
Links to associated pages:

Link to W-L's homepage

Links to various other sites:

These are just some site I found over the years while looking for lost classmates. Some may not even be in existance anymore. I have found one site, that I have removed, has turned into more of a dating service type thing, so look at these sites and keep that in mind.

Classmates.Com...This seems to be a favorite among Alumni. To use all of thier features, you have to pay though

SchoolNews/Reunion page...One of the first sites I found. Not well known.

Alumni Net...This site allows you to email other alumni(from all years) for free

High School Alumni...Yet another place keeping track of classmates and friends (Free email)

Grad Finder...Another place to look around.

Curious Cat... And another place to look around.


Last updated October 6, 2008 by Gary Mumma