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The Truth About Wicca
There are many myths about Wicca, also called Witchcraft. These myths were generated by the childhood fairy tales, about the evil witch who ate small children, created by the Christian churches when it was established.

The purpose of this website is to clear up some of these myths.
Click on a statement to find out whether it is true or false.
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"Witches worship the devil and are the same as Satanists."

"Witches practice Black Magic."

"Witches sacrifice animals and babies."

"Witchcraft is all about sex and nudity."

"Witchcraft is not a 'real' religion."

"There is no proof that Witchcraft has any historical basis prior to the last 50 years."

"Witches have a hooked nose and warts."

"Witches are glamorous."

"Witches wear black."

"Witches wear a long cloak and pointed hat."

"Witches wear lots of heavy makeup and jewelry."

"Witches live with a black cat, a toad, or another familiar."

"Witches fly on broomsticks."

"Witches brew strange concoctions in cauldrons."

"Witchcraft makes life easier."

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The Salem Witch Trials
suggested reading to learn more about the Craft
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