Related States & Conditions | Syntonic | Dystonic

Celebrate, then, the days of rejoicing and do not tire of them. For lo, none may take their goods with them and none who depart ever come back again.
Book of Songs
in Kemet and the African Worldview , Maulana Karenga and Jacob Carruthers, eds., 1986

Now is the time for drinking, now the time to beat the earth with unfettered foot.
65-8 BCE, Roman Lyric Poet, Satirist

A man hath no better thing under the sun than to eat, and to drink, and to be merry.
The Bible
c. 367 CE, Christian Sacred Text
Ecclesiastes 8:15

We don't need wine to get drunk,
or instruments and singing to feel ecstatic.
No poets, no leaders, no songs,
yet we jump around totally wild.
1207-1273, Afghani-Turkish Sufi Mystic, Poet
Unseen Rain: Quatrains of Rumi , John Moyne and Coleman Barks, trs., 1986

Since Time is not a person we can overtake when he is gone, let us honor him with mirth and cheerfulness of heart while he is passing.
1749-1832, German Poet, Novelist, Dramatist, Philosopher, Scientist

Life is found only in the present moment. I think we should have a holiday to celebrate this fact. We have holidays for so many important occasions … why not celebrate a day when we can live happily in the present moment all day long? I would like to declare today "Today's Day," a day dedicated to touching the Earth, touching the sky, touching the trees, and touching the peace that is available in the present moment.
Thich Nhat Hanh
1926-, Vietnamese Buddhist Master, Poet, Writer, Activist
Touching Peace: Practicing the Art of Mindful Living , 1992

Every time we hold hands and say a blessing before a meal, every time we lift a glass and say fine words to one another, every time we eat in peace and grace together, we have celebrated the covenants that bind us together.
Robert Fulghum
1937-, American Writer
From Beginning to End , 1995

let us celebrate
ourselves, all that is kind
and carnival, living
without goodbyes
without the acquiescences of grief
of ending
That small victory, only.
Dennis Scott
1939-1991, Jamaican Poet, Dramatist
"Strategies," Strategies , 1989

As for food and sex, nature demands a minimum, quite basic, for the preservation of the individual and the species; all else is ornamentation or subterfuges we invent to celebrate life.
Isabel Allende
1942-, Chilean Writer, Journalist
Aphrodite: A Memoir of the Senses , Margaret Sayers Peden, tr., 1998

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.
Oprah Winfrey
1954-, African-American TV Host, Actress, Producer
in Black Woman's Gumbo Ya-Ya , Terri L. Jewell, ed., 1993

Start living now. Stop saving the good china for that special occasion. Stop withholding your love until that special person materializes. Every day you are alive is a special occasion. Every minute, every breath, is a gift from God.
Mary Manin Morrissey
American Cleric, Writer

This cross-index may help identify and delineate more closely subjective realities often hard to pin down.
  • Related states elucidate shades of meaning and amplify nuances of feeling
  • Syntonic elements foster and enhance well-being
  • Dystonic factors are contraindicated and should be minimized.
Related States & Conditions Actualization/Fulfillment | Affirmation/Approval | Appreciation | Centering | Dance/Movement | Eloquence, Enjoyment/Pleasure, Expression, Friendship, Happiness, Humor/Laughter, Indulgence/Temptation, Legacy, Life/Living, Love-Agape, Meaning, Music, Oneness/Unity/Wholeness, Power, Presence, Sensibility/Sensuality, Sex/Sexuality, Spirituality, Spontaneity, Succcess, Today, Wonder/Mystery, Zeal/Zest
Syntonic Collaboration/Synergy | Confidence | Courage | Daring/Challenge | Decision/Decisiveness | Desire, Determination/Persistence/Resolve, Diligence, Discipline, Dispatch, Expedience, Flexibility/Flow/Flux, Focus/Intention, Learning, Liberation/Liberty/Freedom, Means, Mind, Optimism/Positivism, Possibility/Potential, Practice, Preparation/Readiness, Self-Reliance, Strength, Thinking/Thought
Dystonic Anger | Comparison/Competition | Criticism/Judgment | Defeat | Deferment/Delay | Depression/Despair/Despondency, Fault, Grief/Sorrow, Guilt, Hate, Inaction, Jealousy/Envy, Limitation, Loneliness, Regret, Restraint, Worry


Wisdom for The Soul: Five Millennia of Prescriptions for Spiritual Healing, © 2004