The Worst Vacation Ever
- by Al's Waiter
Second Place Teen Power True Story Contest
(Click on the thumbnail of the cover to see it bigger)

I was tired, sick and hot. This was the worst vacation ever. The night before had been the worst night of my life. My family was in a hotel in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, and my parents had put on the heat instead of the air-conditioning, but we didn't know that until the morning.

We were going to my cousin's wedding that day and I had had only two hours of sleep, so I was not in a good mood. My mother opened up the closet of our hotel room and all our clothes for the wedding were wrinkled on the floor.

After we got dressed, we had breakfast with some friends that used to go to our church, so that wasen't too bad. Next we went for a short visit to Peggy's Cove. The road was really twisty so on the way back, I was car sick. Literally!

So, I was not feeling well when we left for the wedding. We had just enough time to get to the church before it started. We were ascending a small hill. I was trying to sleep. My father started to pass another car when white smoke poured out of our car.

Oh, no! I thought. What now?

There we were, sitting by the side of the road in a hot car that wouldn't work.

That's when I prayed. "Lord, please let Dad get the car working. I'm not feeling well. I'm tired. I just want to get this day over with! And if we have to hitchhike, let it be the first car that Dad flags down." That when I started to cry. This surely was the worst day of my life.

Well, when my Day flagged down a car, the first one stopped. The man and Dad looked at the car for a few minutes and checked the coolant. It was all gone! The plug had fallen out and all our coolant went with it.

My dad stayed with the car while my mother, sister and I got a ride with the man, who willingly drove us to the town which was a little past where he lived. My mother called the auto club to tow our car to a nearby gas station. The man got us to the church just in time to hear the vows. After the wedding, we got a ride in our relatives' car and dropped my mother off at the gas station where the car was.

We had planned to drive back home that night after the wedding, but of course we couldn't.

After the reception we went to a party at the home of the bride's parents. My parents prayed and phoned every bed and breakfast, hotel and motel, but they were all fully booked. Because of the lack of sleep the night before, we were so tired - but we had nowhere to sleep that night, not even in the car, because it was in the next village in the garage up on a hoist.

When the party was nearly over, one of the bridesmaids came up to my dad and told him her mother had given her permission to bring us home. They had two extra beds.

We were so thankful to her and to God. That night my family slept much better, plus I got to sleep on a waterbed. After a great breakfast with our new friends, Dad told us that he found a plug for the coolant for $1.00, but to put it in the car it cost $300.00 because they had to take out the engine block.

After we had been driving home for about 10 minutes, I thought about the day before and how the Lord provided. Romans 8:28 came to mind, which says that all things work together for good to those who love God. I asked my mother what good came out of this trouble that we had? She told me we learned to trust God no metter what happened. He had worked out every detail. We were all safe and well looked after. We were not stranded on the highway for hours, and we made friends who were willing to help us.

The mechanics who had put the plug in our car before we went on our vacation had used a temporary plug. That's why it blew. That garage repaid Dad the money for the repairs, which we couldn't afford.

So, all things do work out well for those who love God!