A LIST OF GRAVES - 1843-1981  St Stephens Churchyard, Parnell Auckland 
Copyright (c)2001 GENEoNZ


St Stephens churchyard is an Anglican cemetery located in Parnell Auckland.

The Auckland-Waikato Historical Society produced the article after finding a number of 
discrepencies between various headstone transcriptions and the burial records. The problems 
that the transcribers found were that the number of burials registered far outweigh the number 
of headstones, and that the burial register does not contain every burial on this site.

The above magasine combines:

  *  The Diocesan Archives - Burial Register & Burial Requests, 
  *  Ground plans (1) 1920s (2) 1940s
  *  June and Randall Springer's 1984 Headstone Transcriptions
  *  short history of the churchyard
  *  biography of a number of figures
  *  photographs of: Basil Kirke Taylor & Reader Wood, John Abbot, Rev R Burrows, Hon TH Bartley, 
       Ida Campbell, EB Clarke, William & Eliza Cowie, Joseph Dargaville, Benjamin Thornton Dudley, 
       Anne Firth, Josiah Clifton Firth, Hon W Swainson, Thomas Henry Smith, Thomas Outhwaite, 
       William Henry Kenny, DA Hay, John Woodhouse, Rota Waitoa and Edward S Willcocks

Last Name   First Names       Died         Age  Buried   Plot#  Bur Rec   Comment


Lally, Ellen                  -            -    -        101    -         -
Lally, Meyrick                 6 Jul 1887  80   -        101    -         -
Lawford, Beatrice                    1961  -    -        149    -         husband Clement Elliot Lawford
Lawford, Clement Elliot              1931  -    -        149    -         -
Lawford, Georgina             19?Jun 1883  -    20 Jun   149    21/168    husband John Lawford
Lawford, John                 16?Dec 1901  72   17 Dec   149    30/239    from York St, Parnell
Leech, John William           20 Feb 1849  23   -        167    2/16      b 23 Dec 1825; (incl footstone with 'JWL')
Little, Archibald Little Claude H    1874  14mo 27 Mar   178    15/119    -
Lloyd, Elizabeth                     1860  2y   Jan      -      7/56      father Rev JF Lloyd
Lloyd, Henry Richardson              1859  6    4 Apr    -      7/50      from Auckland
Lodge, Anna                   26 Dec 1875  57   -        65     -         husband William F Lodge
Lodge, William F                     1906  93   31 Oct?  -      33/263    see: Ozane
Luckie, Edith Annie           23 May 1930  -    -        93     -         memorial stone; husband Philip CD Luckie; Charles F & Emily Goldsboro, parents (see: Goldsboro)
Luckie, Philip                25 Mar 1935  -    -        93     -         memorial stone; from 4 Clive St, Epsom, Died at sea
Ludlow, Edmund EP             18?Jan 187?  -    -        90     -         (is the date of death his wifes date of death?)
Lush, Blanche                  4 Sep 1912  93   5 Sep    116    34/270    b 1819 came to NZ 1850, husband Rev V Lush
Lush, Caroline                 5 Nov 1945  91   -        141    -         husband JMH Lush, William B & Eliza White parents
Lush, Cynthia Marjorie        26 Mar 1930   2   -        141    -         b 9 Feb 1928, father Arthur Lush
Lush, Ellen                   23 Feb 1981  88   -        141    -         memorial brass plate: JMH & Caroline Lush parents
Lush, John Martin Hawkins      4 Jun 1893  38   6 Jun    141    28/218    Vicesimus & Blanche Lush parents
Lush, Vicesimus               11 Jul 1882  64-5 14 Jul   116    19/152    b 1817 LND ENG came to NZ 1850
Lyell, Charles                13 Dec 1875  12   -        -      16/123    from Orphan Home, Parnell

Last Name   First Names       Died         Age  Buried   Plot#  Bur Rec   Comment

Maania, Rawiri                       1859  35?  5 Aug    -      7/51      from Ihumatao, or Puketapapa
MacDonald, Henry Murray       19 Feb 1879  11mo -        14     -         b 19 Feb 1879 (Memorial plate on - Moody, plot #12)
MacFarlane, Emily              7 Dec 1878  30   -        63     -         husband James McFarlane
MacKay?, James?                7 Mar 1866  3mo  -        57     -         -
McDonnell, Rose                7 Mar 1869  31?  -        50     -         husband Lt Col McDonnell (NZ Cross)
McLean, Donald                       1865  2y   11 May   -      11/83     from St Stephens
Mahoney, Agnes                14 Mar 1892  60   16 Mar   118    27/214    husband James Mahoney, from Parnell
Mahoney, Henry                -            -    -        118    -         James & Agnes Mahoney gparents
Mahoney, James                27 Aug 1889  63   29 Aug   118    25/200    -
Mahoney, Norman                      1890  5w   9 Aug    118    26/204    James & Agnes Mahoney gparents
Mahoney, William              -            -    -        118    -         James & Agnes Mahoney gparents
Maihi                                1857  inf  16 Sep   -      6/46      from St Stephens
Manning, Ann Eudora            1 Aug 1892  60   3 Aug    67     27/216    from Devonport
Manning, Joseph Nelson         3 Jan 1882  46   -        67     -         brother of Ann & Susannah Manning
Manning, Susannah              8 Oct 1879  56   -        67     -         sister of Ann & Joseph Manning
Mason, Sydney Herbert                1884  2    11 Mar   -      22/174    Orphan Home, Parnell
Matson, Amelia                   May 1898  -    2 May    98     29/228    husband Col Matson
Matson, Henry                  1 Oct 1867  79   3 Oct    98     -         From NSW Aust to Bay of Is 1845, 1st wife was Isabel de Thierry
Mattingly, Sarah                     1874  56   30 Mar   52     15/120    servant of Col. & Mrs Kenny
Miller, Evalina Frances              1890  -    28 Aug   123    26/205    widow WL Miller, father Mr Willcocks of Christchurch (see: Willcocks)
Mitai, Ihapera                   Nov 1863  1    28 Nov   -      10/76     from Parnell, minister of service J Moanaroa
Mitford, Mary Sophia          29 Aug 1880  49   31 Aug   77     18/142    husband George Manners Mitford of Parnell
Moanaroa, Lydia                      1859  2    Oct      -      7/52      from St Stephens
Moanaroa, Reuben                     1859  2    22 Aug   -      6/45      from St Stephens, Auckland; father Hohua Te Moanaroa
Moody, Ellen Marion Ray        1 May 1895  11   -        12     -         
Moody, Marian                 29 Jun 1879  63   -        12     -         b WLL ENG; husband Ridley William Moody of Parnell
Moody, Ridley William         28 Oct 1891  72   -        12     -         died 'Warratah House', Kyber Pass
Morton, Alfred James          29 Oct 1874  25   -        87     -         -
Morton, Richard Bampton       17 May 1873  22   -        87     -         drowned Auckland Harbour
Morton, Samuel Charles Adams  12 Sep 1878  21   -        87     -         -
Moss, Annie Emily (Minnie)    26 Feb 1901  38   -        59     -         
Moss, Charles Hartley         26 Aug 1880  22   -        59     -         
Moss, Emily Anne              21 Mar 1905  80   -        59     33/261    d Rotorua, husband Frederick Joseph Moses
Moss, Frederick Joseph         8 Jul 1904  76   -        59     33/257    b 1828 St Helena > NZ 18759 > Fiji 1868 > NZ 1870s
Moss, Rose Helena Brunet (Lena)6 Feb 1915  55   -        145    35/277    b NZ spinster of Gladstone Rd, Parnell
Mowbray, Jane Anna            26 Apr 1940  88   -        109    -         Pres. Victoria League, Auckland
Mowbray, John Marshall        20 Oct 1896  84   -        109    -         EDN SCT to Auckland 1860s
Mowbray, Margaret Catherine    5 Jul 1880  -    -        109    -         -
Mowbray, Margaret Mure         4 Oct 1896  74   -        109    -         husband John Marshall Mowbray
Mowbray, William Rashleigh    19 Oct 1911  -    21 Oct   109    34/268    -
Mullens, Esther                2 Dec 1878  60   -        85     -         husband William Lennox Mullens, LND ENG; stone erected by brother, WH Black, Dorchester, ENG
Murray, Robert Arthur         25 Nov 1858  32   -        159    7/49      from Mr Blackett's house, St Georges Bay

Last Name   First Names       Died         Age  Buried   Plot#  Bur Rec   Comment

Nation, Henry Matthew                1881  71   14 Mar   95     19/147    b 1810? > India > NZ 1861; Col.; former Mayor of Parnell
Nelson, Charles Coastes              1877  8-10mo 25 Jul 120    17/129    Charles M & Georgiana S Nelson parents
Nelson, Charles Moseley       12 Mar 1919  76   -        120    -         ENG to NZ, Vicar of St Paul's, Auckland
Nelson, Georgiana Sophia             1919  73   9 Oct    120    -         husband Charles M Nelson; father James Coates
Nelson, James Horatio                1884  5mo  25 Aug   120    23/180    from St Paul's parsonage; Charles M & Georgiana S Nelson parents
Nga Rarauke, Hapi                    1844  -    22 Nov   -      1/1       from Karotea, near Porirua (plot close to 167)
Ngawehenga, Ripeka                   1849  35?  26 Oct   -      3/20      from Waikato
Norris, Ada Kate              -            -    -        32     -         husband Robert Finch Norris
Norris, Charlotte             22 Aug 1865  27   23 Aug   32     11/82     husband E C Norris of Parnell

Last Name   First Names       Died         Age  Buried   Plot#  Bur Rec   Comment

O'Farrell, Phillip Culverthorpe H 27 Feb 1884 25 28 Feb  154    23/177    late of 10 Douru Place, KEN, LND, ENG; & Chapel St, Auckland
Outhwaite, Anne Jane          12 May 1882  74   -        40     -         b 4 Mar 1808, sister of Thos Outhwaite
Outhwaite, Thomas             14 Jul 1879  74   -        40     -         Ormeside Hall, WSTMR, LND, ENG to Auckland 1841 (see GENEoNZ file 'Auckland Arrivals' & 'Departures')
Outhwaite, -                         1877  -    -        -      17/136    -
Ozanne, Kate Mary              2 Oct 1929  -    -        65     -         husband Rev JD Ozanne, William F & Anna Lodge parents (see: Lodge)

Last Name   First Names       Died         Age  Buried   Plot#  Bur Rec   Comment

Page, Myrtle                  -            8mo  -        157    1         John & Hannah Page parents; (see Gardiner - mother's maiden name)
Palmer, Eunice                       1862  -    -        -      9/71      from Parnell
Palmer, Wa (or MA)                   1905  -    11 Dec?  -      33/260    (plot #20? - marked for JF Palmer)
Paratoremew (Bartholomew)            1848  8    2 Oct    -      pg2?      father Meteri from Waikato
Penihamina                           1848  adlt 29 Sep   -      2/13      from Waikato
Pitito, Pita                         1849  -    18 Apr   -      3/17      From Waikato
Poihipi                              1849  9    26 Jan   -      2/15      Hura & Rehera parents of Rotorua
Pollen, Gertrude                    1853-4 10d  28 Apr   -      4/32      -
Pomare, Charles              ?20 Sep 1870  11   -        185    -         (illegible headstone)
Priestly, George Philip              1879  60   14 May   73     17/133    -
Prowse, Linda Elizabeth              1984  -    -        11     -         b 1948 (memorial?)

Last Name   First Names       Died         Age  Buried   Plot#  Bur Rec   Comment

Rainsford, Joseph Michael     -            -    -        30     -         widower, brother officer serving in NZ
Rawlings, Jane                23 Mar 1873  46   25 Mar   16     15/116    Parnell
Rebman, Margaret Anne         19 Apr 1916  90   30 Apr?  -      36/283    widow, 34 St James St
Reginald, Darling              2 Mar 1902  7mo  -        192    -         -
Reid, James                          1845  46   13 Feb?  -      2/1       'HMS Hazard'
Reynolds, Sidney              -            -    -        88     -         accidental drowning (illegible headstone)
Rich, Mary Dyer                      1854  20   2 Jun    -      5/33      Auckland
Richards, Emily Jane          25 Dec 1885  23   27 Dec   182    24/185    Manukau Rd
Richards, Henry                      1882  58   10 Dec   -      20/159    Railway St, Parnell; father? Rev John Roderick (near plot 154)
Rita                                 1853  7    3 Apr    -      4/27      St Stephens School (Parnell)
Rookes, Annie Dawson           2 Dec 1890  48   8 Dec    171    26/207    husband Col. Charles Rookes; brother Lt-Gen WM Cafe, VC
Rookes, Charles Cecil ACS      4 May 1909  90   6 May    171?   34/265    b 1819 ENG > NZ 1859; Brighton Rd, Parnell (maybe plot 171 or 174)
Rookes, Harold Charles Lloyd         1900  31   13 Mar   171    30/233    'Hohipere', Wynyard St, Auckland; Charles & Annie Rookes parents
Rookes, William Cecil         28 Apr 1883  21   2 May    174    21/167    Charles & Annie Rookes parents
Roskruge, Agnes                1 May 1900  45   -        13     -         b 1 Sep 1855, father Charles Roskruge
Roskruge, Charles Kempthorne Quash 5 Mar 1902 89 7 Mar   13     32/253    b 22 Sep 1812; resided Parnell
Roskruge, Emma Jane            3 Jul 1906  54   -        13     33/262    b 21 Apr 1855; father Charles Roskruge
Roskruge, Mary Fruytier        1 Sep 1901  93   -        13     -         b 1808; brother Charles Roskruge

Last Name   First Names       Died         Age  Buried   Plot#  Bur Rec   Comment

Sewell, Samuel Frederick      20 Jan 1890  52   21 Jan   180    26/201    b 21 Apr 1838; Capt of 61st Regt
Sewell, Theodora Helen        22 Apr 1882  10mo 23 Apr   180    19/149    b 9 Oct 1881, St Stephens Ave
Shannon, Sydney Clark         13 Apr 1874  33   15 Apr   15     16/121    father JC Shannon, WLS, ENG
Shipton, Edwin                 6 Juk 1889  48   7 Jul    195    25/199    Parnell
Shipton, George                4 Oct 1887  79   8 Oct    195    24/189    -
Shipton, Mary                 14 Oct 1857  47   15 Oct   195    5/39      husband George Shipton, Parnell
Shipton, Mary                 20 Jan 1929  81   -        195    36/288    husband Edwin Shipton, 15 Takutai St, Parnell
Sinclair, Andrew              28 May 1923  91   -        71     -         -
Sinclair, Elmina Clara        12 Jan 1954  -    -        71     -         Andrew & Jane Harriet Sinclair parents
Sinclair, Jane Harriet         3 Apr 1891  55   -        71     -         husband Andrew Sinclair
Sinclair, May Vivian           1 May 1878  -    -        71     -         -
Smith, Charles Herbert         5 Sep 1865  13mo 6 Sep    58     11/86     Thomas & Dorcas Smith parents, Lower Parnell
Smith, Dorcas Sophia          31 Jul 1878  51   -        58     -         husband Thomas Henry Smith; Rev Charles & Sophia Baker parents (see: Baker & Whitson)
Smith, Elizabeth K            13 Jun 1922  79   -        186    -         2nd wife of Thomas Henry Smith
Smith, John Robert             8 Oct 1915  84   9 Oct    136    36/281    Lancaster ENG > India > NZ
Smith, Lauretta                4 Dec 1942  92   -        136    -         gfather Rev John King, 1814
Smith, Thomas Henry           23 Sep 1907  82   26 Sep   58     32/249    b 22 Nov 1821 ENG > Wellington 1842
Stafford, Emily Charlotte     18 Apr 1857  29   21 Apr   161    5/40      b 1828 ENG (Wm & Emily (Shelley-Sidney) Wakefield parents) > Wellington 1842; 1st wife of Edward William Stafford (later PM)
Stratford, Jane               27 Feb 1885  77-8 28 Feb   39     23/183    husband Samuel John Stratford
Stratford, Rosa Flora         25 Jan 1865  23   27 Jan   -      11/81     -
Stratford, Samuel John         4 Oct 1871  69   -        39     -         b 1802 ENG > CAN > 1854 NZ
Stuart, James                        1891  64   19 May   -      27/210    Tuhimata, Drury
Stuart, Samuel Alexander       1 Jan 1895-6 18-9 -       193    -         -
Stubbing, Margaret            17 Mar 1894  75   19 Mar   148    28/220    husband Benjamin Stubbing, Stanwell Rd, Parnell
Stubbing, William             13 Jan 1883  40   15 Jan   148    21/162    Benjamin & Margaret Stubbing parents, Russell St, Parnell
Sustins, Sophia                8 Apr 1861  33-6 9 Apr    7      8/64      husband George Sustins
Swainson, William              1 Dec 1884  75   4 Dec    173    23/184    ENG > Auckland 1841; from Judges Bay (Tauranga)
Symes, Elizabeth                     1874  50   12 May   -      16/122    (plot 48?)
Symes, John                   31 Jul 1871  71   -        48     -         -

Last Name   First Names       Died         Age  Buried   Plot#  Bur Rec   Comment

Tait, Alice Mabel                    1890  10w  29 May   -      26/202    -
Tarawhiti, Matenga (Matina)   29 Oct 1862  17   1 Nov    25     10/74     Parnell
Taru, Henare                     Aug 1845  -    Aug      -      1/4       Auckland
Tau, Te Raka (Kaka?)             Feb 1864  -    28 Feb   -      10/79     off Hulk, Auckland (barque 'Marion' Official Bay - received 
                                                                          prisoners after battle of Rangiriri, Waikato Dec 1863)
Taui, Wiremu Hare                Dec 1845  27   27 Dec   -      1/6       Auckland
Taupaki, Joseph                  Apr 1860  6mo  10 Apr   -      8/58      St Stephens (Parnell?)
Taylor, Basil Kirke            3 Nov 1876  44-5 4 Nov    130    16/125    Missionary Putiki, Wanganui 1860s; resided Parnell; father Rev Richard Taylor; 
Te Karari, Hariata            -            -    -        -      9/70      -
Te Karari, Hoani Arapereri           1861  2    15 Mar   -      8/63      Oraki [sic]
Te Mania, Wiremu Matenga             1849  1    28 Jun   -      3/19      Ruareoreo, Auckland (near Sarawia St, Newmarket)
Te Mania, Elizabeth                  1849  9?   10 Nov   -      3/22      Ruareoreo, Auckland (near Sarawia St, Newmarket)
Te Mania, William David              1859  2    7 Dec    3      7/53      stone "Rawiri Te Mania" (David Te Mania)
Temple, Beatrice Frances      26 Jan 1866  8mo  27 Jan   -      11/88     -
Tepani                           Jun 1846  35?  29 Jun   -      pg1       Taranake [sic]
Tinne, Mary Stuart            12 Sep 1880  37   
Tizard, Mary                  20 Feb 1896  88   -        6      -         husband William Henry Tizard
Tizard, William Henry         29 Oct 1860  63-4 -        6      8/61      b 18 Dec 1796, d Parnell; father Henry Haye Tizard, WYM DRS ENG
Tizard, William Milner        10 Mar 1865  31   -        6      -         (memorial) Capt Tizard 'Wildfire' schooner, 38 ton, wrecked off Hokianga at Waireia
Tolhurst, Katharine Sophia    30 Jul 1960  78   -        119    -         (memorial) b 5 Nov 1882, nee Nelson; d Alexandria, Cape Prov, Sth Africa; husband Robert M Tolhurst
Tolhurst, Nelson Edmeades     31 May 1929  10½  1 Jun    120    36/286    Robert M & Katherine S Tolhurst parents
Tolhurst, Robert Molesworth   19 Jun 1935  66   -        119    -         b 18 Dec 1869, VICT, Australia
Toms, Jessy/Jerry             31 Jan 1855  8    -        -      5/34      St Stephens, Auckland
Trask, John                      Jun 1846  27  17 Jun    -      1/7       'HMS Racehorse' private, Bay of Is 1845-7, Raupekapeka Pa
Tucker, Henry Terret                 1887  11  3 Nov     -      25/195    Levuka, Fiji; late of St Stephens Ave

Last Name   First Names       Died         Age  Buried   Plot#  Bur Rec   Comment

Urquhart, Arthur Lorrane       3 Oct 1916  77-9 4 Oct    112    -         (2nd name Lorraine/Torrace/Torraine?) b SWTZ > Parnell 1850s; farmer of Karaka, Sth Auckland
Urquhart, Cecilia Bruton       7 Dec 1871  -    -        64     13/100    (1st name Cecilia/Cecelia?) Karaka, Sth Auckland
Urquhart, Cecilia Mary        22 Sep 1888  86   -        66     25/196    Parnell (Karaka)
Urquhart, Eleanor Sarah       11 Jun 1898  66   14 Jun   66     22/229    Karaka
Urquhart, George               1 Aug 1877  75   -        66     -         -
Urquhart, George Henry        16 Jan 1914  83   17 Jan   66?    35/274    Karaka, b Aden
Urquhart, Gwendoline Louisa   24 Feb 1962  73   -        112    -         Karaka
Urquhart, Henry Alexndr Addington 15 Jan 1914  84  -     112    -         -
Te Urunoatanga, Roka                 1851  30   31 May   -      3/24      Tauranga

Last Name   First Names       Died         Age  Buried   Plot#  Bur Rec   Comment

Waiperaka, Lydia                 Jun 1852  20   Jun      -      4/25      St Stephens School, Auckland
Waitoa, Pepetua                      1882  -    -        -      loose note St Stephens; Rota Waitoa & 2nd wife parents; (plot 23?) 
Waitoa, Rota                  22 Jul 1866  -    -        23     22/91     First native clergyman in NZ, 1853(??): Otaki 1842; East Cape; 1853 Auckland
Watane, Hera                         1861  -    Feb      -      8/62      St Stephens; service Hohua Moanaroa
Watkins, Alison Milsom               1982  -    -        120    -         (memorial) '1917-1982'; husband Cmmdr DW Watkins, US Navy writer; gfather CM Nelson (see: Nelson)
Watson, Mary                  17 Jun 1866  77   -        21     -         late of Southwell, Nottingham
Webb, Catherine Louisa Harriet 18 Jan 1860 1y1mo -       55     -         (memorial) Died at sea; SH & Dircas Ruth Webb parents
Webb, Dorcas Ruth             30 Aug 1866  46   -        55     -         husband SH Webb
Webb, SH                      15 Jun 1896  80   -        55     -         (see: Hopson)
Whitaker, Caroline Anne        9 Feb 1867  18   -        162    -         Frederick & Jane Whitaker parents
Whitaker, Frederick            4 Dec 1891  79   6 Dec    162    27/213    b ENG > Bay of Is & Auckland 1841
Whitaker, Frederick Alexander  9 Jun 1887  40   11 Jun   162?   24/188    Glenside, Auckland; BRA > ENG 1868 > Thames, Coromandel, Waikato NZ; Frederick & Jane Whitaker parents
Whitaker, Jane Augusta         3 Sep 1884  65   5 Sep    162    23/181    husband Frederick Whitaker; late of Emily Pl, Auckland
Whitaker, Mary Helen           9 Jul 1857  14mo 11 Jul   -      6/43      Frederick & Jane Whitaker parents
Whitson, Marian Horlock        5 Jan 1934  75   -        58     -         'Hamurana', Princes St, Auckland; Thomas & Dorcas Smith parents
Wight, Bessie Ormiston         2 Sep 1919  40   -        186    -         b 18 Jul 1879; husband George Findon Wight
Wight, George Henry Douglas   6-7Sep 1915  22mo 7 Sep    -      -         b Whangarei, late of Grafton Rd
Wight, "Stan"                        1928  44   -        -      -         b 1884
Wilkie, George Carnegy        15 Sep 1946  -    -        165    -         -
Wilkie, James Patrick         30 Jan 1883  21-2 1 Feb    165    21/165    St Stephens Ave
Wilkie, Ursula Fenton          8 Feb 1947  -    -        165    -         -
Wilkie, William Alexander     22 Dec 1945  -    -        165    -         -
Willcocks, Alice Ormsby       29 Dec 1880  60   -        123    -         -
Willcocks, Edward Smyth        5 Aug 1896  81-2 -        123    29/225    Registrar Supreme Court
Willcocks, Edward S           18 Jun 1890  46   20 Jun   -      26/203    Jnr Willcokcs, d consumption (2 other names on headstone illegible)
Williams, Alan                       1895  -    2 Nov    -      28/224    Brighton Rd
Windsor, Blanche Cara                1884  11mo 20 Feb   -      22/173    Conquest Pl (plot 43?)
Windsor, Euphemia Gertrude     8 Mar 1881  8mo  9 Mar    78     19/146    St Georges Bay Rd; HF & GA Windsor parents
Windsor, Gertrude Adeline      9 Aug 1880  1½   10 Aug   43     18/140    St Georges Bay Rd
Windsor, Henry Fletcher       29 Jan 1901  44   31 Jan   78     30/235    Hamilton Rd, Ponsonby
Windsor, Marion Adeline       19 Dec 1882  10mo 20 Dec   78     21/161    Mt Eden
Windsor, Walter Fletcher       1 Nov 1879  5d   -        43?    18/138    St Georges Bay
Wiremu, Ruihi                 23 Sep 1848  4    25 Sep   -      2/12      Eruera & Hinoa Wiremu parents, Rotorua (last name: Williams)
Wood                          27 Apr 1853-4  hrs  -      -      4/30      Mr & Mrs Reader Wood parents
Wood, Mary Jane               31 Aug 1898  79   -        144    -         husband Reader Gillson Wood, interred in Clarke family plot
Wood, Rachel Ann Sophia        5 Apr 1886  90   -        143    -         -
Wood, Reader Gillson          20 Aug 1895  74   -        144    28/223    b ENG > Bay of Islands 1844
Woodhouse                            1867  1mo  30 Mar   -      12/96     -
Woodhouse, Alice Sarah        29 May 1909  77   1 Jun    97     32/251    husband John Woodhouse; Churton St, Parnell; father Rev JF Churton
Woodhouse, Alma Alice         29 Jul 1972  86   -        97     -         b 31 May 1886; husband William Charles Woodhouse
Woodhouse, John               31 May 1881  65   -        97     -         IRE > NSW Australia > Auckland, Patumahoe, Auckland NZ
Woodhouse, William Charles    19 Mar 1962  97   -        97     -         John & Alice S Woodhouse parents
Wright, Ernest                       1960  79   26 Jul   58     -         -
Wright, Frank Stratford              1863  5    22 May   19?    9/72      Parnell (plot 19 'Wright')
Wright, Sophia Edith           8 Oct 1952  67   -        58     -         -
Wylde-Browne, Agnes Eva       21 Mar 1875  inf  -        102    -         father Ralph Wylde-Browne
Wylde-Browne, Ralph           22 Jan 1899  68   -        102    -         -

Last Name   First Names       Died         Age  Buried   Plot#  Bur Rec   Comment

Young, William                       1858  inf  11 Feb   -      6/47      -


© Auckland-Waikato Historical Society, (Oct/Nov 1996)., "St Stephens Churchyard - A Short History 
& List of Graves."., Vol No 68. [ISSN:011-7653, [993.11.A8] 

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                          A Whyte, Auckland, New Zealand

                                30 December 2000

    Source: geocities.com/wlorac