Frequently Asked Questions About JROTC
Q: Is a JROTC cadet obligated to any kind of military service after graduation from high school?
A: Absolutely NOT. A lot of cadets never pursue a military career.

Q: If a person is a member of an Army JROTC program, can they still join a different military branch?
A: Yes. A cadet may join any branch in the military they may desire to join. The JROTC program will focus mainly on the Army and its role in the world, but their are many oppurtunities to learn about any of the other jobs of the military and the jobs they have to offer.

Q: Does JROTC cost anything?
A: No, the program is funded by the department of defense. It is free to all students who may desire to join.

Q: Can JROTC get me a scholarship for college?
A: No, but it looks extremely beneficial on your college resume and if the Senior Army Instructor (SAI) or the Army Instructor (AI) feels you have been an exceptional cadet and contributed to the program, you can get a recommendation from them which also helps a great deal. In addition, if you take 3 years of JROTC and wish to join a branch in the military, you will be able to go in 2 ranks higher than the average person who just joins with no JROTC training.
Here are a few of the skills that are taught in Army JROTC
Drill and Ceremony
Phyisical Training (PT)
Chain of Command (from the president of the US all the way down to squad leader)
American Red Cross First Aid
Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Map Reading
and many more....
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