Wnnepooh's FanFic Grotto

Okay, so it's been a while since I updated. I humbly apologize - It's been a LONG while since I've seen myself. I have new items started, but not finished. I have new fandoms for crossovers, and so many ideas that the mooses are loosing their fur vying for my attention to their causes... Ah, me... I've only got a portion of my total portfolio available, but they are up in their entirety. So, please enjoy and check back soon for updates.

All are welcome to frolic in the woods. Tinder warnings are up in the park - no campfires or flaming e-mails, please. Please drop us a line, let us know where you're from and what you think. Make yourself at home, pull up a camp stool, get comfortable with a s'more. But, please do NOT feed the Mooses. They're on strict diets and will get very rammy. It's not pretty when Lucey, Deucie, and Ethel start bashing. As of July 2003, we have a new addition to the park - Clyde. Whatever you do, don't ask him about that left antler. He's a little sensitive. So, be kind to your fellow visitors and the Rangers. Enjoy your stay... Now, where did I put that pemmican? Ah, yes. Here it is. You're still here? What can I do for you? Do you need help? Well, we've got lots of things to see here in the woods. Curling when it's cold enough, and when the hockey players give us some ice. Spring is the scene of our annual bug counting trip. We've been trying to catalog every bug in the park for some years now, but the stupid numbers keep falling off. Summer at the woods is ever so relaxing. But be certain to bring your bug spray - we're a might close to NJ, and have lost a few of our lighter weighted campers. Indian Summer is absolutely beautiful. Please sign up on the "Participants" roster for your personal experience - there are a few openings left this season. Come back in the fall when we've decorated with the latest fashions...

NOT YOUR TYPICAL DATE- (rated G for general content)
Blair is nervous enough about his date. But MAN, does he have a shocker coming!

OUT OF THE WILDS - (rated PG-13 for language and adult situations)
Jim and Blair have a strange visitor who needs their help in solving a five-year-old murder in the Amazon Basin. While Jim's tracking down leads, Blair's learning about his role as Shaman. (This is a LARGE piece with an original character.)

AHH, SWEET REVENGE- (rated S & S for Short & Sweet. Ooey Gooey, if you will.)
Blair is captive, tortured in a most tempting and cruel way.

DUCKS IN A ROW - (rated G for generally thought provoking)
Jim reflects on his life and what would happen to Blair without a "Blessed Protector" around.

TWO OF A KIND- (rated PG, just read it once make sure the kiddies won't be offended)
Blair's friend returns from the Borneo Expedition where she took his place. She has a secret to tell ~ one that could affect Blair's research and his friendship with Jim.

THOUSAND DREAMS- (rated SAD for Sad. WARNING: Death Thingy.)
A post S2,P1 scene for those of you who need to openly grieve.

Delusions or Grandeur - BMB Missing Scene - (rated TP for thought provoking)
Blair must once again face the demons after the Golden overdose.

SANDY GET YOUR GUN- (rated P for Possible. Maybe LL for Lesson Learned?)
Blair has a confession to make after a bust gone bad leaves Jim in the hospital, three bad guys in the morgue, and Blair without an owie.

UPS AND DOWNS- (rated F for fun)
The guys are in Pittsburgh for a convention and must face an old nemesis - the Elevators!

TO BLAIR'S SURPRISE - (rated SS for sorta serious, sorta silly)
Missing scene for SPARE PARTS. Jim and Naomi come to understand each other better for the sake of their common bond - Blair. And just exactly how DID Naomi get Jim upstairs???

CAPTAIN BANKS TO YOU - (rated P for Possible.)
Simon has had it with Blair's unofficial status ~ especially his "unofficial" injuries.

HUMMM for the Holiday - (rated CF for Claymation Fun)
Blair cooks up a holiday tradition while he and Jim reflect on their holiday memories.

JINX - (rated BB for Blair Bashing)
All Simon and Daryl wanted was a quiet vacation to make up for the Peru trip. What they got was a memorable trip!

GS Cookie Recon - (rated S&T for Samoas&Tagalongs)
Just a little homage to a common weakness - GS cookies. And a bit of a rant over the name changes...

AFTER ALL WE'VE BEEN THROUGH - (rated SS for Sorta Smarmy)
It involves Blair, an acoustic guitar, and a bit of Sentinel introspection... (And I was playing with my HTML Editor...)

HAVE FAITH, MY FRIEND - (rated VS for Visual Spoilers)
I was playing with the HTML editor again... and the mooses just pushed me RIGHT outta the way.


JUSTA THOUGHT - (rated W for Weirdness)
Just what DO Blair and Jim do on their days off? Provided the fanfic writers GIVE them a day off, that is. This is a Sentinel World/Fanfic World x-over.

STUDY IN MAGNETISM - (rated PG - for pretty good intentions, but adult words.)
Blair heads to Chicago on an academic mission for Rainier. Of course wherever Sandburg goes, so goes trouble. And since we're in Chicago, there's only one person to watch over our favorite anthropologist - Gary Hobson, the man who gets tomorrow's newspaper - today. (Sentinel/Early Edition)

    part 1
    part 2
    part 3

OLD WOUNDS - (rated PG - for drunk and disorderly conduct, language)
There's a new detective in the CPD Major Crimes bullpen, bringing their own secrets and opening up a lot of old wounds. In the meantime, Simon has his hands full with three decapitated bodies... (Sentinel/Highlander)

    part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4

    part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8

    part 9 part 10 part 11

    part 12 part 13 Post-Game

    You REALLY want to contact me?

    The counter is temporarily on strike...

    This many people have stopped by the grotto.