World Internet Wrestling Federation Sorry
Front Office Upcoming Cards
- Join Tuesday Nite Terror -
- Latest News Friday Nite Fright -
- Rules PPV : Rebellion -
- Staff Tour Dates -
Fed Closed
December 1999 to June 2000
- Singles Roster Results
- Tag Roster
Tuesday Nite Terror -
- Stables
Friday Nite Fright -
- Hall Of Fame
PPV : Payback -
- Title Historys
We're gone long,
But still no mutha can touch us!!!

The W.I.W.F. spirit lives on!!!
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Merchandise -
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Rashad's Rankings -
- Testing Board
Wrestler Of The Month -
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W.I.W.F. Magazine -
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Things       W.I.W.F. Tribute Site Past Staff -

Welcome to the World Internet Wrestling Federation . . . . . . . . . . We will start off with Friday Nite Fright, to give people a chance to RP for upcoming matches . . . . . . . . . . There are places available on the roster, so join NOW!!!
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Hits since opening this page on March 12, 2000
©1999-2000 World Internet Wrestling Federation™. The World Internet Wrestling Federation™ is not affiliated with WWF, WCW, ECW, or any other wrestling promotion. The graphics, HTML, and scripts are strictly prohibited to be re-used, without my permission. Nothing shall be taken from this site without permission from the World Internet Wrestling Federation Owner Dave Hayden.