/* Abstract AVL Tree Generic Package Example 1 (usage).
** This code is in the public domain.
** Version: 1.5  Author: Walt Karas


#include "cavl_ex1.h"

static avl_env_avl tree = { 0 };

/* Set value of variable. */
void set_env(const char *name, const char *value)
    node_env_avl *n = search_env_avl(&tree, name, AVL_EQUAL);

    if (!n)
	/* This variable does not currently exist.  Create a node for it. */
	n = (node_env_avl *) malloc(sizeof(node_env_avl) + strlen(name));
	strcpy(n->name, name);
	insert_env_avl(&tree, n);
      /* Delete current value. */

    if (value)
	if (strlen(value) == 0)
	  value = 0;

    if (value)
	/* Save new value for variable. */
	n->value = (char *) malloc(strlen(value) + 1);
	strcpy(n->value, value);
      /* Variable is being set to empty string, which deletes it. */
      free(remove_env_avl(&tree, name));

/* Get value of variable. */
const char *get_env(const char *name)
    node_env_avl *n = search_env_avl(&tree, name, AVL_EQUAL);

    return(n ? n->value : "");

/* Dump environment in ascending order by variable name. */
void dump_env(void)
    iter_env_avl it;
    node_env_avl *n;

    start_iter_least_env_avl(&tree, &it);

    for (n = get_iter_env_avl(&it); n;
	 incr_iter_env_avl(&it), n = get_iter_env_avl(&it))
      printf("%s=%s\n", n->name, n->value);

/* Clear the environment. */
void clear_env(void)
    iter_env_avl it;
    node_env_avl *n;

    start_iter_least_env_avl(&tree, &it);

    /* A useful property of this data structure is the ability to do a
    ** "death march" through it.  Once the iterator (forward or backward)
    ** has stepped past a node, the node is not accessed again (assuming
    ** you don't reverse the direction of iteration).  If you are doing
    ** a final iteration in order to destroy the tree, you can release
    ** heap memory or other resources allocated by the tree node once the
    ** iterator has stepped past it.  If you plan to use the AVL tree
    ** instance again after completing this final iteration, you must
    ** make it empty (set the root to the null value).

    for (n = get_iter_env_avl(&it); n; n = get_iter_env_avl(&it))
	/* Step iterator past node n. */

	/* Release node n's resources. */

    /* Make the tree empty. */
    tree.root = (node_env_avl *) 0;


/* Demo main program. */
int main(void)
    set_env("The", "The value");
    set_env("quick", "quick value");
    set_env("brown", "brown value");
    set_env("fox", "fox value");
    set_env("jumped", "jumped value");
    set_env("over", "over value");
    set_env("the", "the value");
    set_env("lazy", "lazy value");
    set_env("dog", "dog value");

    set_env("DOG", "DOG value");
    set_env("DOG", 0);

    printf("The value of \"dog\" is \"%s\"\n\n", get_env("dog"));




    Source: geocities.com/wkaras/gen_c

               ( geocities.com/wkaras)