Auckland Departures - 1840s  (Bay of Islands - Bottom of Page)
Copyright (c)2001-2008  A Whyte, Auckland, New Zealand

©The Southern Cross, NZ Guardian, Apr 1843 - Apr 1845
©McCarthy, Darry., (1978) "The First Fleet of Auckland." Pacer Printing Co Ltd., Box 13197, Onehunga, Auckland.
©King, Marie., (1992)., "A Most Noble Anchorage - The Story of Russell & The Bay of Islands"., Northland Publications Society, Inc.,
©Hansen, Kathleen Ann., (1994)., "In the Wake of The Activ." Lawton Printing, Mt Roskill, Auckland [ISBN 0-473-02885-9]

The Southern Cross covered the area of the Bay of Islands through to Thames as well as Auckland.  
All mention of ships to or from these ports are included at bottom of the page. Microfiche has 
some years missing.

[ transcription in progress ]

 * Manukau                    harbour in Auckland, North Island, NZ
 * Waihaki        (Waiheke)   island n/e of Auckland, North Island, NZ
 * Bay of Islands (B of Is)   group of Islands off Northland, North Island, NZ
 * Hokianga                   town & port in Northland, North Island, NZ
 * Russell        (Rssll)     town & port in Northland, North Island, NZ
 * Wangarei      (Whangarei)  town & port in Northland, North Island, NZ
 * Tauranga                   East Coast, North Island, NZ
 * Coromandel                 East Coast, North Island, NZ
 * Thames                     East Coast, North Island, NZ
 * Port Nicholson (Prt Nchlsn) Wellington harbour, North Island, NZ
 * Nelson                     town & port at top of the South Is, NZ

Vessels leaving the ports of Auckland:

Albatross HM     -    ycht    Hobart                  7 Jun 1843   Gill 
Alligator        -    sch     B of Is > Sydney       29 Aug 1843   RW Cook
Alligator        -    sch     -                       7 Sep 1843   RW Cook        Mssrs Blackett, & Rich
Amelia           -    brig    B of Is > Sydney       31 Jan 1844   C Mc Dougall
Ariel            -    sch     Sydney                 17 Nov 1843   Stewart        Mr Wm Wright, Mrs Wright, several passengers in steerage
Bangalore        900  barq    Valpariso > ENG        20 Jan 1844   Chris Nelson
Bolina           -    barq    -                     -19 Jun 1843   Wm Potter
Bolina           -    barq    Prt Phillip             1 Aug 1843   Wm Potter
Bolina           -    barq    Prt Phillip >Twofold B 31 Jan 1844   Wm Potter
Bolina           318  -       Twofold Bay             6 Feb 1844   Johnson        in ballast
Brigand          -    -       B of Is > New Hebrides  5 Oct 1843   Padden         Mr Murphy (Wgtn police mag.), Mssrs Sutton, Prentice, Brewster, Johnson; steerage 39 sawyers & wood cutters, 16 Chinamen & 6 Maories
Catherine        -    sch     Tahiti                 12 Aug 1843   -              Bay of Is
City of Sydney   106  brig    Sydney                 27 Sep 1843   DG Munro       Mssrs Thos O'Neil, J O'Neil, Peter Moody, Edward Jackson, Henry Keesing, J Jackson
City of Sydney   106  brig    B of Is > Sydney       11 Jan 1844   BG Munro       Mssrs Whitaker, D'Oyley, Donnelly, Hutton, Keesing & Thompson
Deborah          -    brig    Sydney > Lauceston     11 Nov 1843   Thos Wing
Deborah          -    -       Hobart > Sydney        22 Dec 1843   Thos Wing
Frolic           -    barq    ENG                    -7 Jul 1843   -              had been whaling off Bay of Is
Georgiana        -    sch     B of Is > Lombeck      26 Apr 1843   P Richardson   
Isabella Anna    -    barq    Sydney                 16 Jan 1844   Nathanl Beard  Mr Wright
Lady Leigh       -    -       Sydney                 26 Aug 1843   Cuthbert       Mssrs Bidwell, Clifford, Clarke, Murnin, Bannatyne & WS Graham, Esq
Lady of St Kilda 140  ycht    Tahiti > Sandwich Is   16 Dec 1843   Jackson
Mandarin         -    -       Prt Nchlsn>Nelson>ENG   6 Dec 1843   TH Smith       Mssrs G & P Rhodes, Upjohn, Kelly & Stedman
Nereide          -    -       London                 28 Feb 1844   Fedarb         1200 barrels sperm oil
North Star HMS   -    -       Prt Nchlsn             18 Aug 1843   Sir E Home     troops
North Star HMS   -    -       Sydney                 16 Nov 1843   Sir E Home     Dr Johnson, troops
North Star HMS   -    -       Cook Strait            18 Jan 1844   Sir E Home     Capt Fitzroy & private secretary, Mssrs Spain, Bell, Forsaith & Yates
Osprey           -    sch     Sydney                 12 May 1843   R Sedgwick
Portenia         221  brig    Hobart                 27 May 1843   G Harrison  
Shamrock         -    sch     Russell > Sydney       27 Jun 1843   WC Daldy       Mssrs Gibson, Moore & 3 passengers in steerage. Cargo
Shamrock         -    sch     B of Is > Tahiti       21 Sep 1843   Daldy
Sisters          -    sch     Manukau > Hobart       25 May 1843   Clarke         Mrs Clarke & Mrs Gill
Sisters          -    -       Prt Nchlsn             26 Feb 1844   Clarke
Star of China    100  barq    Prt Nchlsn > Nelson    25 Aug 1843   John G Ward    Mssrs Perry & Prince
Thomas Lord      -    sch     B of Is > Sydney       17 May 1843   J Brown        Mrs White, W Young, Mr Barra & passengers in steerage
Thomas Lord      -    sch     B of Is > Sydney       28 Jul 1843   Brown          Mssrs Brown, Jobson, Fergusson, Kinnaird & Marshall. Timber, rope & coal.
Thomas Lord      -    sch     B of Is > Sydney       14 Nov 1843   Brown
Thomas Lord      -    sch     Wangarei>Rssll>Sydney  28 Jan 1844   Brown          Mssrs Spears & Ashworth
Tortoise HMS     1000 -       Wangarei               12 May 1843   Duda           His Lordship the Bishop (Selwyn)
Tortoise HMS     1000 -       London, England       +26 May 1843   Duda           Waihaki
Tryphena         -    brig    Sydney                 19 Jun 1843   Horn
Tryphena         -    brig    Gt Barrier > Sydney    20 Sep 1843   T Horne        Mssrs Abercrombe, Chalmer & Barnes
Tryphena         -    brig    Gt Barrier > Sydney    16 Dec 1843   Horne          Rev Mr Battle, Mr Chalmer, Capt. Douglas
Westminster      -    -       B of Is > Lombeck      23 Apr 1843   Forbes Michie  Capt Salmon
Will Watch       -    sch     Russell > Sydney       23 May 1843   Harding
William Stoveld  -    brig    Prt Nchlsn > Nelson     5 Dec 1843   Alexr Davidson Mr Dunn


Vessels leaving other local ports (where noted)


Active           110  brq     B of Is                   Feb 1815   Thomas Hansen  Prt Jcksn - Rev Samuel Marsden, John L Nicolas. Timber, flax, fish & pork
Active           110  brq     B of Is                24 Apr 1815   Thomas Hansen  Prt Jcksn -
Active           110  brq     Prt Jcksn               8 Nov 1815   Thomas Hansen  Bay of Is - Mrs Hansen, Thomas Hansen jnr
Active           110  brq     Prt Jcksn               9 Nov 1819   Thompson       Bay of Is - Rev Saml Marsden, Mr & Mrs Chas Gordon & child, Mr & Mrs Wm Carlisle & 2 children
Ariel            -    brig    Nelson > Prt Nchlsn    12 Aug 1843   Stewart
Ariel            -    -       Coast > Nelson > Prt N  2 Jun 1843   Cruikshank     Rev Mr McReay, Mr W Coombs
Ariel            -    sch     Hokianga               12 Aug 1843   Stewart
Ariel            -    sch     Hokianga                1 Sep 1843   Stewart
Black Joke       -    sch     Tauranga               20 Apr 1843   Sorrel
Brothers         -    -       B of Is               -22 Apr 1843
Challenger       98   sch     B of Is                 7 Nov 1843   H Hay
Columbine        63   brig    B of Is > Prt Nchlsn   15 Sep 1843   A Stratton     
Columbine        63   brig    Prt Nchlsn             10 Oct 1843   A Stratton     Rev Mr Spencer, Mrs Spencer, Mr Colenso & Mr Rich, 3 master bakers & Mr Jacobs
Columbine        63   brig    Wgtn                   13 Jan 1844   A Stratton
Dolphin          -    sch     Thames                 19 Apr 1843   Stewart        Mr Wright
Dolphin          -    sch     B of Is                -7 May 1843   Smith          Rev Mr Hobbs, Mr & Mrs Colenso, Miss Colenso, 2 steerage passengers
Dolphin          -    -       Thames                  8 Jun 1843   Smith
Dolphin          -    sch     Northward              13 Jul 1843   Stewart        Mssrs Graham, Plummer, Wellman, Bartlett & Rev Mr J Turner
Guide            -    brig    Coromandel > Prt Nchlsn 18 Jul 1843  Pearce         Capt Williams, Misses Morgan & Anketell
I Dont Know      -    -       Tauranga > Prt Nchlsn  26 Feb 1844   Phelps
Ituna            -    brig    Wgtn                    1 Feb 1844   A Sanderson    Mr & Mrs Lardner, child & servant
Jane             -    sch     Bay of Islands         12 May 1843   King
Kate             -    sch     Russell                31 Jan 1844   McFarlane      Capt Salmon, Mssrs Busby & McHattie
Kate             -    brg     Wgtn                   18 Jan 1844   J McFarlane    Mr Mc Hattie
Kate             -    sch     Coast & Wgtn           25 Aug 1843   J McFarlane    
King George      -    -       Sydney > B of Is              1816   -              B of Is - Walter Hall
Lucidan          18   sch     Russell                 6 Feb 1844   Jessup         Mssrs Ligar, Halle, Bailey, Hewlings, Atkins, Grace & Gleeson. 3 cases merchandise
New Zealander    -    -       England                   Jul 1821   -              Bay of Is - Thomas Kendall, Hongi, Waikato
Nimrod           -    -       Is of Pines             1 Aug 1843   -              B of Is - cargo for HMS Vindictive at Tahiti
St Patrick       -    -       Chile                  31 Jan 1825   -              B of Is - Mr & Mrs Thomas Kendall & children
Trent            -    sch     B of Is                 1 May 1843   Appleby
Trent            -    sch     B of Is                 1 Jun 1843   Smith          Mr & Mrs Bateman & Mr Clendon
Trial            -    -       -                       7 Sep 1815   -              two prisoners
Two Brothers     -    brq     B of Is                -7 Aug 1843   -              USA - 1600-1800 barrels oil
Union            27   sch     Tauranga               20 Apr 1843   Styles         Mr Kemp
Union            -    brq     B of Is                20 Apr 1843   Mark Todd      Mr JG Mitford & part cargo from Condon
Union            27   sch     Mercury Bay            11 May 1843   Stiles         Capt Salmon
Union            27   sch     B of Is                17 May 1843   Styles         3 passengers in steerage
Union            27   sch     B of Is                 1 Jun 1843   Styles         Mssrs Stewart & Brodie
Union            27   sch     B of Is                15 Jun 1843   Styles         
Union            27   sch     B of Is                 1 Jul 1843   Styles         
Union            27   sch     B of Is                14 Jul 1843   Styles         Mssrs Whitaker, Whytlaw, Perrey, & Capt Wilson
Union            27   sch     Russell                26 Jul 1843   Styles         Mrs Stanley, Miss Clarke
Union            27   sch     B of Is                24 Aug 1843   Styles         Mr Beckham & Mrs Watson
Union            27   sch     Thames                 18 Oct 1843   Styles         Bishop Selwyn, several clergymen
Union            27   sch     B of Is                23 Oct 1843   Styles         Capt Salmon, Mr Polack
Union            27   sch     B of Is                 2 Nov 1843   Styles         
Union            27   sch     B of Is                23 Dec 1843   Styles         
Vansittart       -    -       B of Is                       1822   -              Dinah Hall
Victoria  HM     -    brg     Prt Nchlsn             20 May 1843   Richards
Victoria  HM     -    brg     Pt Nicholson           15 Jul 1843   Richards       Lt RE Bennett, L Capt Ayton, Esn Servantes, Dr Evans, Mjr Richmond, Mr E Shortland, 96th Regt detach.
Victoria  HM     -    brg     Pt Nicholson           21 Sep 1843   Richards       Mr W Martin, Mrs Brewer & child, Mr CB Brewer, Judge local court Nelson, Thos Outhwaite, 
Victoria  HM     -    brg     B of Is                17 Nov 1843   Richards       Mssrs Fleury, Marshall, Boland & Mrs Boland
Victoria  HM     -    brg     Pt Nicholson           23 Jan 1844   Richards       Lt RE Bennett, HS Chapman & Mrs Chapman


-------------------------------- G E N E oo N Z ---------------------------------------------
                 t r a n s c r i b e d   &   c o l l a t e d   b y

                      A Whyte, Auckland, New Zealand

                                10 January 2001
