical and financial ability should perform the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime.


B-)   The pillars or bases of Islamic belief are the following 6 principles:

  1. To believe in the unique God (Allah)

  3. To believe in angels that they do exist

  4. To believe in the holy books: like Quran, Bible and Torah, but note that in Islamic belief the Bibles and Torah known now are not holy books because they are much different than the original books which sent by Allah to the prophets, since these books where authored or distorted by people. Quran is the only holy book that is protected from being changed or distorted.

  5.  To believe in the prophets and messengers that Allah sent them to guide and teach people the correct way of belief. When humankind turned from truth, God sent prophets to lead the way back. The greatest of these prophets were Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus Christ, and Muhammad.

  6. To belief in the Day of Judgment: this is the last day in this life and the first day in the second life. In this long day the dead will be resurrected (return to life), and a judgment will be pronounced on every person. Every person will go to the Hell or to the Paradise according to his or her belief, worships and behaviors in this life. God judges in justice but he is merciful too.

  7. To belief in the destiny and fate whether it is a good or bad one.


Dear friend, these points have a lot of details, and I am ready to help you and to answer your questions about them. 




* Take care from sources that are not trustworthy.

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