Welcome to the UNofficial REBEL BAND website!!

Welcome to the UNofficial WMHS Rebel Band Website!

11/10/00 - BURR! Tonite was a cold night for the band. This game we did pre-game and half-time. At pre-game we did a little crowd pleaser thing like the LSU band does for their crowds. It was awesome. At half-time we did taps and God bless America to recognize Vetran's day. This has been the coldedst game of the year so far. The Rebs played Warren Easton for their first playoff game. We blew Warren awayt with a score 64-0!! We played more in the stands, which was a pain since it was sooo cold.

11/3/00 - IT RAINED!!!! The band didn't go because it was an away game at Ruston and it was pouring so we didn't go. Now off to the playoffs next week!

- 10/27/00 Now that festival is over, the band has much less pressure on them to perform "perfectly" at the football games. Tonite the Rebs play Ouachita. The band marched pregame with this line-up: Sing Sing Sing, You Can Call Me Al for the Raiders, Taps, and God Bless America. During the game, the band played more in the stands. The drumline had a little copycat competition going on with Ouachita's drumline. It was funny. When the game was over, which West Monroe did win, the crowd gathered around and listened to just the band when they played the Alma Mater, Dixie Chorale, and then the all time fave, DIXIE!

- 10/24/00 Tonite the Rebel Band performed at the annual High School Marching Band Festival at ULM. They were the last band to perform. The band and the crowd were pleased when they announced that they had made a 1! This is the 35th year the band has received a 1 at the festival. Bands are judged on a scale from 1 to 5, 1 being the best and 5 being the worst. All there hard work has paid off! Way to go Rebel Band! We are proud of you all!

- 10/20/00 Tonight's game was against the Neville NERDS! They are our rivalry and they sure didn't seem much of a rivalry when the Rebs beat them 35-0! Anyways, enough about them, I am writing about the band! We marched at halftime and we did our regular show except we played You can call me Al for the Raiders instead of Hold On I'm Comin'. It was sooooo great! The fans went wild when we were through! WOW! Like Mr. Freeman says, "People will be throwing their newborn babies at us!" Well that didn't happen, but still, people went wild. After our show, they recognized the Seniors and the Band Sweet Heart for 2000, who is our Drum Major, Sara Taylor. It was a great night for the band, and I know I can't wait for festival Tuesday, Oct 24th. If you didn't see the band perform at this game, you still have a chance to watch it again on Tuesday on Channel 7 at 7:00 PM!

- 10/17/00 I added a chat room and a message board! Please start posting anything you have to say in the message board! Also, festival is only 1 week away! Wish us luck!! We have a reputation here to keep! (over 30 years of recieving 1's!)

- 10/15/00 new page: The "Link Us" page. Buttons so you can link us! Also I added a new picture at the top. (it's the band shirt!! hehe =)

- 10/13/00 This game was an away game for the Rebels. The whole band didn't go, only the pep band went. I didn't go so I really don't know how it went. I know that they didn't march though! I would never go on a school bus 6 hours long on a Friday the 13th! I listened to the game though and the Rebs won! It was a close game though 28-23. I just can't wait for this Friday's game against Neville, our rivalry! This one will be good! Remember to watch the game on channel 7 Tuesday night at 7 PM! I know I will be watching!

- 10/6/00 This Friday game was West Monroe's Homecoming. The band came out earlier and marched pre-game. They did their festival show, which is around 9 minutes long! It is the longest show they have ever done. It included Georgia on my mind, Sing sing sing, Taps, and God Bless America. During half-time they played Hold On I'm Comin' for the Raiders. Also they played their homecoming music which incudes: Ice Castles, Everything I do, and Wind Beneath my Wings.

- 2 pictures of the band at the super dome game this year! Thanks to you who sent me the pictures! Please keep those pics coming! Email them to me!

- 10/2 Added a poll AND a link page! Please add all your links and vote in the poll!

You have reached REBEL BAND 2000! The unofficial website about the Band here in West Monroe! Here you will find pictures, sound files, information about the band, and much more! Be prepared to be amazed at our performances! You can see the band perform at all our home games located at Rebel Stadium right next to West Monroe High School. Don't know where the high school is? Here is the address and phone number:

West Monroe High School
201 Riggs Street
West Monroe, LA 71291
(318) 323-3771

Here is the football schedule:

*August 25
Jamboree (Ruston)
*September 2
John Curtis
New Orleans Super Dome
*Septemeber 8
*September 15
*September 22
Midland Lee-TX
*September 29
*October 6
LaGrange (Homecoming)
*October 13
Moss Point
*October 20
*October 27
*November 3
*Rebels won!!

Download this years music in midi files!
"Georgia on My Mind"
"Sing Sing Sing" (a.k.a. The Chips Ahoy Song!)
"God Bless America"
"All Day And All Of The Night"
"Hold On I'm Comin'"
"Secret Agent Man"
"You Can Call Me Al"
"The Hey Song"
"Star Spangled Banner"
Homecoming Music:
"Wind Beneath my Wings"
"Ice Castles"
"Everything I Do"

Click right here to see pictures of the band!!!!

Without these people the band wouldn't be here! Click here to meet the directors of the Rebel and other people who are very important to the band!


Are you glad marching season is almost over?

YES!!! Finnaly!
yeah, marching was fun while it lasted
not really
NO!!! I want to march forever!!
i don't care really

November 2000


click here to add your link to the rebel band link page!
Click the green links button to view/add links!

Would you be a sweetie and link the REBEL BAND from your site?! I have already done all the work and made the buttons, all you have to do is add the code to your site!! Please click here to link us today!

This is so like our band it's not even funny!

Email the Webmaster

Click Here to read/add messages on the Rebel Band message board! Come on people and get a discussion going!!

hits since 10/8/00

Page Last Updated 11/12/00

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