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Stacy....Pixie - 11/23/00 01:57:05
My URL:http://people.goplay.com/littleone118
My Email:blinkmebabie@gurlmail.com

Jim hun its me.....i had to come see your art again and say hi and i am so so sorry that i havent written in so long. I just got your email at hotmail a couple days ago so i havent gotten the chance to write yet and i just didnt know what to say so im hoping that you check this more often than i checked my email. Ill be looking forward to talking to you soon. luv ya, Pix

lucille Keene - 09/06/00 18:23:24
My URL:http://LEWK2112@webtv.com

I got through right away Jim' I am impressed with your work. I did some pencil work years ago but never continued - also some clay faces. Lately I have had the urge to something again. There are a couple of unusual things that I have been into over the ye rs based upon psychology and mixed artforms specifically for students and amateurs, for instance mixing embroidery and paint called "DNA". I didn't think much of it until someone in the art world asked e when I was going to show it.Basically, I'm a dillet nte - a dabbler in many things.

Amber - 06/23/00 19:42:38
My URL:http://www.yahoo.com

Well, it certainly seems that this page is well on it's way to becoming a place of both creative artistic and scientific expression. You must be quite the renaissance man, eh? But, for the sake of future clarification upon any artistic pontification poste on this page; it should be noted that it is improper to call Leonardo da Vinci simply "daVinci," as that is only a reference to the artist's hometown, and not a last name. Keep trying!

Velvet - 07/26/99 12:36:31
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SoHo/Suite/4335
My Email:foxforce7@hotmail.com

cool page Jim. who Gordon is, is a secret! ;-)

- 07/19/99 02:49:43

I believe the Galileo quote is on target. As you point out, none of the scientists that responded to your theories have been able refute them. Perhaps in the future you will be vindicated. Elsewhere, your efforts to make math and physics more accessible are to be commended. The inclusion of art beside science does indeed give the site a davincian flavor. Marcin Walczak

- 04/29/99 12:42:01

an the materialistic world it is rare to find such a deep interest in renaissance. It is wonderful to see there is no conflict between art and science. Martina Kalusova

- 04/10/99 12:40:49


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