Salutations Mortals,

If you are reading this you have found a site dedicated to the Witch-Girl Ms. Annabelle Deville. Though she's only 12 we must warn you to please treat her with respect. Hence calling her Ms. Annabelle Deville and not just Annabelle or worse Anna.

Ms. Annabelle Deville appears in Witch Girl a comic by Manga Graphix and in the soon to be in production movie "Witch Girls Tales". If you noticed at no point did we say she was created by Manga Graphix or anyone for that matter. I don't know about you but I don't want to spend the remainder of my life as a toad or worse a fly being eaten by a toad.

So if you're wondering what other rules one must follow when perusing this website or talking of Ms. Deville they are as follow.

1. Do not taunt Annabelle

2. Please use Proper English when in the presence of Annabelle

3. Annabelle is your superior and should be treated as such.

4. Do not mention the name Janette in her presence.

5. At any point and time Annabelle may destroy you or worse. Do not look surprise when this happens. You have been warned.

6.All cookies and cakes on your person belongs to Annabelle Deville. Failure to willing give them up will result in your immediate and permanent "toading".

7. Do not complain about your silly mortal problems to Annabelle. She does not care.

Thank you

Annabelle Deville

This is the Menu- Use the menu to navigate the website. There will be no further instructions...silly mortals

Annabelle- A life
Annabelle- in comics
Annabelle- in Movies
Annabelle- Casts a Spell