Table of Contents

Words of the Witch


Rituals and Spells


Mirror Book
Book of  Shadows
Canadian Pagan
Welcome to my site, still in the process of rebuilding (screw you Geocities, and your little ads too), so please be gentle.
Anything you want to pass along can be emailed to me here

Updates :
October 1 - yeah October. back to psychology, and some new links! and mirror book

September 25 - I've actually been updating more than it says here  but I always have my computer freeze up on me, before I get around to this page. opps sorry. Mirror book, links, correspondence, words of the Witch have all had updates.

September 23 - Happy Mabon! worked on sabbat and Mabon Page.Also Esbat Page, Isis page and mirror book. I may also become a paralegal instead of a psychologist!

Sept 18 -  Mirror book has some stuff. Top of main pages now says Blue Moon as opposed to the Forest.