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Could you explain how to build this tower?

  1. Why was Moses the most wicked man?

  2. What book of the Bible mentions a baseball player who hit ten home runs?

  3. What Old Testament character must have been as strong as steel?

  4. What animal could Noah not trust?

  5. How long was Noah in the belly of the whale?

  6. How do we know there were newspaper reporters in Bible times?

  7. What animal on the ark had the highest intelligence?

  8. Which burns longer - a candle under a bushel or one on a hill?

  9. Out of Gideon's seventy sons, how many were big men at birth?

  10. What kind of lights did Noah use on the ark?

  11. When was the rooster's crow heard by everyone on earth?

  12. How does a lawyer resemble a rabbi?

  13. How many animals did Noah bring into the empty ark?

  14. What New Testament book has an insect in the Bible?

  15. What are the two smallest insects in the Bible?

  16. What character was the most ambitious man?

  17. Who was the greatest speaker?

  18. Why, according to the Bible, is it all right to be obese?

  19. Who had his seat in a theater changed?

  20. Who was the first canning factory run by?

  21. Which book in the Old Testament is a math book?

  22. Why was Noah like a hungry cat?

  23. What is it that Adam never saw or had, yet left two of them for his children?

  24. What Bible character may have only been a foot tall?

  25. What did Joseph in the Old Testament have in common with Zacchaeus in the New?

  26. What did Jesus have in common with the fish that swallowed Jonah?

  27. How do we know Isaiah's parents were good business people?

  28. What kind of fur did Adam and Eve wear?

  29. If Moses had dropped his rod in the Nile, what would it have become?

  30. Since Methuselah was the oldest man in the Bible, why did he die before his father?

  31. During what season did Eve eat the forbidden fruit?

  32. What wage does not have any deductions?

  33. What king mutilated sports equipment?

  34. Who was the Bible's straightest man?

  35. Why couldn't they play cards on Noah's ark?

  36. Why did poor Job land in bed with a cold?

  37. Who was the first person to eat herself out of house and home?

  38. What is the difference between Noah's ark and an archbishop?

  39. How do we know David was older than Goliath?

  40. What is the moral of the story of Jonah and the great fish?

  41. How are roller skates like he fruit in the Garden of Eden?

  42. How did Jonah feel when swallowed by the great fish?

  43. Who introduced salt meat into the navy?

  44. What day in human life was longest?

  45. What did Adam and Eve do when driven out of Eden?

  46. Why couldn't Adam and Eve gamble?

  47. Who presented Adam with a walking stick?

  48. Who, besides Adam and Melchizedek, had neither father nor mother?

  49. Who slept five in a bed?

  50. Why didn't Moses take hornet into the ark?

  51. Who was the first person to have surgery performed on him?

  52. Why did the people on the ark think the horses were pessimistic?

  53. What is often black, brown, or white, but should always be red?

  54. How do we know Abraham was smart?

  55. What is the first game mentioned in the Bible?

  56. What son of Noah was a real clown?

  57. What do we find in Matthew and Mark that we don't find in Luke and John?

  58. Which days in Bible times passed by quickly?

  59. What was the most expensive meal in the Bible?

  60. Where is the first example of math in the Bible?

  61. Where is the second?

  62. What was the difference between the ten thousand soldiers of Israel and the three hundred Gideon chose for battle?

  63. Why couldn't Cain please God with his offering?

  64. Why wouldn't the rooster fight on the ark?

  65. How were the disciples cruel to corn?

  66. How did God keep the oceans clean?

  67. What minor affliction brought about Samson's death?

  68. Who was the Bible's first financial wizard?

  69. What was the Bible's first theatrical performance?

  70. Where does the Bible talk about smoking?

  71. What did Noah say as he was loading the ark?

  72. When was tennis played in the Bible?

  73. How did Adam and Eve feel when they left the garden?

  74. Who is the first king in the Bible?

  75. Who is the first man in the Bible?

  76. Who is the first woman in the Bible?

  77. Is the Book of Josiah in the Old or New Testament?

  78. Who was the shortest man in the Bible?

  79. Who was the first electrician in the Bible?

  80. Who was the smallest man in the Bible?

  81. Why was budding the tower of Babel such a sad project?

  82. What came first-the chicken or the egg?

  83. What book mentions a righteous baseball pitcher?

Across the Biblical Spectrum

  1. What color was the hideous seven-headed dragon in Revelation?

  2. What is the first color mentioned in the Bible?

  3. What doting father Save his favorite son a coat of many colors?

  4. What New Testament woman was a seller of purple cloth?

  5. What book describes a handsome man whose hair is black like a raven?

Not to Be Taken Seriously (1) (Answers)

  1. He broke all Ten Commandments at once (Exodus 32.15-19)

  2. Numbers 11.3 2—"He that gathered least gathered ten homers."

  3. Iron (Joshua 19:38)

  4. The cheetah

  5. Noah wasn't in the belly of the whale—Jonah was.

  6. Zacchacus couldn't see Jesus for the press (Luke 19:3)

  7. The giraffe

  8. Neither-both Set shorter.

  9. None-they were all born small, as all babies are.

  10. Flood lights

  11. When it crowed on the ark

  12. A lawyer studies the law and the profits.

  13. One-after that it was not longer empty

  14. Ti(moth)y

  15. Ale widow's mite and the wicked flea. (See Mark 12.42 and Proverbs 28.1)

  16. Jonah-even a whale couldn't keep him down.

  17. Samson—he brought the house down even though it was filled with his enemies (Judges 16.27-30)

  18. Because "all the fat is the Lord's" (Leviticus 3.16)

  19. Joseph-he was taken from the family circle and put in the pit (Genesis 37.3-24)

  20. Noah-he had a boatful of preserved pairs.

  21. Numbers

  22. He went 150 days and nights without finding Ararat (e'er a rat)

  23. Parents

  24. Nicodemus, since he was a ruler (John 3: 1)

  25. Joseph was overseeing and Zacchaeus was seeing over.

  26. Jesus had dinner "h a sinner, and the fish had a sinner for dinner.

  27. They both raised a prophet.

  28. Bareskin

  29. Wet

  30. Enoch, his father, never died-he was taken into heaven.

  31. Early in the fail

  32. The wages of sin

  33. "King Ahaz cut off the borders of the bas& (2 Kings 16.17)

  34. Joseph—the pharaoh made a ruler of him.

  35. Because Noah sat on the deck.

  36. He had poor comforters.

  37. Eve

  38. One was a high ark; the other is a hierarch.

  39. He rocked Goliath to sleep.

  40. You can't keep a good man down.

  41. They come before the fall.

  42. Down in the mouth

  43. Noah, who took Ham into the ark

  44. Adam's first day-it had no eve.

  45. They raised Cain.

  46. God took their Paradise (pair o' dice) away.

  47. Eve-she presented him with a little Cain.

  48. Joshua, the son of Nun

  49. David, who slept with his forefathers

  50. Mo" didn't So on the ark.

  51. Adam—God removed one of his ribs.

  52. They were always saying neigh.

  53. The Bible

  54. He knew a Lot.

  55. Adam and Eve played hide-and-seek with God.

  56. Ham

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