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Thank you for visiting my Journal page.  Usually I am quite reserved and not used to sharing details of my life, but I have been inspired by the many stories that have been told through these types of diary's and it's only fair that I give back, a glimpse of myself and my journey.....
Elles's WLS page
Tru's WLS page
My Life Story (short version)
Photo Page
II have struggled all my life with my weight.  My earliest memories is shopping with my mom and sister.    My sister is a year younger than me.  My mom insisted that we dress alike.    That was okay, but because my sister wore "slim" sizes and I wore regular's, my mom made a huge deal and insisted that I try "slim".  I remember the frustration and feelings that I had when I tried to fit into those clothes.  My mom announced loudly that she was going to the boys department and purchase me "husky" clothes.  I was humiliated and felt like I had failed her.  I think I was about 8 and wore size 10 reg. (I realized after having my own daughter that I was a "normal" kid)  By the time I was 12, I wore 12 in Jr.'s.  She had to cut off several inches from the bottom.  Of course, she always made a big deal about it.  When I got into High School, I dropped down to size 5 and though I looked okay, I was a mess inside.  I was constantly worried about gaining.  I walked to and from school (about 3-4 miles each way) and kept the weight down until I had my son at 17.   I went from 120 to 194 because I thought pregnancy was an excuse to eat whatever I wanted.  When I turned 18, I moved out on my own and started to lose the extra weight.  When I was 19, I became pregnant with my second son.  I had my daughter 10 months after my son was born, meaning I had three babies by 21.  My body had taken a beating.  When I was 23, I weighed 160.  That's when I moved in with my last boyfriend.  It wasn't until several years later, I realized that I was living with my mom..... so to speak from a psychologist point of view.  In the beginning of our relationship, he offered to pay me $500 to lose 50 lbs.  He wanted me to weigh 110?   I just wanted to please him (yes, I realize how sick this was NOW)  I really tried.  I went to Nutri Systems, phen fen, slim fast, starvation, and Richard Simmons of course.  I spent 7 years trying to be what HE wanted me to be.  It wasn't only my weight, but every aspect of my life.  I finally left when I found out he was cheating and knew that  if I stayed, he would suck the life out of me.   I was 240 and 29.  I wasted my 20's with him and wanted a new life.  Over the next year, he tried to get me to come back.  That's when my eyes were opened and I saw that it was because of HIS insecurity that he put me down all those years.  It has been 4 years and I am still rebuilding my life.  I have suffered a lot of medical problems in the last year.  I had three surgeries last year and almost died from pancreatitis last July.  God has been with me as I fight to regain my health and I finally decided that I wanted to live healthier, so I can enjoy my children.  I have chosen to remain single because my children are at an age where they need me most of all.    I made the decision to have surgery last year when I was recovering from pancreatitis.  I came so close to death that I had given it up to God.  I made peace with my life on earth and was ready to go.  When I did recover, I knew that God will take me when He's ready.  I had thought about this surgery before but didn't have the courage because of the risks.  I called for the seminar when I got home and went to my seminar in September.  I couldn't get a consultation until April, so in the meantime, I have tried to do all of the testing required (cardiologist, sleep study, etc) and will have all my reports to take with me to my consultation. 
I will keep a photo journal as well and maybe dig up some of those pictures of my youthful years.   Please sign my guestbook and come back once in a while.  I'll keep this updated.  Thank you for visiting my page and allowing me to share.  God Bless.
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