Just before the United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) Conference opened Marcus Garvey delivered a speech in Madison Square Garden in August 1920. The militant black nationalist who had created the UNIA in 1914 openly supported the Irish Republican Army and their large scale guerilla war that had claimed the lived of hundreds of British soldiers. In recognizing Eamon de Valera as the president of the Irish Republic he broke ranks with the government of the United States which was not prepared to recognize de Valera.

Think about the following quote.  How can you assess Marcus Garvey's strategy for the UNIA? How does the quote show that Garvey influenced others, or was possibly influenced by others. How does your conclusion
increase your knowledge of "enduring issues?"

"... a few weeks later, Garvey was interviewed by journalist Charles Mowbray White on his hopes for the UNIA. Garvey told Mowbray he had already proposed that the organisations's colours should be red, black and green. Garvey said, red because of sympathy with the ‘Reds of the World’, and the green their sympathy for the Irish in their fight for freedom, and the black- [for] the Negro.”